

U.S. Supreme Court Restricts Discovery Assistance to International Arbitral Tribunals

Written by Matthias Lehmann, University of Vienna (Austria) On 13 June 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court

ECJ on the interpretation of the European Succession Regulation in relation to cross-border declarations of waiver, Judgment of 2 June 2022, C-617/20 – T.N. et al. ./. E.G.

On 2 June 2022, the ECJ delivered its judgment in the case of T.N. et al. ./. E.G., C-617/20, on the interpretation of the ESR in relation to cross-border declarations of waiver of succession (

Tort Litigation against Transnational Companies in England

This post is an abridged adaptation of my recent article, Private International Law and Substantive Liability Issues in Tort Litigation against Multinational Companies in the English Courts: Recent UK Supreme Court Decisions and Post-Brexit Implications in the Journal of Private International Law. The article can be accessed at no cost by anyone, anywhere on the


Chinese Journal of Transnational Law Special Issue: Call for Papers

CHINESE JOURNAL OF TRANSNATIONAL LAW Call for Papers Special Issue: Private International Law and Sustainable Development in Asia The United Nations Agenda 2030 with its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) seems to have a blind spot for the role of private and private international law. That blind spot is beginning to be closed. A collective […]

Cycle de conférences: La refonte du règlement Bruxelles I Bis

Starting 30 November 2023, the French Cour de cassation is going to host a lecture series on the ongoing discussion of Brussels Ia reform under the direction of Marie-Elodie Ancel (Université Paris-Panthéon Assas) and Pascal de Vareilles-Sommières (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne). The programme of the first session – and the video stream! – can be […]

18th Regional PIL Conference on 17 November 2023 at the University of Niš, Serbia

This post has been written by Sanja Marjanovic (Faculty of Law, University of Niš, Serbia) and Uglješa Grušic (UCL). The 18th Regional Private International Law Conference will take place on 17 November 2023 at the Faculty of Law, University of Niš, Serbia, with the support of the Deutche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (