

Review of Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts

While doing research on a choice of law article, I found it necessary to consult a book generally co-edited by Professors Daniel Girsberger, Thomas Graziano, Jan Neels on Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts (‘Girsberger et al’). The book was officially published on 22 March 2021. I began reading sections of the book related to tacit choice of law sometime in December 2022 and found the work truly global and compelling. At the beginning of June this year, I decided to read the whole book and finished reading it today. It is 1376 pages long!

To cut the whole story short, the book is the bible on choice of law in international commercial contracts. It covers over 60 countries, including regional and supranational bodies’ rules on choice of law. Professor Symoen Symeonides had previously written a single authored award winning book on Codifying Choice of Law Around the World, but that work did not cover as much as Girsberger et al’s book in terms of the number of countries,  and regional and supranational instruments (or principles) covered.

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Denial of Natural Justice as a Defence to Enforcement of a Chinese Judgment in Australia

In Yin v Wu [2023] VSCA 130, the Court of Appeal of the Supreme Court of Victoria set aside a judgment[1] which had affirmed the enforcement a Chinese judgment by an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court.[2] This was a rare instance of an Australian court considering the defence to enforcement of a foreign judgment on the basis that the judgment debtor was denied natural justice—or procedural fairness—before the foreign court.


The dispute concerned a payment made by a Chinese national living in China, Di Wu, to a Chinese national living in Australia, Ke Yin. The payment was made pursuant to a foreign exchange agreement: Yin had promised to pay Wu a sum of US Dollars in exchange for Wu’s Chinese RMB.

The arrangement was made unusually through a series of Telegram and WhatsApp messages, from accounts with different numbers and aliases. (In Australia, we would say that the arrangement sounded ‘suss’.) The agreement was seemingly contrary to Chinese law, which may have contributed to the clandestine character of communications underlying the agreement; see [30].

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Change of gender in private international law: a problem arises between Scotland and England

Written by Professor Eric Clive

The Secretary of State for Scotland, a Minister of the United Kingdom government, has made an order under section 35 of the Scotland Act 1998 blocking Royal Assent to the Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill 2022, a Bill passed by the Scottish Parliament by a large majority. The Scottish government has challenged the order by means of a petition for judicial review. The case is constitutionally important and may well go to the United Kingdom Supreme court. It also raises interesting questions of private international law.

At present the rules on obtaining a gender recognition certificate, which has the effect of changing the applicant’s legal gender, are more or less the same in England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The Scottish Bill would replace the rules for Scotland by less restrictive, de-medicalised rules. An unfortunate side effect is that Scottish certificates would no longer have automatic effect by statute in other parts of the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom government could remedy this by legislation but there is no indication that it intends to do so. Its position is that it does not like the Scottish Bill.

One of the reasons given by the Secretary of State for making the order is that having two different systems for issuing gender recognition certificates within the United Kingdom would cause serious problems. A person, he assumes, might be legally of one gender in England and another in Scotland. There would therefore be difficulties for some organisations operating at United Kingdom level – for example, in the fields of tax, benefits and pensions. This immediately strikes a private lawyer as odd. Scotland and England have had different systems in the law of persons for centuries – in the laws on marriage, divorce, legitimacy, incapacity and other matters of personal status – and they have not given rise to serious problems. This is because the rules of private international law, even in the absence of statutory provision, did not allow them to.

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UEA Law School’s Second Podcast Series on Transnational Law

Written by Rishi Gulati

After a highly successful first series, all episodes of UEA Law School’s Second Podcast Series hosted by Rishi Gulati are now available on leading platforms, including on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and SoundCloud. The second series consists of several interesting discussions on key transnational concerns with experts from around the world.

There are two episodes on climate change litigation. Tyndall Centre PhD researcher Millie Prosser and Friends of The Earth Lawyer and PhD researcher Acland Bryant are joined by the renowned environmental lawyer David Wolfe KC and Norwich-based climate litigator Dr Andrew Boswell to discuss the opportunities and limitations in UK climate change litigation in the context of judicial review, and Rishi Gulati is joined by Dr Dalia Palombo on the potential impact of the landmark April 2024 European Court of Human Rights climate change decisions on corporations.

