

The Contractual Function of a Choice of Court Agreement in Nigerian Jurisprudence

  Many international commercial parties usually provide for a choice of court agreement as a term of their contract. This is done to enhance predictability, certainty and reduction of costs in the event a dispute arises between the parties. Since a choice of court agreement is a term of the contract, does the principle of […]

Chris Thomale on the EP Draft Report on Corporate Due Diligence

Professor Chris Thomale, University of Vienna and Roma Tre University, has kindly provided us with his thoughts on the recent EP Draft Report on corporate due diligence and corporate accountability.   In recent years, debate on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has picked up speed, finally reaching the EU. The


Milan Arbitration Week – 2023 edition

From 22 to 27 May 2023, the 2023 edition of the Milan Arbitration Week will take place, online and in presence. It encompasses a series of events dedicated to domestic, international commercial and investment arbitration, with the participation of renowned Italian and foreign experts from academia and legal profession.   The Milan Arbitration Week is […]

The HCCH 2019 Judgments Convention: Cornerstones, Prospects, Outlook

  Hart Studies in Private International Law officially released a book today titled: The HCCH 2019 Judgments Convention: Cornerstones, Prospects, Outlook. The book is edited by M Weller et al. The blurb reads as follows: This book analyses, comments and further develops on the most important instrument of the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH): […]