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520 search results for: rome ii regulation


Brussels I Review – Loose Ends

The final question in the Commission’s Green Paper (which, incidentally, deserves praise for its concise and focussed presentation of the issues), covers other suggestions for reform of the Regulation’s rules not falling under any of the previous headings.  It is divided into three headings: Scope, Jurisdiction and Recognition and enforcement, as follows: 8.1. Scope As […]


Yearbook of Private International Law, vol. X (2008)

I am grateful to Gian Paolo Romano, Production Editor of the Yearbook of Private International Law, for providing this presentation of the new volume of the YPIL. Volume X (2008) of the Yearbook of Private International Law, edited by Prof. Andrea Bonomi and Prof. Paul Volken, and published by


Fourth Issue of 2008’s Revue Critique de Droit International Privé

The fourth issue of the Revue Critique de Droit International Privé was just released. It contains two articles. Unfortunately, none of them comes with an abstract in English. The first is a presentation of the Rome I Regulation by emeritus Professor Paul Lagarde and Aline Tenenbaum, who lectures at the Faculty of Law of Paris […]


First Issue of 2009’s Journal du Droit International

The first issue of French Journal du Droit International (also known as Clunet) will shortly be released. It contains several articles dealing with conflict issues. The topic of the first two is the 2008 Rome I Regulation on the law governing contractual obligations. First, Hughes Kenfack, a professor at Toulouse University, wonders whether the Regulation […]


Conference on punitive damages at Vienna

A Conference on Punitive Damages, organised by the Institute for European Tort Law, was held last Monday in Vienna. Aiming to study the nature, role and suitability of punitive damages in tort law and private law in general, this one-day conference got together a panel of scholars and practitioners from different countries: some where punitive […]