Entries by Gilles Cuniberti

Juif or not Juif?

Do you own an iPhone or an iPad? I don’t, and so was not aware of the fact that, if I had, I could have bought an App(lication) called “Jew or not Jew?” for less than 2 Euros. Well, could have only, because after some French Jewish and anti-racism organizations complained in September that the App violated […]

Krombach Sentenced Again to 15 years

On October 22nd, 2011, Doctor Dieter Krombach, 76, was sentenced to 15 years in prison by a French criminal court for killing Kalinka Bamberski in 1982. Again. A French criminal court had already sentenced Krombach in 1995 to 15 years. But he resided in Germany (where the alleged offence was also committed), and German authorities, after investigating the […]