

Alexander Vik v Deutsche Bank AG: the powers of the English court outside of the jurisdiction in contempt of court proceedings

By Diana Kostina The recent Court of Appeal judgment in

Legal parentage of children born of a surrogate mother: what about the intended mother?

On October 5th, The Cour de Cassation, the highest court in France for private law matters, requested an advisory opinion of the ECtHR (Ass. plén. 5 octobre 2018,

A New Zealand perspective on Israeli judgment against New Zealand-based activists under Israel’s Anti-Boycott Law

Last year the New Zealand singer Lorde cancelled a concert in Tel Aviv following an open letter by two New Zealand-based activists urging her to take a stand on Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine. A few weeks later, the two activists found themselves the subject of a civil claim brought in the Israeli court. The […]


Second Issue of Journal of Private International Law for 2022

The second issue of Journal of Private International Law  for 2022 was released today. It features the following interesting articles: T Kruger et. al.,

9th Journal of Private International Law Conference: Call for Papers

Building on the very successful conferences held in Aberdeen (2005), Birmingham (2007), New York (2009), Milan (2011), Madrid (2013), Cambridge (2015), Rio (2017) and Munich (2019), we are pleased to announce that the Journal of Private International Law will be holding its 9th Conference at the Singapore Management University from 3 to 5 August 2023. […]