Journal of Private International Law 20th Anniversary Conference: Call for Paper Proposals


The following information on the Journal of Private International Law 20th Anniversary Conference, to be held at the Faculty of Laws, University College London, Thursday 11 – Saturday 13 September 2025, has kindly been provided by Ugljesa Grusic.

We are pleased to invite the submission of paper proposals for the conference. Submission is open to anyone regardless of seniority or academic affiliation, including postgraduate students and practitioners, with an expectation that you will produce a paper for submission to the Journal of Private International Law by the end of the 2025 calendar year (with publication subject to the usual peer review process). Proposals are welcome on any topic within the scope of the Journal. A proposal should include an abstract of no more than 500 words, as well as details of the name and affiliation(s) of the author(s).

The conference will include, in the customary manner, a mixture of parallel panel sessions (on Thursday afternoon and Saturday morning) and plenary sessions (on Friday). Please indicate in your proposal whether you are willing to present in either format, or only in one or the other – a willingness to be flexible will increase your chance of being selected. Selection will be made by the conference organisers (Professor Ugljesa Grusic and Professor Alex Mills) and the Editors of the Journal (Professor Jonathan Harris and Professor Paul Beaumont).

The conference will be held in Bentham House, the home of UCL Faculty of Laws, in Bloomsbury, London. Speakers will not be expected to pay a conference fee, but will need to pay for their own expenses, including travel and accommodation. Non-speakers will be expected to pay a conference fee.  A conference dinner will be held on Friday (12 September 2025), at additional cost and with limited places – details will be provided in due course on the conference web page at There are a wide variety of hotels available nearby – further information about accommodation options and other practicalities will also be provided on the conference web page in due course.

Please send your paper proposal by email to by 17 January 2025.

We look forward to receiving your proposals, and to welcoming you to London in September 2025!

Professor Ugljesa Grusic, Professor of Private International Law (UCL)
Professor Alex Mills, Professor of Public and Private International Law (UCL)
Professor Paul Beaumont, Professor of Private International Law (University of Stirling)
Professor Jonathan Harris, Professor of International Commercial Law (King’s College London)

1 reply
  1. Olivia says:

    Hola ,

    Me gustaría saber con quién puedo hablar dentro de tu empresa Conflictuslegum para comentar la posibilidad de que aparezcáis en prensa. Hemos conseguido que negocios como el tuyo sean publicados en periódicos como La Vanguardia o La Razón, entre muchos otros.

    Aparecer en periódicos digitales es una solución de gran valor para vosotros porque os permitirá: Mejorar vuestro posicionamiento y visibilidad en los buscadores, incrementar la confianza que transmitís cuando vuestros clientes os busquen en internet y diferenciaros de la competencia.

    Nuestro precio es de 195e. Te puedo enseñar ejemplos y casos de éxito para que veas cómo funciona. Ofrecemos devolución del dinero si no conseguimos resultados.

    ¿Cuándo te iría mejor que te llamáramos? Puedes reservar una llamada con nosotros:

    Un saludo.

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