Proposal for a EU-Directive on European Cross Border Associations (ECBA)

Tim Wöffen (University of Osnabrück) kindly made us aware of the Proposal for a Directive on European cross-border associations, adopted on 5 September by the Commission. The proposal aims to facilitate cross-border activities of non-profit associations in the EU and to improve the functioning of the Internal Market by removing legal and administrative barriers for non-profit associations that operate or wish to operate in more than one Member State. With regard to private international law, Articles 4 and 22 et seq seem particularly relevant. The public is invited to give their comments until November 1st.

Tim offers some initial thoughts (in German) here.


Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft (ZVglRWiss) 122 (2023) Issue 3: Abstracts

ZVglRWiss 122 (2023) no. 3

A Symposium in Liechtenstein on Comparative and Private International Law

Aspects of Crypto Currencies and Assets

The most recent issue of the German Journal of Comparative Law (Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft, ZVglRWiss) features various contributions to a comparative law symposium that was held at the Private University in the Principality of Liechtenstein (UFL) in autumn 2022. The topic consisted of legal aspects of crypto currencies and assets, with a particular focus on comparative law and private international law. Here are the articles’ German titles and their English abstracts:

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Book Launch: Governance of Artificial Intelligence in the European Union What Place for Consumer Protection?

Marion Ho-Dac (Artois University) and Cécile Pellegrini (Lyon Catholic University) are hosting a conference at Lyon Catholic University on Friday 29 September 2023 on the occasion of the launch of their book “Governance of Artificial Intelligence in the European Union What Place for Consumer Protection?”.

The book tackles the interplay between Artificial Intelligence (AI) governance and consumer protection on the European Union (EU) market. An in-depth analysis of the existing and future EU legal framework is conducted in order to assess its capacity to meet the challenges posed by AI. The effectiveness of consumer rights, and more widely of fundamental rights, in the digital single market calls for a regulatory ecosystem that fosters trust and therefore, upstream, transparency and explainability of AI systems. Hence, the book explores different normative paths – from hard law to standardization – as well as monitoring and supervision tools – from ethics to media literacy – that could progressively lead to an inclusive and comprehensive EU governance structure for AI. Several book’s chapters highlight the complexity of balancing conflicting interests such as the protection of consumers against the adverse impacts of AI, supporting AI development and technological innovation and putting AI at the service of empowered consumers. Ultimately, the book offers important insights into thinking about tomorrow’s digital consumer in EU law, inviting a rethinking of European policy boundaries and related legal regimes.

The full programme for the event can be found here.

Praxis des Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts (IPRax) 5/2023: Abstracts

The latest issue of the „Praxis des Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts“ (IPRax) features the following articles:

(These abstracts can also be found at the IPRax-website under the following link:

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European Yearbook of International Economic Law 2024: Call for abstracts (and papers)

The editors of the European Yearbook of International Economic Law (EYIEL) welcome abstracts from scholars and practitioners at all stages of their career for the EYIL 2024. This year’s Focus Section will concentrate on International and European Economic Law – Moving Towards Integration? In the General Section, the EYIEL will address Current Challenges, Developments and Events in European and International Economic Law.

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Just released: International Child Abduction by Mayela Celis (Madrid: Dykinson, 2023 – in Spanish)

I am thrilled to announce that my book on international child abduction has been published this week (María Mayela Celis Aguilar (aka Mayela Celis), Madrid: Dykinson, 2023, 604 pp. – in Spanish). More information is available here.

I am most grateful to Prof. Marina Vargas Gómez-Urrutia and Hans van Loon for having written the Foreword of this book and for their support throughout this process. This book is dedicated to the memory of Adair Dyer, former Deputy Secretary General of the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH), whom some of you may have known.

As stated in the publisher’s website (translation into English): “This monograph conducts a critical study of the Hague Convention of 25 October 1980 on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction by analysing both case law and doctrine. In particular, it examines key concepts of the Convention, such as habitual residence and rights of custody, as well as other problems that arise more frequently in its application. But not before carrying out a detailed study of the phenomenon of international child abduction from a multidisciplinary and human rights approach.

