Tag Archive for: European civil procedural law

Who is bound by Choice of Court Agreements in Bills of Lading?

According to the doctrine of privity of contract, only parties to a choice of court agreement are subject to the rights and obligations arising from it. However, there are exceptions to the privity doctrine where a third party may be bound by or derive benefit from a choice of court agreement, even if it did not expressly agree to the clause. A choice of court agreement in a bill of lading which is agreed by the carrier and shipper and transferred to a consignee, or third-party holder is a ubiquitous example. Read more

New EU Digitalisation Regulation: A Stepping Stone to Digitalised EU?

Author: Martina Ticic, assistant at the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Law and doctoral student funded by the Croatian Science Foundation (Hrvatska zaklada za znanost – HRZZ)

On 13 December 2023, two years after the first legislative proposal has been published, the new Regulation (EU) 2023/2844 of the European
Parliament and of the Council of 13 December 2023 on the digitalisation of judicial cooperation and access to justice in cross-border civil, commercial and criminal matters, and amending certain acts in the field of judicial cooperation (Digitalisation Regulation) has been adopted. While the process of digitalisation of judicial cooperation and cross-border procedures in the EU has been ongoing for some time already, the new Digitalisation Regulation represents a major step for advancing digitalisation practices in the EU.

Read more

Italian Society of International Law’s XVII Annual Meeting (Genova, 31 May – 1 June 2012)

On 31 May – 1 June 2012, the Italian Society of International Law (Società Italiana di Diritto Internazionale – SIDI) will hold its XVII Annual Meeting at the University of Genova. The conference is dedicated to “L’Unione europea a vent’anni da Maastricht: verso nuove regole” (European Union 20 Years After the Maastricht Treaty: Towards New Rules) (see the complete programme here).

The opening session, in the afternoon of Thursday 31 May, will be devoted to international economic law, focusing on the euro crisis (“Diritto internazionale dell’economia e crisi dell’euro”). In the morning of Friday, 1 June, the meeting will be structured in two parallel sessions, respectively dealing with international trade law (“Unione europea e diritto del commercio internazionale”) and private international law (“Le nuove sfide del diritto internazionale privato e processuale europeo”). The final session (Friday 1 June, afternoon) will analyse the effects of EU Law on national procedural law of the Member States (“Gli effetti del diritto dell’Unione europea sul diritto processuale nazionale”).

Here’s the programme of sessions 2-4:

Friday, 1 June 2012 (parallel sessions: 9h00 – 13h00)

Unione europea e diritto del commercio internazionale (venue: Facoltà di Giurisprudenza, Aula Magna)

Chair: A. Mazzoni (Univ. of Milan)

  • F. Marrella (Univ. of Venice and EIUC): Unione europea e investimenti esteri;
  • P. Kindler (Univ. of Munich): Crisi dell’impresa e insolvenza transnazionale;
  • L. Radicati di Brozolo (Catholic University of Milan): Corporate governance tra autonomia privata, norme e best practices;
  • D. Gallo (Univ. LUISS – Guido Carli of Rome): Golden shares e diritto dell’Unione europea: sviluppi e prospettive tra mercato interno ed investimenti extracomunitari;
  • G. Peroni (Univ. of Milan): Gli aiuti di stato alle imprese in tempo di crisi e loro compatibilità rispetto alle regole del commercio europeo ed internazionale.

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Le nuove sfide del diritto internazionale privato e processuale “europeo” (venue: Facoltà di Giurisprudenza, Aula Meridiana)

Chair: F. Pocar (Univ. of Milan)

  • H. Kronke (Univ. of Heidelberg): La legge applicabile alla responsabilità e alla disciplina delle intermediated securities;
  • S. Bariatti (Univ. of Milan): Abuso del diritto, conflitti di leggi e diritto del commercio internazionale;
  • B. Nascimbene (Univ. of Milan): Operatività e limiti del mutuo riconoscimento nella circolazione delle sentenze e degli atti;
  • A. Leandro (Univ. of Bari): Verso il futuro sequestro europeo su conti bancari nel bilanciamento tra tutela del creditore e tutela dei diritti fondamentali del debitore;
  • M. Maltese (Univ. of Rome “Tor Vergata”): Le forme di cooperazione internazionale nelle procedure di insolvenza transfrontaliere.

