

The Applicability of Arbitration Agreements to A Non-Signatory Guarantor—A Perspective from the Chinese Judicial Practice

(authored by Chen Zhi, Wangjing & GH Law Firm, PhD Candidate at the University of Macau) It is axiomatic that an arbitration agreement is generally not binding on a non-signatory unless some exceptional conditions are satisfied or appear, while it could even be more controversial in cases relating to guarantee where a non-signatory third person […]

CSDD and PIL: Some Remarks on the Directive Proposal

by Rui Dias   On 23 February 2022, the European Commission published its proposal of a Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence (CSDD) in respect to human rights and the environment. For those interested, there are many contributions available online, namely in the Oxford Business Law Blog, which dedicates a whole series to it (


Foreign law in the Draft Code of French Private International Law: New volume in French

Gustavo Cerqueira and Hugues Fulchiron have recently edited a new volume (in French) on the appliation of foreign law in the draft code of French private international law (Le droit étranger dans le projet de code de droit international privé – Connaissance et applicationdroit). They have kindly provided us with the following English summary:   […]

Certificat de coutume: New volume in French

Gustavo Cerqueira, Nicolas Nord, and Cyril Nourissat have recently edited a new volume on the

Seminar series Crossroads in Private International Law

The Centre for Private international Law of the University of Aberdeen’s Law School is continuing this year its series on Crossroads in Private International Law. The aim of the series is to explore the intersection between Private International Law and substantive areas of law, with the outcome of featuring cutting edge interdisciplinary research carried out […]