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NASAMER Law Blog by Dr. Nüsret-Semahat Arsel International Business Law Implementation and Research Center at Koç University, has been launched.

NASAMER Law Blog, by Dr. Nüsret-Semahat Arsel International Business Law Implementation and Research Center at Koç University, is an online platform featuring posts about international business law – defined broadly.

The blog has been launched in January this year with the inaugural piece written by Prof. Dr. Klaus Hopt entitled “Corporate Governance in the International Discussion“. The Academic Advisory Board of the blog is comprised of prominent scholars from the Universities of Oxford, Zürich, Singapore, LSE and Koç University.

The Editorial Board would like to invite submissions in the form of opinion & current awareness pieces discussing recent news and developments such as judgments and legislative changes and research pieces reporting on recently published or forthcoming literature such as journal articles and books, as well as on recent academic events such as conferences and workshops.

More information about the submission rules, the Academic Advisory Board, and the Editorial Board can be found on the blog website. For any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact the editors via

Determining the Appropriate Forum by the Applicable Law by Prof. Richard Garnett (1 April Online)

The Chinese University of Hong Kong’ Cross-Border Legal issues Dialogue Seminar Series presents this online seminar by Professor Richard Garnett on 1st April 2022 12.30pm -2pm (Hong Kong time; GMT +8 hours).

The conflict of laws has traditionally drawn a sharp distinction between jurisdiction and applicable law. The conventional approach suggests that a court only reaches the question of the law to be applied to the merits after the tribunal has determined that it has the power to adjudicate the action. Common law systems have however long recognised that a court has a discretion to accept or decline jurisdiction (determine the appropriate forum) and that a relevant factor in this discretion is the applicable law.

The purpose of this presentation is to examine the current status of the applicable law in jurisdiction and forum disputes, noting the trend in countries such as Australia to give the factor substantial weight and significance.

About the speaker:

Richard Garnett is Professor of Private International Law at the University of Melbourne, Australia and a consultant in international disputes at Corrs Chambers Westgarth. Richard regularly advises on cross-border litigation and arbitration matters and has appeared as advocate (barrister) before several tribunals including the High Court of Australia. Richard has written extensively in the fields of conflict of laws, foreign state immunity and international arbitration, with his work cited by leading tribunals around the world, including the International Court of Justice, the European Court of Human Rights, the English Court of Appeal, United States federal district courts, the Singapore Court of Appeal and Australian, Israeli and New Zealand courts. Richard has also served as expert member of the Australian Government delegation to the Hague Conference on Private International Law, to negotiate the 2005 Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements and the 2019 Convention on Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments.

Please register by 5 pm, 31 March 2022 (Hong Kong time; GMT +8 hours) to attend the seminar.

HCCH Information Note – Children deprived of their family environment due to the armed conflict in Ukraine

The Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH) has just issued an “Information Note – Children deprived of their family environment due to the armed conflict in Ukraine”. Click here for the English version and here for the French version. The HCCH news item is available here.