

Navigating Global Jurisdiction: The Indian Courts’ Approach to Online IP Infringement

Written by Akanksha Oak, Jindal Global Law School, India


The modern commerce landscape faces a significant challenge: the widespread infringement of intellectual property (“IP”) rights due to online interactions that enable instant global access. This issue is exacerbated by cross-border activities, necessitating the application of private international law (“PIL”). However, IP protection remains territorial, guided by the principle of “lex loci protectionis.” This results in complexities when it intersects with PIL. Online IP infringement further convolutes matters due to the internet’s omnipresence and accessibility, making the establishment of jurisdiction a complicated process for legal professionals. A pivotal development in this arena occurred in 2021 when the Delhi High Court rendered a judgement in the case of HK Media Limited and Anr v. Brainlink International Inc.,[1] illuminating India’s legal framework for determining jurisdiction in cases of online IP infringement within the context of cross-border disputes.

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The 2019 Hague Judgments Convention Applied by Analogy in the Dutch Supreme Court

Written by Birgit van Houtert, Assistant Professor of Private International Law at Maastricht University

On 1 September 2023, the 2019 Hague Judgments Convention (HJC) entered into force. Currently, this Convention only applies in the relationship between EU-Member States and Ukraine. Uruguay has also ratified the HJC on 1 September 2023 (see status table). The value of the HJC has been criticised by Haimo Schack inter alia, for its limited scope of application. However, the HJC can be valuable even beyond its scope as this blog will illustrate by the ruling of the Dutch Supreme Court on 29 September 2023, ECLI:NL:HR:2023:1265.

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Which Law Governs Subject Matter Arbitrability in International Commercial Disputes?

Written by Kamakshi Puri[1]

Arbitrability is a manifestation of public policy of a state. Each state under its national laws is empowered to restrict or limit the matters that can be referred to and resolved by arbitration. There is no international consensus on the matters that are arbitrable. Arbitrability is therefore one of the issues where contractual and jurisdictional natures of international commercial arbitration meet head on.

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European Legal Forum 1/2024: Comments on the Proposal for a Council Regulation on Parenthood

The latest issue (1/2024) of The European Legal Forum features a series of comments on the Proposal for a Council Regulation on Parenthood by Ilaria Queirolo on The Proposed EU Regulation on Parenthood: A critical Overview of the Rules on Jurisdiction; Francesco Pesce on, The Law Applicable to Parenthood in the European Commission’s Regulation Proposal; Stefano Dominelli on Recognition of Decisions and Acceptance of Authentic Instruments in Matters of Parenthood under the Commission’s 2022 Proposal; Francesca Maoli on The European Certificate of Parenthood in the European Commission’s Regulation Proposal: on the ‘Legacy’ of the European Certificate of Succession and Open Issues, and Laura Carpaneto on The Hague Conference of Private International Law’s “parentage/surrogacy” project.

The commentary is a deliverable of the Project Fluidity in family structures. International and EU law challenges on parentage matters, financed by the Ministry of University and Research of the Italian Republic and by the European Union – Next Generation EU (prot. n. 2022FR5NNJ – PRIN 2022). The Consortium includes: the University of Pavia as coordinator and the universities of Milano, Genova, and Cagliari.

All publications of the project are available in Open Access here.

ZEuP – Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht 2/2024

Issue 2/2024 of ZEuP – Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht has just been published. It includes contributions on EU private law, comparative law, legal history, uniform law, and private international law. The full table of content can be accessed here.

The following contributions might be of particular interest for the readers of this blog:

  • Auf dem Weg zu einer europäischen Abstammungsverordnung? – Licht und Schatten im Vorschlag der Europäischen Kommission
    Editorial by Christine Budzikiewicz on the Commission Proposal for a EU Regulation on Parenthood and the Creation of a European Certificate of Parenthood
  • Europäischer Emissionsrechtehandel – Eine Momentaufnahme nach der Reform durch das „Fit for 55“-Paket
    Sebastian Steuer on European emissions trading: Carbon pricing according to the “cap and trade” principle plays a key role in European climate policy. As part of the “Fit for 55” package, the Emissions Trading Directive has, once again, undergone comprehensive revisions and has been substantially toughened in certain respects. This article gives a basic overview of the current state of European emissions trading after the recent changes. It explores the chief components of the Emissions Trading Directive, highlights the economic differences between quantity- and price-based regulation, and discusses the interplay of the EU emissions trading system with international and German climate policy.
  • Microplastics Litigation: eine rechtsvergleichende Orientierung
    Stephanie Nitsch on Microplastics Litigation: The present paper provides a comparative law analysis of liability for microplastics pollution with a special focus on product liability as well as liability due to deliberate or negligent breaches of statutory duties or duties of care.
  • Bundesgerichtshof, 18 April 2023, II ZR 184/21
    Susanne Zwirlein-Forschner
    discusses a decision of the German Federal Court of Justice on the law applicable to liability due to economically destructive actions and to the assignment of claims.

6e Journée de droit patrimonial international, Université de Lausanne, 12 Sept 24

On 12 September 2024, the Centre de droit comparé, européen et international (CDCEI) and the Centre du droit de l’entreprise (CEDIDAC) at the Université de Lausanne are hosting the 6e Journée de droit patrimonial international. The conference will focus on the EU Succession Regulation (no. 650/2012) and the section on international successions of the Swiss Private International Law Act.

The flyer can be found here.