Praxis des Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts (IPRax) 2/2025: Abstracts
The latest issue of the „Praxis des Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts“ (IPRax) features the following articles:
The latest issue of the „Praxis des Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts“ (IPRax) features the following articles:
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Thomas Rauscher, formerly a professor of private international law at the University of Leipzig (Germany) and still one of the most prolific commentators on German and European PIL, has been honoured by a Festschrift on the occasion of his 70th birthday. The volume, titled “Europeanization of private law”, has 623 pages and is published by CH Beck (Munich). It contains numerous contributions on private international law, comparative law and international civil procedure. The authors come from various countries, including Germany, Austria, Hungary, the United States and Vietnam. Most contributions are in German. For further information and a table of contents, please click here.
Issue 1/2025 of RabelsZ has just just been released. It contains the contributions to a family law symposium held at the Max Planck Institute in Hamburg in June 2024. All content is Open Access: CC BY 4.0 and more articles are available Online First.
Anne Röthel, Preface to this family law special, pp. 1–2,
Anne Röthel, Familienrechte unter den Bedingungen der Moderne – eine Erprobung, [Family Law Under the Conditions of Modernity – An Assay], pp. 3–34,
Since the turn of the twentieth century, many European legal concepts of marriage, divorce, parentage, and family have been fundamentally transformed. These shifts are spoken of in terms of relaxation, liberalization, pluralization, individualization, and emancipation, whereupon family law is often said to have been »modernized« or become »more modern«, premised on the everyday usage of »modern« to signify what is new or has changed. This article focuses instead on the concept of modernity as the quintessential identifier of particular legal ideals and particular assumptions about developments in the law as they have unfolded in the sociological theory of modernization. Based on examples, this article shows how family law in European jurisdictions can be described as »modern« in this specific sense of the word, identifies the legal structures through which these modernizing instances have been accomplished, and points out ongoing tensions over the legal ideals of modernity. The result is a nuanced portrait of the modernity of family law in Europe and the various dynamics affecting it. Modernity is as much of a failure as it is a fait accompli. But modernity has fundamentally changed expectations, both about how the core notions of family law are to be justified as well as about law’s legitimate function.
Johanna Croon-Gestefeld, Is There Such a Thing as Transnational Family Law?, pp. 35–58,
Analysis of transnational law embraces the idea that thinking about the law almost exclusively in national terms is inadequate. Transnational legal analysis further rests on the concept of legal pluralism. Family law has received little attention in the field of transnational law so far. But the existence of transnational and migrant families is plain. Moreover, family law pertains to events that take place in a pluralist environment. Does it therefore make sense to look at family law from the transnational point of view? This article explores this question in detail. It sets forth that the transnational perspective assists in depicting the operation of family law in a globalized world, including by encompassing the phenomenon of non-state actors being heavily involved in the creation, application and enforcement of family law.
Anatol Dutta, Familie und Personenstand: Die zunehmende Bedeutung des Personenstandswesens, [Family and Personal Status: The Increasing Importance of Civil Status Registration], pp. 59–82,
This article focuses on the civil status registration system, an area of public administration whose central task is to record as completely as possible important life events of citizens – birth, marriage, the establishment of a registered partnership, and death. In many jurisdictions, the civil registrars thereby engage in public enforcement of otherwise private family status laws. The registry offices not only record the facts relevant for civil status but also certify parentage, marriage and partnership, name and gender as legal status relationships based on family law and the law of natural persons. This paper aims to show that certain recent developments have increased the importance of civil status registration, but so far the consequences of this increase have not always been sufficiently recognized, neither in legal policy nor in legal academia.
Katharina Kaesling, Kindliche Autonomie und elterliche Sorge im (digitalen) Binnenmarkt, [Children’s Autonomy and Parental Rights of Care in the (Digital) Single Market], pp. 83–131,
Children are increasingly important actors in the (digital) single market. The realization of their (digital) autonomy has to be reconciled with their protection. The developing capacities of minors, to which the legal systems of the Member States and the European regulatory approaches refer in different ways, are crucial in this respect. The rules of the Member States determine how children can shape their external relations autonomously and how their opinions are taken into account within the family. Starting with the General Data Protection Regulation and continued by new EU digital legislation, such as the Digital Services Act, new, largely indirect regulatory approaches have emerged, based on the obligations of other private actors, such as data controllers and online platforms. Against this background, the article comparatively analyses context-specific regulations and their application in the analogue and digital spheres. The legal fragmentation resulting from the differences in regulation jeopardizes not only the internal market, but also the steering function of state law and thus the guarantee of children’s autonomy in the EU – especially in the data and platform economy.