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Friday, 1 June 2012 (final session: 14h30 – 19h00) 

Gli effetti del diritto dell’Unione europea sul diritto processuale nazionale (venue: Facoltà di Giurisprudenza, Aula Magna)

Chair: C. Consolo (Univ. of Padova)

  • E. Cannizzaro (Univ. of Rome “La Sapienza”): Diritto dell’Unione europea e processo civile;
  • R. Mastroianni (Univ. of Naples “Federico II”): Diritto dell’Unione europea e processo penale;
  • L. Daniele (Univ. of Rome “Tor Vergata”): Diritto dell’Unione europea e processo amministrativo;
  • P. De Pasquale (University LUM “Jean Monnet”): Diritto dell’Unione europea e procedimenti davanti alle autorità indipendenti;
  • P. Ivaldi (Univ. of Genova): Diritto dell’Unione europea e processo costituzionale.

Final Report: S.M. Carbone (Univ. of Genova).

Fallon – Lagarde – Poillot Peruzzetto (Eds.), Quelle architecture pour un code européen de droit international privé?

On 17 and 18 March 2011 the University of Toulouse (IRDEIC) hosted a colloquium on the codification of European PIL (“Quelle architecture pour un code européen de droit international privé?“), follow-up to the conference organised in 2008 on “La matière civile et commerciale, socle d’un code européen de droit international privé?” (see the related volume). On the 2011 colloquium, see the report by Jurgen Basedow published in RabelsZ, 2011/3, p. 671 ff., and the one by Pedro de Miguel Asensio on his blog.

In his closing remarks, Paul Lagarde offered as a starting point for discussion a preliminary draft of 24 articles dealing with the general provisions of a future European PIL code (“Embryon de Règlement portant Code europeén de droit international privé”): the draft is published in RabelsZ, 2011/3, p. 673 ff.

The papers presented at the 2011 colloquium have now been published by Peter Lang, under the editorship of Marc Fallon, Paul Lagarde and Sylvaine Poillot Peruzzetto: “Quelle architecture pour un code européen de droit international privé?“.

Here’s the table of contents (.pdf):

Première Partie. La forme et l’instrument de la codification.

  • Aude Mac Eleavy Fiorini : Qu’y a-t-il en un nom ? Un vrai code pour le droit international privé européen;

Deuxième Partie. Les fondements de la codification.

  • Sylvaine Poillot-Peruzzetto : La priorité de l’Espace de Liberté, de Sécurité et de Justice et l’élaboration d’un code européen de droit international privé;
  • Johan Meeusen : La priorité de l’Espace de Liberté, de Sécurité et de Justice et l’élaboration d’un code européen de droit international privé. Réponse à la contribution du professeur Sylvaine Poillot-Peruzzetto;
  • Miguel Gardeñes Santiago : Les exigences du marché intérieur dans la construction d’un code européen de droit international privé, en particulier la place de la confiance et de la reconnaissance mutuelle;
  • Catherine Kessedjian : Un code européen au regard des objectifs du droit international privé;

Troisième Partie. Le domaine de la codification.

  • Laurence Idot : Introduction;
  • Marc Fallon : Le domaine spatial d’un code européen de droit international privé. Émergence et modalités de règles de caractère universel;
  • Pedro A. de Miguel Asensio/Jean-Sylvestre Bergé: The Place of International Agreements and European Law in a European Code of Private International Law;
  • Horatia Muir Watt : La nécessité de la division tripartite. Conflit de lois, de juridiction, règles de reconnaissance et d’exécution ?;
  • Isabelle Rueda : La place de la matière administrative et des immunités au sein d’un code européen de droit international privé;
  • Blanca Vilà/Michel Attal : La place de la procédure et de la coopération entre juges et acteurs nationaux. Le périmètre de la codification;

Quatrième Partie. La structure et la teneur d’une codification.

  • Michael Bogdan: Some Nordic Reflections on the Desirability of an EU Code of Private International Law;
  • Sabine Corneloup/Cyril Nourissat : Quelle structure pour un code européen de droit international privé ?;
  • Marie-Laure Niboyet : Les règles de procédure : l’acquis et les propositions. Les interactions entre les règles nationales de procédure et les « règles judiciaires européennes »;
  • Michael Wilderspin : Règles de compétence et de reconnaissance et d’exécution. L’acquis et les propositions;
  • Anne Marmisse-d’Abbadie d’Arrast/Marc-Philippe Weller : Définitions autonomes et rattachements. Propos introductifs;
  • Anne Marmisse-d’Abbadie d’Arrast : Qualification et concepts autonomes dans l’élaboration d’un code européen de droit international privé;
  • Marc-Philippe Weller : Les rattachements dans les conflits des lois;

Cinquième Partie. Les éléments d’une partie générale.