In other episodes, there are conversations between the host and Mr William Rook on sports and human rights, with Dr Nikos Skoutaris on state secession, and with Dr Hansong Li on the history & current political climate of the Indo-Pacific.

The series also consists of recordings from two fascinating events. One of the episode presents the Earlham Law Lecture 2024 by  Professor Sarah Green, Law Commissioner for Commercial and Common Law “on the topic: Of Digital Assets and Sausages: Confessions of a Law Commissioner”. Another episode brings to listeners the launch of the Elgar Companion to the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law which includes remarks from Ms Anna Joubin-Bret,  Secretary of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, and Director at the International Trade Law Division of the Office of Legal Affairs at the United Nations. Finally, one of the episodes is a conversation between Rishi Gulati and Ms Kate Lister, London-based singer and song-writer, voice coach, and graduate of the Guildhall School of Music, on presentation skills and voice tips.

The third series will return in September 2024 with several more fascinating discussions!

Out now: RabelsZ, Volume 88 (2024), Issue 2

The latest issue of RabelsZ has just been released. It contains the following contributions which are also available open access:


Holger Fleischer, Heike Schweitzer: Ernst-Joachim Mestmäcker – † 22 April 2024, pp. 215–222, DOI:


Klaus Ulrich Schmolke: Das Prinzip der beschränkten Gesellschafterhaftung – Ein Streifzug durch die Debatten- und Argumentationsgeschichte, pp. 223–277, DOI:

The Concept of Limited Shareholder Liability – A Walk Through History’s Debates and Lines of Argument. Today, the concept of limited shareholder liability is considered a core feature of the modern corporation. And indeed, limited liability has been continuously provided for in the corporate (and limited partnership) laws of western jurisdictions since the 19th century. However, limited liability is not such a matter of course as it is widely perceived today. Rather, it took tough disputes and hard-fought debates before the legislators of the major European jurisdictions of the time were able to bring themselves to provide for limited shareholder liability without tying it to prior state approval. Even after this breakthrough, the debate about the legitimacy and scope of limited liability flared up time and again. This is particularly true for the close corporation, in which the shareholders also exercise control over the management of the business. This article traces the historical dimension of the transnational debate and evaluates the arguments for and against limited shareholder liability that have been put forward over time. The insights gained thereby provide a basis for analysing and evaluating the currently revived criticism of limited shareholder liability.

Sandra Hadrowicz: Natural Restitution in a Comparative Legal Perspective –
An Underappreciated Remedy or an Unnecessary Relic?, pp. 278–306, DOI:

Natural restitution is one of the permissible methods for remedying damage in numerous legal orders. However, this form of compensation is much less frequently used in practice than monetary compensation. While monetary compensation is a universally found method of reparation in major legal orders, the issue is more complex when it comes to natural restitution. In some countries (e. g. England, France, the Netherlands), natural restitution is used only by way of exception, in specific cases. In others (e. g. Poland), despite the injured party being given the right to choose the method of reparation, natural restitution is very rarely requested by injured parties. Even more intriguingly, in jurisdictions where natural restitution is theoretically upheld as a principle – including Germany, Austria, Portugal, and Spain – its actual adoption by courts remains relatively rare. The question then arises: Have courts and victims come to undervalue natural restitution or even forgotten of its existence? Or, conversely, does it represent an obsolete or unnecessary element of compensation law?

Domenico Damascelli: Determining the Applicable Law in Matrimonial Property Regimes –
On the Interpretation of Article 26 Regulation (EU) No 2016/1103 in the Absence of Choice-of-law and Common Habitual Residence, pp. 307–324, DOI:

Wishing to remain faithful to the alleged principle of immutability of the law governing matrimonial property regimes, the literature interprets Art. 26 para. 1 Regulation (EU) No 2016/1103 such that if the spouses have their habitual residence in different States at the time of marriage, it is necessary to wait for a period of time to ascertain whether they will move it to the same State. If so, only the law of that State is to apply (retroactively); if not, one of the other two laws indicated in Art. 26 is to apply (once and for all). This position gives rise to uncertainty in the determination of the applicable law and is contradicted by literal, systematic and teleological interpretations of the Regulation, which show that, in the absence of a common habitual residence, the law governing the matrimonial property relationships is, depending on the circumstances, the one provided for in letters b or c of para. 1 of Art. 26. However, this law may change the moment the existence of a first common habitual residence is ascertained, regardless of whether it was established immediately, shortly, or long after the conclusion of the marriage.

