The Netherlands Commercial Court holds its first hearing!
Written by Georgia Antonopoulou and Xandra Kramer, Erasmus University Rotterdam (PhD candidate and PI ERC consolidator project Building EU Civil Justice)
Only six weeks after its establishment, the Netherlands Commercial Court (NCC) held its first hearing today, 18 February 2019 (see our previous post on the creation of the NCC). The NCC’s maiden case Elavon Financial Services DAC v. IPS Holding B.V. and others was heard in summary proceedings and concerned an application for court permission to sell pledged shares (see here). The application was filed on 11 February and the NCC set the hearing date one week later, thereby demonstrating its commitment to offer a fast and efficient forum for international commercial disputes.
The parties’ contract entailed a choice of forum clause in favour of the court in Amsterdam. However, according to the new Article 30r (1) of the Dutch Code of Civil Procedure and Article 1.3.1. of the NCC Rules an action may be initiated in the NCC if the Amsterdam District Court has jurisdiction to hear the action and the parties have expressly agreed in writing to litigate in English before the NCC. Lacking an agreement in the initial contract, the parties in Elavon Financial Services DAC v. IPS Holding B.V. subsequently agreed by separate agreement to bring their case before the newly established chamber and thus to litigate in English, bearing the NCC’s much higher, when compared to the regular Dutch courts, fees. Unlike other international commercial courts which during their first years of functioning were ‘fed’ with cases transferred from other domestic courts or chambers, the fact that the parties in the present case directly chose the NCC is a positive sign for the court’s future case flow.
As we have reported on this blog before, the NCC is a specialized chamber of the Amsterdam District Court, established on 1 January 2019. It has jurisdiction in international civil and commercial disputes, on the basis of a choice of court agreement. The entire proceedings are in English, including the pronouncement of the judgment. Judges have been selected from the Netherlands on the basis of their extensive experience with international commercial cases and English language skills. The Netherlands Commercial Court of Appeal (NCCA) complements the NCC on appeal. Information on the NCC, a presentation of the court and the Rules of Procedure are available on the website of the Dutch judiciary. It advertises the court well, referring to “the reputation of the Dutch judiciary, which is ranked among the most efficient, reliable and transparent worldwide. And the Netherlands – and Amsterdam in particular – are a prime location for business, and a gateway to Europe.” Since a number of years, the Dutch civil justice system has been ranked no. 1 in the WJP Rule of Law Index.
In part triggered by the uncertainties of Brexit and the impact this may have on the enforcement of English judgments in Europe in particular, more and more EU Member States have established or are about to establish international commercial courts with a view to accommodating and attracting high-value commercial disputes (see also our previous posts here and here). Notable similar initiatives in Europe are the ‘Frankfurt Justice Initiative’ (for previous posts see here and here) and the Brussels International Business Court (see here). While international commercial courts are mushrooming in Europe, a proposal for a European Commercial Court has also come to the fore so as to effectively compete with similar courts outside Europe (see here and here).
The complexity of the post Brexit era for English LLPs and foreign legal professionals in EU Member States: a French perspective
Written by Sophie Hunter, University of London (SOAS)
In light of the turmoil in the UK Parliament since the start of 2019, the only certain thing about Brexit is that everything is uncertain. The Law Society of England and Wales has warned that “if the UK’s relationship with the rest of the EU were to change as the result of significant renegotiations, or the UK choosing to give up its membership, the effects would be felt throughout the legal profession.” As a result of Brexit, British firms and professionals will no longer be subject to European directives anymore. This foreshadows a great deal of complexity. Since British legal entities occupy a central place within the European legal market, stakes are high for both British and European lawyers. A quick overview of the challenges faced by English LLPs in France and the Paris Bar demonstrates a high level of complexity that, is not and, should be considered more carefully by politicians. Read more
The Aftermath of the CJEU’s Kuhn Judgment – Hellas triumphans in Vienna. Really.
Written by Stephan Walter, Research Fellow at the Institute for German and International Civil Procedure Law, University of Bonn, Germany
Claims brought by creditors of Greek state bonds against Greece in connection with the 2012 haircut do not fall under the substantive scope of the Brussels Ibis Regulation because they stem from the exercise of public authority. Hence, they cannot be regarded as civil and commercial matters in the sense of Article 1(1) Brussels Ibis Regulation. This is the essence of the CJEU’s Kuhn judgment (of 15 November 2018, Case C-308/17, ECLI:EU:C:2018:911), which was already discussed on this blog.