  • Stefania Bariatti/Étienne Pataut : Codification et théorie générale du droit international privé;

En guise de synthèse

  • Paul Lagarde : En guise de synthèse;


  • Eugénie Fabriès-Lecea : Quelle codification pour le droit international privé européen des procédures d’insolvabilité ?

– – – –

Title: Quelle architecture pour un code européen de droit international privé?, edited by M. Fallon, P. Lagarde and S. Poillot Peruzzetto, Peter Lang (Series: Euroclio – Volume 62), Bruxelles – Bern – Berlin – Frankfurt am Main – New York – Oxford – Wien, 2011, 388 pages.

ISBN 978-90-5201-823-2 br. Price: EUR 38.

European Parliament’s Workshop on the Brussels I Proposal (rescheduled)

The workshop organized by the EP JURI Committee on the review of the Brussels I regulation, originally scheduled on 20 September 2011 (see our previous posts here and here) is taking place in Brussels this morning (h 10.00 – 12.00).

The live video streaming is broadcasted on this page. The link to the recorded session can be found here.

Italian Forum on the Brussels I Review Proposal (2): Lis Pendens and Related Actions

Following our previous post on the forum on the Brussels I review currently hosted by the website of the Italian Society of International Law (SIDI-ISIL), another comment has been added, on the amendments proposed by the Commission in respect of lis pendens and related actions. The contribution is authored by Fabrizio Marongiu Buonaiuti (University of Rome “La Sapienza”), who has recently published an extensive monograph on the regime of lis pendens and related actions in Italian law, in the European regulations and in other international instruments (Litispendenza e connessione internazionale. Strumenti di coordinamento tra giurisdizioni statali in materia civile, Napoli, 2008):

Cuadernos de Derecho Transnacional, vol. 2/2010

The second issue for 2010 of the Cuadernos de Derecho Transnacional, the Spanish journal published twice a year by the Área de Derecho Internacional Privado of Univ. Carlos III of Madrid under the editorship of Alfonso Luis Calvo-Caravaca (Univ. Carlos III) and Javier Carrascosa-González (Univ. of Murcia), has been recently published. It contains twenty articles, shorter articles and casenotes, encompassing a wide range of topics in conflict of laws, conflict of jurisdictions and uniform law, all freely available for download from the journal’s website.

Here’s the table of contents (each contribution is accompanied by an abstract in English):


  • José María Alcántara, Frazer Hunt, Svante O. Johansson, Barry Oland, Kay Pysden, Jan Ramberg, Douglas G. Schmitt, William Tetley C.M., Q. C., Julio Vidal, Particular concerns with regard to the Rotterdam Rules;
  • Giacomo Biagioni, Tecniche internazionalprivatistiche fondate sulla volontà delle parti nel Diritto dell’Unione Europea;
  • Alfonso-Luis Calvo Caravaca, Celia Caamiña Domínguez, L’incorporation au régime juridique espagnol de la normative communautaire de restitution de biens culturels;
  • Federico F. Garau Sobrino, Los acuerdos atributivos de jurisdicción en Derecho Procesal Civil Internacional español;
  • Miguel Gómez Jene, Concurso y arbitraje internacional;
  • Carlos Llorente Gómez de Segua, Las Reglas de Rotterdam (II);
  • Olivia Lopes Pegna, La proposta di cooperazione rafforzata sulla legge applicabile a separazione e divorzio: profili problematici;
  • Agustín Luna Serrano, Hacia el abandono de la mención de la causa en la conformación definitoria del contrato;
  • Maria João Matias Fernandez, O Direito aplicável aos negócios relativos a instrumentos financeiros: a disciplina introduzida pelo novo Regulamento comunitário sobre a lei aplicável às obrigações contratuais («Roma I»);
  • Juan Jorge Piernas López, The notion of State aid and regulation in the EU: drawing the shape of a moving target;
  • María José Santos Morón, Forma contractual y “desarmonización” comunitaria.