María Mercedes Albornoz: Private International Law in Mexico’s New National Code of Civil and Family Procedure, pp. 325–354, DOI:

In June 2023, Mexico enacted a National Code of Civil and Family Procedure that includes private international law provisions on procedural matters. The adoption of this Code constitutes a landmark reform in the Mexican legal system, modernizing and, for the first time, unifying civil and family procedural laws across the country. The Code’s primary objectives are to streamline legal processes, enhance judicial efficiency, and promote consistency in civil and family litigation. This article contains a study of the main rules that adjust the goals of the Code to cross-border cases. Some of those rules introduce significant innovations compared with previous bodies of procedural legislation in force in Mexico. It sets direct rules for international jurisdiction as well as novel provisions on foreign law, rules on international cooperation and recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments, and provisions on international child abduction. Furthermore, the Code promotes digital justice and thus expressly allows and promotes the use of technological resources in international cooperation. All these rules are expected to improve access to justice in private international law cases.


Jürgen Samtleben: Mexiko: Nationales Zivil- und Familienprozessgesetzbuch 2023 (Auszug) [Mexico: National Code of Civil and Family Procedures 2023 (German Translation, Excerpt)], pp. 355–378, DOI:


As always, this issue also contains several reviews of literature in the fields of private international law, international civil procedure, transnational law, and comparative law (pp. 379–421).

ZEuP – Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht 3/2024

Issue 3/2024 of ZEuP – Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht has just been published. It includes contributions on EU private law, comparative law, legal history, uniform law, and private international law. The full table of content can be accessed here.

The following contributions might be of particular interest for the readers of this blog:

  • Die Europäisierung des internationalen Erwachsenenschutzes
    Jan von Hein on the proposal for a regulation on the international protection of adults: On 31.5.2023, the European Commission presented a proposal for a regulation on the international protection of adults. This proposal is closely intertwined with the Hague Convention on the international protection of adults. Therefore, the proposed regulation shall be accompanied by a Council decision authorising Member States to become or remain parties to the Hague Convention. The following contribution analyses the proposed regulation and its relationship with the Hague Convention.
  • Justizgrundrechte im Schiedsverfahren? – Pechstein und die Folgen fu?r die Handelsschiedsgerichtsbarkeit
    Gerhard Wagner and Oguzhan Samanci on human rights and commercial arbitration: Does the ECHR and the German constitution require public hearings in arbitral proceedings, provided that one of the parties had the power to impose the arbitration agreement on the other through a contract of adhesion? This article analyzes the potential implications that the Pechstein decision of the Federal Constitutional Court and ist precursor in the jurisprudence of the ECHR may have for commercial arbitration. The focus is on arbitration clauses in general business terms and in contracts with undertakings that occupy a dominant position in a specific market. The conclusion is that, despite the broad formula employed by the Federal Constitutional Court, the right to a public hearing should remain limited to sports arbitration.
  • Die Auslegung von EuGH-Entscheidungen – ein Blick aus der Gerichtspraxis
    David Ullenboom on the interpretation of CJEU decisions: This article examines the question whether a European methodology is needed to interpret judgments of the CJEU for judicial practice. It argues that judgments of the CJEU need to be interpreted in the same way as legal provisions and are therefore subject to a grammatical, systematic, genetic and teleological interpretation in order to determine their meaning for future legal cases.
  • Schweizerisches Bundesgericht, 8 June 2023, 5A_391/2021
    Tanja Domej
    discusses a decision of the Swiss Federal Tribunal on the recognition of the deletion of a gender registration under German law.