Iryna Dikovska, Removal and Retention of Children in Times of War: The Hague Child Abduction Convention and the Case of Ukraine, pp. 83–131,
It seems fair that a parent who has custody of a child who is removed or retained abroad without the parent’s consent should be able to have the child returned. However, what if this entails return to a country at war? What if the child has settled down in a new country to such an extent that returning to the country from which he or she was once removed would be highly traumatic? What should happen when the child objects to his or her return? To which state can a child be returned? Does the parental right of return depend on the legis-lative provisions regarding border crossings and whether they stipulate that a child may be taken out of the country without the parent’s consent? These and other questions are analysed under the lens of the 1980 Hague Convention on the Abduction of Children, con-sidering in particular the specific example of Ukrainian children who, after the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, were taken to the territory of states that are party to the Convention.
This issue also contains several reviews of literature, this time with a special focus on family law (pp. 165–192).
The Mexican Academy of Private International and Comparative Law (AMEDIP) is holding a webinar on Thursday 27 February 2025 at 14:30 (Mexico City time – CST), 21:30 (CET time). The topic of the webinar is ‘Private International Law in the Inter-American system: A glance in the light of the 50 anniversary of the CIDIP’ and will be presented by OAS Director Dante Negro (in Spanish).
CIDIP is the Spanish acronym for the Inter-American Specialized Conferences on Private International Law. For a history of the CIDIP, click here. Read more
In 2024, Oxford University Press published Philosophical Foundations of Private International Law, edited by Roxana Banu, Michael S Green, and Ralf Michaels. The book represents the first inter-disciplinary engagement with questions of private international law from a philosophical perspective, covers a wide range of philosophical questions in private international law and brings philosophers in conversation with private international law scholars to demystify the analytical tools of each discipline in relationship to the other. More information on the book, including a table of contents, is here.
Now, Oxford University is organizing a hybrid book launch on March 19, 4pm-6pm. An introduction from the Editors will be followed by a discussion on key themes by Gabriel Encinas, Verónica Ruiz Abu-Nigm, Robert Stevens, Antonios Tzanakopoulos, and Emmanuel Voyiakis. More information on the event and on how to sign up for physical or virtual participation is here.
Workshop on Cross-border Protection of Cultural Property Agenda
2025.2.28, UTC 8:00 – 12:15 (London Time)
8:00 – 8:05 | Opening Remarks | ||
Zheng Tang | professor of Law, editor in chief, Chinese Journal of Transnational Law; Associate Dean, Wuhan University Academy of International Law and Global Governance | ||
8:05 – 8:45 | Keynote Address | ||
Christa Roodt | Senior Lecturer of History of Art, University of Glasgow | ||
Zhengxin Huo | Professor of Law, China University of Political Science and Law | ||
Panel 1: Legal Mechanisms of Cross-Border Cultural Property Protection | |||
8:45 – 9:00 | Elena Moustaira | The contribution of Postcolonial Theory to the cross-border protection of Indigenous cultural heritage | |
9:00 – 9:15 | Yehya Badr | Restitution of stolen foreign cultural property and hurdles in choice of law | |
9:15 – 9:30 | Maggie Fleming Cacot | Forfeiture and freezing orders in transborder cultural property litigation | |
9:30 – 9:50 | Commentary and Discussion | ||
Panel 2: Regional Practices and Challenges in Cultural Property Restitution | |||
9:50 – 10:05 | Andrzej’s Jakubowski | Moving People, Shifting State Borders and the Return of Cultural Property: The Case of Poland | |
10:05 – 10:20 | Miroslaw Michal Sadowski | From freedom to restitution (with special focus on Central and Eastern Europe and the Lusophone community) | |
10:20 – 10:35 | Ekin Omeroglu | The Issue of Applicable Law in Disputes Arising from Violations of Private Law Regulations on Cultural Properties: The Case of Turkiye | |
10:35 – 10:50 | Ruida Chen | Restitution of cultural property in China: In search of a new paradigm for cross-border cultural property claims | |
10:50 – 11:10 | Commentary and Discussion | ||
Panel 3: Looking to the Past and the Future | |||
11:10 – 11:25 | Dabbie De Girolamo | The Relevance of ADR for transnational cultural property disputes: A Survey and Analysis of China’s experience | |
11:25 – 11:40 | Andreas Giorgallis | Restitution of cultural objects unethically acquired during the colonial era: The intersection of Public and Private International Law | |
11:40 – 11:55 | Evelien Campfens | Evolving Legal Models of Restitution | |
11:55 – 12:15 | Commentary and Discussion |
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 874 2489 1864 Password: 574150
The second issue of 2024 of Giustizia consensuale (published by Editoriale Scientifica) has just been released, and it features:
Tommaso dalla Massara (Professor at Università Roma Tre), Per un’ermeneutica della certezza nel processo civile romano: tra regula iuris e determinazione pecuniaria (For a Hermeneutics of Certainty in the Roman Civil Process: Between Regula Iuris and Pecuniary Determination; in Italian).