In said blog post, it was rightly pointed out that the judgment could be nothing but a Pyrrhic victory for Greece. Not least the – now possible – application of national (sometimes exorbitant) jurisdictional rules was considered to have the potential to backfire. This was, however, only the case, if Greece was not granted immunity in the first place. In short: the fallout of the CJEU’s judgment was hardly predictable. Read more
Conference & call for papers Sustaining Access to Justice
Save the date
On 19-20 October 2023 a conference on ‘Sustaining Access to Justice: Developments and Views on Costs and Funding’ will be held at Erasmus University Rotterdam. The conference is organised by the project team Affordable Access to Justice, financed by the Dutch Research Council. Confirmed keynote speakers include Rachael Mulheron (Queen Mary University London) and Andreas Stein (European Commission, DG Justice and Consumers, head of unit). More information on the program and registration will follow soon.
Call for papers
For this conference we invite submissions of abstracts from early career researchers and young practitioners.
The conference’s theme: Access to civil justice is of paramount importance for enforcing citizens’ rights. At the heart access to civil justice lies litigation funding and cost management. Yet, over the past decades, access to justice has been increasingly put under pressure due to retrenching governments, high costs of procedure, and inefficiency of courts and justice systems. Within this context, the funding of litigation in Europe seems to be shifting from public to private. Private actors and innovative business models emerged to provide new solutions to the old problem of financial barriers of access to justice. With the participation of policymakers, practitioners, academics and civil society representatives from all over Europe, the conference seeks to delve deeper into the financial implications of access to justice and the different ways to achieve sustainable civil justice systems in Europe. The topics addressed will include the different methods of financing dispute adjudication, particularly in the context of group litigation (third-party funding, crowdfunding, blockchain technologies), public interest litigation, developments in ADR/ODR, and the new business models of legal professionals.
Call for Papers: During the second day of the Conference (20 October) a panel will be organised which is intended to function as a forum for young scholars and young practitioners to present their work in front of a distinguished and broad audience. We particularly invite Early Career Researchers, PhD candidates (at an advanced stage of their PhD), and young practitioners to participate and present their research on the conference’s topics and beyond. While the contributions should fall within the Conference broader topic (costs and funding of civil justice), authors are free to include matters they deem interesting to explore within this context. Proposals can be theoretical, empirical as well as policy oriented. Interdisciplinary approaches and/or a Law & Economics approach are especially encouraged.
Submissions and deadline: Please submit an extended abstract (max 1000 words) in English to and on 7 July 2023 at the latest. Please include your name, affiliation, and a link to your research profile. Submissions will be selected based on quality, originality, interdisciplinarity and the capacity to incite fruitful debates. Accepted submissions will be notified on 30 July 2023 at the latest. The selected participants will be asked to submit their final manuscript in early 2024.
The organisers aim to include the best papers in the conference proceedings, to be published as an edited volume with a reputable publisher. Further details in this regard will be communicated in due time.
Funding for travel and accommodation is available for the selected authors.
The conference venue will be @ Erasmus University Rotterdam – Woudestein Campus. The conference is organised by Erasmus School of Law in the context of the VICI Project ‘Affordable Access to Justice’. More information at:
Online Panel on May 8: Fundamental Rights and PIL after the decision of the German Constitutional Court on the Act to Combat Child Marriages (in German)
On Monday, May 8, 2023, the Hamburg Max Planck Institute will host its 33th monthly virtual workshop Current Research in Private International Law at 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. (CEST). Deviating from the usual format there will be an online panel on
Fundamental Rights and PIL after the decision of the German Constitutional Court on the Act to Combat Child Marriages*
The panelist are Henning Radtke (Judge at the Constitutional Court), Dagmar Coester-Waltjen (Professor emeritus for PIL at University of Göttingen), Susanne Gössl (Professor for PIL at University of Bonn) and Lars Viellechner (Professor for Constitutional Law at University of Bremen). The discussion discussion will be in German.
After opening statements from the panelists, the discussion will be opened to the audience. All are welcome. More information and sign-up here.
If you want to be invited to these events in the future, please write to
* Information on the decision here.
In Memoriam Oliver Remien
It is with great sadness that we have learned of the untimely passing of Oliver Remien, Professor at the University of Würzburg, Germany, on Monday, 24 April 2023.
Oliver Remien, born in 1957, wrote his doctoral and habilitation theses at the Hamburg Max Planck Institute, where he worked as an assistant to Ulrich Drobnig. He joined the University of Würzburg in 2001. An area of perpetual interest for him was the comparison of European private law(s), with a particular focus on the “Four Freedoms” of primary EU law, the growing impact of secondary EU law, and the practilities of the increasingly frequent application of foreign law in the domestic courts of the Member States.
Our thoughts are with his family.