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Virtual Workshop (in German) on September 19: Chris Thomale on “The theory of real seat: Connecting factor or domestic link?”

On Tuesday, September 19, 2023, the Hamburg Max Planck Institute will host its 36th monthly virtual workshop Current Research in Private International Law at 17:00-18:30 (CEST). Chris Thomale (Universität Wien/Università degli Studi Roma Tre) will speak, in German, about

The theory of real seat: Connecting factor or domestic link?

The presentation will be followed by open discussion. All are welcome. More information and sign-up here.

If you want to be invited to these events in the future, please write to

The collection of the V Workshop Jean Monnet Network – BRIDGE “El Derecho Internacional Privado en las Relaciones entre la Unión Europea y América Latina” is now available


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The collection of assignments presented here is the result of the V Workshop Jean Monnet Network – BRIDGE on “El Derecho Internacional Privado en las Relaciones entre la Unión Europea y América Latina” which took place on April 19th, 2023, in hybrid mode, at University of Sevilla, Spain. This initiative promoted an intense debate on the theoretical and practical aspects about international law and the relations between European Union and Latin America, with the presence of professors and researchers from several universities.

The proceedings are part of the activities developed by Jean Monnet Network project called “Building Rights and Developing Knowledge between European Union and Latin America – BRIDGE”, co-financed by the Erasmus+ Program of European Commission (620744-EPP-1-2020-1-BR-EPPJMO-NETWORK), composed of a consortium of seven Latin American and European universities.

The articles presented at the Workshop were previously evaluated through Call for Papers, launched in January 2023, and selected by the Organizing Committee composed of Professors Aline Beltrame de Moura (Federal University of Santa Catarina), Beatriz Campuzano Días and Mª Ángeles Rodríguez Vázquez (both from University of Sevilla, Spain). Part of the articles selected for presentation at the Workshop were published in Anais do V Workshop Jean Monnet Network – BRIDGE and the others were published in the V edition of the Latin American Journal of European Studies (2023-1).

Final Update: Repository HCCH 2019 Judgments Convention

Today, we are on the eve of the HCCH 2019 Judgments Convention’s entry into force. This gives us the opportunity to offer the final instalment of our Repository on the HCCH 2019 Judgments Convention and to bring this project to its end. However, the CoL General Editors will preserve the Repository’s final state as first entry to the CoL Materials.

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Conference at the University of Milan: EU Private International Law: a Look into the Future 50 Years after the Entry into Force of the 1968 Brussels Convention

Michele Grassi (University of Milan) has kindly shared the following announcement with us:

The Department of Italian and Supranational Public Law of the University of Milan will host, on September 14 and 15, a conference on “EU Private International Law: a Look into the Future 50 Years after the Entry into Force of the 1968 Brussels Convention”, in cooperation with the European Group for Private International Law. The event is co-founded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the EU (Jean Monnet Module on Family and Succession Law Matters in EU Private International Law and Jean Monnet Module on EU Private International Law Rules on Obligations in a Digitalised World).

The conference will consider the relationship of EU PIL acts with third States and the new perspectives and gaps to fill in the EU judicial cooperation in civil matters. Speakers and chairs of the panels include: Fausto Pocar (University of Milan, Emeritus), Hans van Loon (former Secretary-General of the HCCH), Pietro Franzina (Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan), Christian Kohler (University of Saarland, Emeritus) Zeno Crespi Reghizzi (University of Milan), Patrick Kinsch (University of Luxembourg), Etienne Pataut (University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), Cristina González Beilfuss (University of Barcelona), Luigi Fumagalli (University of Milan), Andrea Bonomi (University of Lausanne), Francesca Villata (University of Milan), Támas Szabados (University of Budapest), Stefania Bariatti (University of Milan), Andreas Stein (EU Commission).

Participation is free of charge, but you are kindly asked to register at the following link:

The flyer can be found here; for further information, feel free to contact