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144 search results for: ECHR


Excessive English Costs Orders and Greek Public Policy

Dr. Apostolos Anthimos is attorney at law at the Thessaloniki Bar, Greece. He holds a Ph.D. in International Civil Litigation and is a visiting lecturer at the International Hellenic University. Two recent Court of Appeal rulings in Greece have demonstrated the significance of the public policy clause in international litigation and arbitration. Both judgments are […]


Ubertazzi on Kate Provence Pictures

Benedetta Ubertazzi is a Full-Tenured Assistant Professor of International Law, Faculty of Law, University of Macerata, Italy and a Fellow at Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. The publication of topless photographs of Britain’s likely future queen Catherine Elizabeth Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge (hereinafter: Kate Middleton or the Duchess), by certain newspapers in several EU countries – such […]


Muir Watt on Kate Provence Pictures

Horatia Muir Watt is a professor of law at Sciences-po Paris Law School. Cachez ce sein…It seems to me that this case – which is perhaps less intrinsically interesting, even from a conflict of laws perspective, than other recent instances in which the cross-border exercise of the freedom of press is challenged in the name of […]


First Issue of 2012’s Revue Critique de Droit International Privé

The last issue of the Revue critique de droit international privé was just released. It contains four articles and several casenotes. The first article is a survey of the 2011 Polish law of private international law by the late Tomasz Pajor, who was a professor at Lodz University (La nouvelle loi polonaise de droit international […]


Hess on Germany v. Italy

State Immunity, Violation of Human Rights and the Individual’s Right for Reparations – A Comment on the ICJ’s Judgment of February 2, 2012 (Germany v. Italy, Greece Intervening) Burkhard Hess is a Professor of Law at the University of Heidelberg In this blog, the pronouncement of the judgment of the ICJ in the case Germany […]


López de Tejada on the Abolition of Exequatur

María López de Tejada holds a PhD in law from the University of Paris II with a thesis on the abolition of the exequatur procedure. She has recently published an article on the topic in the Spanish journal La Ley (Diario La Ley, Nº 7766, Sección Tribuna, 30 Dic. 2011). Here is a summary of the […]