

Opinion of Advocate General Tanchev in the case C-249/19, JE: Application of the law of the forum under Article 10 of the Rome III Regulation

In his Opinion delivered today, Advocate General Tanchev presents his take on Article 10 of the Regulation No 1259/2010 implementing enhanced cooperation in the area of the law applicable to divorce and legal separation (commonly referred to as Rome III Regulation), under which ‘[w]here the law applicable pursuant to Article 5 or Article 8 makes […]

Plaintiff’s Application for Leave to Proceed when no Appearance by Defendant: Recent Developments in New South Wales Australia

If a defendant is not present in Australia, Uniform Civil Procedure Rules (“UCPR”) of New South Wales provides that service outside of Australia is permitted if the plaintiff’s claim falls within UCPR Schedule 6 or if a leave is granted under UCPR rule 11.5. If a defendant does not respond within 42 days after being […]

State immunity in global COVID-19 pandemic:

State immunity in global COVID-19 pandemic: Alters, et. al. v People’s Republic of China, et. al. By Zheng Sophia Tang and Zhengxin Huo Background Four American citizens and a company filed the class-action against Chinese government for damages suffered as the result of the COVID-19 pandemic. None of the named plaintiffs were infected by the […]


Webinar “Beyond the Civil – Common Law Divide: Islamic Shari’a Principles in Shari’a Based International Arbitration Disputes”, 14 March 2023

The Centre for Private International Law is organising an online research seminar on Beyond the Civil – Common Law Divide: Islamic Shari’a Principles in Shari’a Based International Arbitration Disputes on 14 March 2023, 14:00 – 15:30 UK time. With the global growth in the Islamic finance industry, the conclusion of Islamic finance transactions, and the […]

Conference on the extension of the jurisdictional heads of the Brussels Ia Regulation (3 May 2023 in Turin)

On 3 May 2023, a conference entitled L’estensione dei titoli giurisdizionali del Regolamento Bruxelles Ibis ai convenuti non domiciliate nell’UE will be held at