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CEDEP: Online course on Choice of Law, International Contracts and the Hague Principles

The Center for Law, Economics and Policy Studies (CEDEP) is organising an online course on Choice of Law, International Contracts and the Hague Principles. For more information on this course, click here.

The course will officially begin on Tuesday 22 March 2022, with weekly sessions (a total of 9) to be released on Tuesdays (which may be supplemented with additional lessons in May). The sessions will be in English with Spanish subtitles and will be available throughout the year 2022 on the CEDEP e-learning platform, thus there is no deadline for registration. The registration fee is 90USD – several payment methods are possible (including online). To register click here.

CEDEP has kindly provided in advance the link to the Introductory Session (Choice of Law – 22 March 2022) for readers, which may be viewed free of charge here: 1. Choice of Law – Introductory Session.

The speakers of the Introductory Session are Luca Castellani (UNCITRAL), Anna Veneziano (UNIDROIT) and Ning Zhao (HCCH) and the topic is UNCITRAL, HCCH, and UNIDROIT Legal Guide to Uniform Instruments in the Area of International Commercial Contracts, with a Focus on Sales. The Legal Guide and other information may be accessed on the Hague Conference website, click here.

The e-learning platform will also make available relevant bibliography, the presentations of the speakers, discounts for a relevant publication and much more. A certificate of participation will be given if a minimum attendance is confirmed.

Below is a list of the speakers per session:

Virtual Workshop (in German) on April 5: Erik Jayme on International Art Law

Erik Jayme

On Tuesday, April 5, 2022, the Hamburg Max Planck Institute will host its 21th monthly virtual workshop Current Research in Private International Law at 11:00-12:30 (CET). Prof. em. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Erik Jayme (University of Heidelberg) will speak, in German, about the topic

International Art Law: Signs of Disintegration in Classical Private International Law

The presentation will be followed by open discussion. All are welcome. More information and sign-up here.

If you want to be invited to these events in the future, please write to

Funding opportunities EU Justice program (deadline extended)

Deadline extended: Funding opportunities under the justice programme in the area of judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters (JUST-2022-JCOO).

The deadline for proposal submission to the call for proposals for action grants to promote judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters has been extended.

The new deadline for submission is the 30 March 2022 – 17:00:00 CET, Brussel’s time.

The total budget available for the call is EUR 5.500.000. The co-financing rate is 90%.

The key priorities for 2022 under this call are to contribute to the effective and coherent application of the EU acquis relating to judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters, thus strengthening mutual trust.

In particular, the call aims to

  1. facilitate and support judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters
  2. promote the rule of law, independence and impartiality of the judiciary, including by supporting the efforts to improve the effectiveness of national justice systems, and the effective enforcement of decisions

The call-related documents, guidance and other instructions are available in the call page within the funding & tender opportunities portal (F&T).

Project activities under this call would in principle include:

  1. facilitating cooperation between competent authorities and agencies, legal practitioners and/or service providers (including multi-disciplinary networks at international, national, regional or local levels);
  2. mutual learning, identifying and exchange of best practices, development of working methods which may be transferable to other participating countries;
  3. analytical activities, including data collection, surveys, research, etc.;
  4. exchange and provision of information and development of information tools;
  5. capacity building for professionals;
  6. dissemination and awareness raising activities;
  7. training activities can also be funded under this call, as long as they are of ancillary nature and not the main purpose of the project.

Any further request for information can be addressed to