

The Nigerian Court of Appeal declines to enforce a Commonwealth of Virginia (in USA) Choice of Court Agreement

  I am coordinating together with other African private international law experts (

Is Tessili still good law?

by Felix M. Wilke, University of Bayreuth, Germany Most readers of this blog will be well aware that, according to the ECJ, the “place of performance” of a contractual obligation within the meaning of Article 7(1)(a) Brussels Ibis is not a concept to be understood independently from national law. Rather, in order to determine this […]

A few takeaways of the Conclusions & Decisions of the HCCH governing body (CGAP): gender issues, Jurisdiction Project and future meetings

On 5 March 2021, the Conclusions & Decisions of the HCCH governing body, the Council on General Affairs and Policy (CGAP), were released. Click


Save the Date: EU Insolvency Law and Third Countries: Which Way(s) Forward?, 26–28 Oct 2023

On 26–28 October 2023, the University of Kiel will be hosting a conference on ‘EU Insolvency Law and Third Countries: Which Way(s) Forward?’. It is part of a research project coordinated by Professors Alexander Trunk (University of Kiel) and Jasnica Garasic (University of Zagreb), which is endorsed by UNCITRAL and supported by the Fritz Thyssen […]

Out Now: Fabrizio Marrella, “Diritto del commercio internazionale / International Business Law”, 3rd edition 2023

The third edition of Fabrizio Marrella’s textbook on international business law has recently published by Wolters Kluwers/Cedam. The author (Vice-Rector and Chair of International Law at “Cà Foscari” University of Venice, Italy) has kindly provided the following summary for our readers: After an historical introduction and a clear systematic analysis of key actors and sources […]