

Jurisdiction to Garnish Funds in Foreign Bank Account

By Stephen G.A. Pitel, Faculty of Law, Western University Instrubel, N.V., a Dutch corporation, has been attempting in litigation in Quebec to garnish assets of the Republic of Iraq.  The difficult issue has been the nature of the assets sought to be garnished and where they are, as a matter of law, located.  The assets […]

Germany’s Approach to Cross-border Corporate Social Responsibility of Enterprises: Latest Developments

by Marie Elaine Schäfer The cross-border expansion of EU companies’ economic activities not only leads to a globalised market, but also impacts human rights as well as the environment in countries worldwide. The recent rise of claims against EU companies for the violations committed by their subsidiaries located in third countries is a by-product of […]

Remote Child-Related Proceedings in Times of Pandemic – Crisis Measures or Justice Reform Trigger?

by Nadia Rusinova The coronavirus will have an enormous impact on how we consume, how we learn, how we work, and how we socialize and communicate. It already significantly impacts the functioning of the justice system – the COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing requirements have required courts to be flexible and creative in continuing to […]


New Private International Law Article in Current Legal Problems

The journal, Current Legal Problems yesterday, inter alia, published an open access article on private international law: Alex Mills,

New Publication in Journal of International Dispute Settlement

On 13 March 2023, the Journal of International Dispute Settlement  published a private international law article: G Antonopoulou,