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857 search results for: arbitration


Skopje Conference on impact of EU PIL on local laws

The conference “Recent trends in European Private International Law – Challenges for the national legislations of the South East European countries” is held in Skopje, Macedonia on 24 September 2011. This is the 9th conference in the series of regional private international law conferences, the most recent being announced


Thirty-one publications on South African private international law 2008-2011

Bennett and Kopke “Characterization and ‘gap’ in the conflict of laws” 2008 South African Law Journal 62 Eiselen “Goodbye arrest ad fundandam. Hello forum non conveniens?” 2008 TSAR 794 Harder “Statutes of limitation between classification and renvoi: Australian and South African approaches compared” 2011 ICLQ 659 Neels “Falconbridge in Africa” 2008 Journal of Private International […]


Spanish Legislación de Derecho Internacional Privado, latest edition

The 14th edition of the Legislación de Derecho Internacional Privado has been released. Prepared by Professors Santiago Álvarez González, Carlos Esplugues Mota, Pilar Rodriguez Mateos and Sixto Sánchez Lorenzo, it a useful tool for students, practitioners, and foreign scholars willing to know what PIL laws, either autonomous, conventional or European, are applicable in Spain (and, […]


Hague Academy, Summer Programme for 2012

Private International Law * Inaugural Conference (30 July) Conflicts of Laws and Uniform Law In Contemporary Private International Law : Dilemma or Convergence? Didier OPERTTI BADÁN; Professor at the Catholic University of Montevideo. General Course (6-17 August) The Law of the Open Society Jürgen BASEDOW; Director of the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International […]


EESC Opinion on the Brussels I Review published yesterday

The Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee on the ‘Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters’ was published yesterday (OJ, C, 218). Though the Committee warmly welcomes the Commission’s proposal and supports it, it […]