Entries by Xandra Kramer

Article 24 Brussels I, abuse of proceedings and Article 6 ECHR

In an interesting case concerning jurisdiction in a maintenance case, the Dutch Supreme Court – clearly doing justice in the individual case – ruled that jurisdiction may be based on Article 24 Brussels I in spite of the respondent contesting jurisdiction (LJN BL3651, Hoge Raad, 09/01115, 7 May 2010, NJ 2010, 556 note Th.M. de […]

Reminder Conference ‘Civil Litigation in a Globalizing World’

On 17 and 18 June 2010, the Schools of Law of Erasmus University Rotterdam and the University of Maastricht (the Netherlands) will jointly organize a conference devoted to the subject “Civil Litigation in a Globalizing World; a Multidisciplinary Perspective”. Globalization of legal traffic and the inherent necessity of having to litigate in foreign courts or […]

ILA Conference 2010

De Iure Humanitas. Peace Justice and International Law. The 74th Conference of the International Law Association, hosted by the Netherlands Society of International Law to celebrate its 100th anniversary, will take place in The Hague from 15 to 20 August 2010. The programme includes topics intesting for PIL lawyers, e.g. sessions on international commercial arbitration, […]

Publication on Oregon’s New Choice-of-Law Codification for Torts

Professor Symeon Symeonides, principal draftsman of Oregon’s new choice-of-law codification for torts and other non-contractual claims, which went into effect on January 1, 2010, published an article on these rules. This is the first codification of this interesting but difficult subject in a common-law state of the United States, and the second one after the […]

Issue 2010/1 Nederlands Internationaal Privaatrecht

The first issue of 2010 of the Dutch PIL journal Nederlands Internationaal Privaatrecht includes the following contributions: Xandra Kramer – Editorial (Lissabon, Stockholm, Boek 10 BW en andere IPR-beloften voor 2010), p. 1-2 J-G Knot – Europees internationaal erfrecht op komst: het voorstel voor een Europese Erfrechtverordening nader belicht (on the Proposal for a European […]

ERA Conference International Commercial Transactions

This ERA Conference on International Commercial Transactions takes place on 10-11 June 2010. The objective is to analyse the legal aspects of international commercial transactions with a special focus on cross-border sale of goods. Key topics include: – UN Sales Convention (CISG). The CISG represents a landmark in the process of international unification of law. […]

Reminder: Conference on Party Autonomy in Property Law

On 27 and 28 May 2010 a conference on Party Autonomy in Property Law, organized by Erasmus School of Law and Leiden University (the Netherlands), will be held at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Leading specialists will present their views on diverse aspects of international property law. For more information and registration, please click