This contribution offers a reflection on procedural certainty, starting from the Roman classical process. In particular, crucial is the idea that, in this procedural system, certainty is to be related to the rule of ‘condemnatio pecuniaria’. Thus, certainty is translated into the determinacy of the pecuniary sentence. What emerges is a peculiar way of understanding judicial activity, which is characterised by the alternativeness between the groundedness and groundlessness of the claim (si paret/si non paret oriented to a certum), as opposed to the hypothesis in which the assessment is left entirely to the judge.
Beatrice Ficcarelli (Associate Professor at the University of Florence), L’acquisizione di informazioni e «prove» nella negoziazione assistita da avvocati: la tessera che mancava (The Acquisition of Information and ‘Evidence’ in Negotiation Assisted by Lawyers: The Missing Piece of the Puzzle; in Italian). Read more
Benedikt Schmitz (University of Groningen) has shared the following call for participants with us:
Quo Vadis Preferential Law Approach? A Survey on the Interpretation of Article 6(2) Rome I Regulation Across EU Member States
Project description:
The Rome I Regulation plays a crucial role in determining the applicable law in cross-border consumer contracts within the European Union. Article 6(2) Rome I Regulation allows parties to choose the governing law while ensuring that consumers do not lose the protection granted by mandatory provisions of the law that would apply in the absence of such a choice. Despite its significance, the interpretation of this provision varies across Member States, leading to questions about its practical coherence and effectiveness. Read more
We are happy to share the following call for papers by the Journal of Law, Market & Innovation (JMLI):
The JLMI invites contributions on the subject of “Regulatory Initiatives on Ecodesign and Sustainable Products”, to explore the legal frameworks, challenges, and opportunities related to ecodesign, with the goal of fostering an in-depth understanding of how it can influence economic growth and how it will be integrated in the current legal framework. This Special Section invites scholarly contributions examining the role of emerging sustainability initiatives, introducing new sustainability requirements and responsibilities, particularly in the EU regulatory framework. Read more
An impressive Italian monograph of more than 400 pages on jurisdiction in internet cases (‘Il foro dell’obbligazione nata in internet’) has just been published.
The author has kindly provided the following summary:
The book addresses the topic of civil jurisdiction over disputes arising on the Internet, observing it from different perspectives. In the first chapter the Author delves into the United States case law on the so-called “Internet torts”, reaching the conclusion that solutions based on the targeting test could be usefully employed to draft an international convention with the aim of establishing rules in the current confusing scenario. In the second and third chapters the doctrine of forum non conveniens and the phenomenon of libel tourism are explored in-depth. The fourth chapter examines the main decisions issued by the CJEU concerning jurisdiction over contractual and extracontractual liability (including cases such as eDate, Bolagsupplysningen, Pammer, etc.), while the fifth chapter is focused solely on Italian procedural rules and case law. In the last two chapters, starting from the assumed need to ensure the effectiveness of judicial remedies, the problems of the extraterritorial scope of online content removal orders as well as important EU Regulations (mostly the Digital Services Act and the GDPR) are examined, with finally a part on the “Schrems saga” and the EU-US agreements on the transfer of personal data (including the EU-US Data Privacy Framework).