RabelsZ 87 (2023): Issue 4

The latest issue of RabelsZ has just been released. It contains the following contributions:


Mareike Schmidt, Kulturalität der Rechtsanwendung und internationale Rechtsvereinheitlichung – Überlegungen am Beispiel des UN-Kaufrechts, 643–671, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1628/rabelsz-2023-0077

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Early Career Research Workshop on Dispute Resolution Mechanisms and Competence-Competence in Multi-Level Systems (Berlin, 15–17 February 2024)

From 15 February 2024 to 17 February 2024, an early career research workshop will be held at Freie Universität Berlin to discuss works in progress on dispute resolution mechanisms and competence-competence in multi-level systems. The workshop invites young researchers working on related topics from all fields of legal research and is open to different methodological approaches to analyse the research questions. The workshop aims to generate a constructive and friendly atmosphere to test working hypotheses and discuss findings. Read more

Private International Law and Sustainable Development: Global and Latin American Perspectives

Revista Direito.UnB | V. 07, N. 3, Tomo I, EDIÇÃO ESPECIAL 2023

A new special issue of the University of Brasilia Law Journal is dedicated to the topic “Private International Law and Sustainable Development: Global and Latin American Perspectives”. The issue, co-edited by Véronica Ruiz Abou-Nigm and María Mercedes Albornoz, is based on contributions to a panel at the 15th conference of ASADIP in Asunción, Paraguay (2022), and contains some articles in Spanish, some in English. The issue is available as open access.

GEDIP Position paper on Parenthood

The European Group for Private International Law (GEDIP) has recently adopted a Position paper on the Proposal for a Council Regulation in matters of Parenthood.

The Group welcomes the EU’s intention to legislate in this field, since parenthood is a status from which persons derive numerous rights and obligations.  However, the Group is of the opinion that there are important shortcomings in the Proposal due to the narrow perspective taken and an insufficient consideration of the legal complexities concerning parenthood in cross-border situations. It therefore encourages a reconsideration of the Proposal in the light of its observations.

Virtual Workshop (in English) on January 9: Jie (Jeanne) Huang on Can Private Parties Contract out of the Hague Service Convention?

On Tuesday, January 9, 2024, the Hamburg Max Planck Institute will host its 40th monthly virtual workshop Current Research in Private International Law at 11:00-12:30 (CET). Jie (Jeanne) Huang (University of Sydney Law School) will speak, in English, about the topic

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2nd Postgraduate Law Conference of the Centre for Private International Law 6 May 2024

 The Centre for Private International Law (CPIL) of the University of Aberdeen is pleased to announce that it is now accepting is now accepting submissions for the 2nd Postgraduate Law Conference of the Centre for Private International Law which will take place online on 6 May 2024. 

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First View Articles for International and Comparative Law Quarterly Issue 1 of 2024

The first view articles for ICLQ issue 1 of 2024 was recently published. As regards, private international law, it contains one research article and a book review as follows:

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“Who’s Afraid of Punitive Damages?” – Conference in Augsburg on 8 and 9 March 2024

On 8 and 9 March, a conference will be held at the University of Augsburg, Germany, to discuss the current developments in the award and/or recognition of punitive damages. The conference, which is part of a larger research project, takes the leading German decision on the question as a starting point to discuss if and to what extent its highly restrictive approach is still tenable.

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ANZSIL Book and Journal Article/ Book Chapter Publication Prizes for Private/Public International Law

ANZSIL awards up to four ANZSIL publication prizes on an annual basis.  Up to two prizes will be awarded for books (the ANZSIL Book Prizes) and up to two prizes will be awarded for journal articles or book chapters (the ANZSIL journal article/ book chapter prizes).   Read more

Out Now: Lukas/Geroldinger, ABGB-Kommentar, 4th ed 2023 on Austrian PIL (written by Heindler and Verschraegen)

Authored by Bea Verschraegen and Florian Heindler, the Austrian Publishing House MANZ published on 1 December 2023 an Article-by-Article Commentary in two Volumes on the entire Private International Law applicable in Austria. The volumes include, in particular, the Rome Regulations (I–III), the Succession and the Matrimonial Property Regulation, the Hague Maintenance Protocol, the Hague Conventions on the Protection of Adults, on the Protection of Children, Adoption, Child Abduction and Traffic Accidents as well as the Austrian Private International Law Act. The two volumes with 1840 pages are edited by Peter Rummel, Meinhard Lukas and Andreas Geroldinger.