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857 search results for: arbitration


Athlete Trapped Between Arbitration and Courts

On February 26, 2014, the Regional Court of Munich rejected the lawsuit of the well known German speed skater Claudia Pechstein. Although the Regional Court decided that arbitration clauses for athletes are invalid because athletes are “forced” to sign them if they want to participate in sport competitions, she nonetheless dismissed the case on the […]


The UNCITRAL Rules on Transparency in Investor-State Treaty-based Arbitration

Many thanks to Ana Koprivica, research fellow of the MPI Luxembourg In July 2013 the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) adopted the Rules on Transparency in Investor-State Arbitration. The Rules shall enter into force on 1st April 2014 and apply to all investor-state disputes initiated under UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules pursuant to international […]


Collective Arbitration (by Stacie I. Strong)

It is my pleasure to announce the publication of two works of Professor Stacie I. Strong, Associate Professor of Law, Senior Fellow, Center for the Study of Dispute Resolution, University of Missouri.  Class, Mass, and Collective Arbitration in National and International Law, has just been published by Oxford University Press.  The book considers class, mass […]


Niedermaier on Arbitration and Arbitration Agreements Between Parties of Unequal Bargaining Power

Tilman Niedermaier, LL.M. (University of Chicago) has authored a book on “Arbitration Agreements and Agreements on Arbitral Procedure Between Parties of Unequal Bargaining Power. A Comparison of German and U.S. Law With Consideration of Further Legal Systems.” (Originial German title: “Schieds- und Schiedsverfahrensvereinbarungen in strukturellen Ungleichgewichtslagen. Ein deutsch-U.S.-amerikanischer Rechtsvergleich mit Schlaglichtern auf weitere Rechtsordnungen”). The […]