Entries by Xandra Kramer

Tort jurisdiction and pure economic loss – Request preliminary ruling

Written by Laura van Bochove, Erasmus University Rotterdam In January, the Dutch Court of Cassation referred several questions on Article 5(3) Brussels I Regulation to the CJEU for a preliminary ruling (Case C-12/15), including the questions how a court should establish 1) whether an economic loss is an ‘initial loss’ or a ‘consequential loss’ and […]

Call for papers: Extraterritorial application of EU Law

Erasmus+ Program/Jean Monnet Project: EU Law between Universalism and Fragmentation: Exploring the Challenge of Promoting EU Values beyond its Border Call for papers (Young researchers) THE EXTRATERRITORIAL APPLICATION OF EU LAW Vigo (Spain) The Spanish Association of Professors of International Law and International Relations (

Symposium International Civil Procedure – Asser Institute 19 March 2015

PLEASE NOTE: THIS CONFERENCE IS FULLY BOOKED, NO SPACES AVAILABLE!   To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the T.M.C. Asser Institute and its Private International Law department it organises the symposium: International Civil Procedure and Brussels Ibis on 19 March 2015 The main theme will be international civil procedure, with an emphasis on the new […]

Issue 2014.4 Nederlands Internationaal Privaatrecht – Recognition and enforcement

The fourth issue of 2014 of the Dutch journal on Private International Law, Nederlands Internationaal Privaatrecht, is dedicated to the Recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments, and focuses on gaps and flaws in the current framework and new pathways. It includes the following contributions: Paulien van der Grinten, ‘Recognition and enforcement in the European Union: […]

New Dutch treatise on PIL (Asser/Kramer & Verhagen)

The last volume of three books dedicated to private international law within the leading Asser-series in the Netherlands has just been published. Asser/Kramer & Verhagen, 10-III International vermogensrecht, Deventer: Kluwer 2015 (827 pages). It is authored by Xandra Kramer (Erasmus University Rotterdam) and Rick Verhagen (Radboud University Nijmegen/Clifford Chance), in collaboration with Sanne van Dongen and Paul Vonken […]

Dutch draft bill on collective action for compensation – a note on extraterritorial application

As many readers will know, the Dutch collective settlement scheme – laid down in the Dutch collective settlement act (Wet collective afhandeling massaschade, WCAM) – has attracted a lot of international attention in recent years as a result of several global settlements, including those in the Shell and Converium securities cases. Once the Amsterdam Court […]

Dutch Private International Law journal, 2014 second and third issue published

The second issue of 2014 of the Dutch journal on Private International Law, Nederlands Internationaal Privaatrecht (published in June) includes scholarly articles on the Unamar ruling of the European Court of Justice and the reform of the European Insolvency Regulation. Jan-Jaap Kuipers & Jochem Vlek, ‘Het Hof van Justitie en de bescherming van de handelsagent: […]