  • Celia Caamiña Domínguez, Las resoluciones de restitución de menores en la Unión Europea: el caso Rinau;
  • Alfonso-Luis Calvo Caravaca, Javier Carrascosa González, Notas breves sobre la Sentencia del TJUE (Sala Cuarta) de 20 mayo 2010 (Bilas: asunto C-111/09): la sumisión tácita en los litigios internacionales de seguro, consumo y trabajo;
  • Cristina Campiglio, Il foro della residenza abituale del coniuge nel Regolamento (CE) N° 2201/2003: note a margine delle prime pronunce italiane;
  • Antonia Durán Ayango, El concepto de orden público internacional y el derecho a un proceso justo. Nota a la STJCE de 2 de abril de 2009;
  • Antonia Durán Ayango, El concepto de parte en el proceso de exequátur. Nota a la STJCE de 23 de abril de 2009;
  • Pilar Juárez Pérez, Dieciocho años de ciudadanía de la Unión: ¿hacia una figura emancipada?;
  • Pilar Maestre Casas, Doble nacionalidad y forum patriae en divorcios internacionales;
  • Giulia Rossolillo, Convenzioni concluse dagli Stati Membri e Diritto processuale civile internazionale dell’Unione Europea: interpretazione conforme o rispetto degli obblighi internazionali?;
  • Julia Suderow, Cuestiones de jurisdicción internacional en torno a la aplicación privada del Derecho antitrust: forum shopping y “demandas torpedo”.

See also our previous posts on issues 1/2009 and 2/2009 of the CDT. The journal’s website provides a very useful search function, by which contents can be browsed by issue of publication, author, title, keywords, abstract and fulltext.

(Many thanks to Pietro Franzina, University of Ferrara, for the tip-off)

Conference: “Tendenze e resistenze all’uniformazione del diritto privato e del diritto processuale civile nell’Unione europea” (Padova, 17-18 September)

UniPD-LogoGiurisOn 17 and 18 September 2009 the Faculty of Law of the University of Padova, in collaboration with the Bar Councils of Padova and Triveneto, will host an international conference on current trends and resistances in the uniformization of European private law and civil procedural law, organised by Profs. Marco De Cristofaro and M. Laura Picchio Forlati on the occasion of the 19th annual meeting of the European Group for Private International Law (GEDIP-EGPIL): “Tendenze e resistenze all’uniformazione del diritto privato e del diritto processuale civile nell’Unione europea“. Here’s the programme (.pdf version):

First session – Thursday 17 September (h 15-18): Diritto internazionale privato e diritto uniforme alla prova del diritto europeo dei contratti

Chair: Nicolò Lipari (Univ. of Rome “La Sapienza”)

  • Andrea Giardina (Univ. of Rome “La Sapienza”): Il concorso di metodi alternativi di uniformazione nel diritto europeo dei contratti;
  • Jürgen Basedow (Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, Hamburg): Lex mercatoria e diritto internazionale privato europeo dei contratti – un’analisi economica;
  • Fabrizio Marrella (Univ. of Venice): L’autonomia contrattuale tra diritto internazionale privato europeo e codice europeo dei contratti;
  • Erik Jayme (Univ. of Heidelberg): La violazione del diritto d’autore: giurisdizione e legge applicabile (Bruxelles I, Roma I e II).

Second session – Friday 18 September (h 9.30-13): Il mutuo riconoscimento delle sentenze straniere nel confronto/scontro tra diritto processuale inglese e diritti processuali continentali

Chair: Kurt Siehr (Univ. of Zürich)

  • Trevor Hartley (London School of Economics and Political Science): Asset freezing orders in the context of recognizing judgments from other EU States and from third countries;
  • Alberto Malatesta (University “Carlo Cattaneo” – LIUC of Castellanza): Il riconoscimento delle sentenze rese dal giudice competente a norma della Convenzione dell’Aja sulla scelta del foro;
  • Andrea Gattini (Univ. of Padova): Il riconoscimento in Europa delle sentenze in tema di punitive damages;
  • Marco De Cristofaro (Univ. of Padova): Ordine pubblico processuale e riconoscimento ed esecuzione delle decisioni nello spazio giudiziario europeo.

Further information and an online registration procedure are available on the conference’s webpage.

(Many thanks to Prof. Fabrizio Marrella)