Entries by Matthias Weller

Out now: Festschrift for Herbert Kronke on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday: „National, International, Transnational: Harmonischer Dreiklang im Recht“

On the occasion of the 70th birthday of Herbert Kronke, Professor emeritus of the University of Heidelberg, President of the German Institution of Arbitration and Arbitrator (Chairman, Chamber Three) at the Iran US Claims Tribunal at The Hague, Former Secretary-General of UNIDROIT, a large number of friends and colleagues gathered to honour a truly outstanding […]

Same Region, Two Different Rulings on Fake News at the Internet

Fernando Pedro Meinero Recently, two criminal court decisions investigating the spread of fake news show the difficulty of determining the scope of national court jurisdiction over the internet. In Argentina, Google was successful in reversing a decision that determined the deindexation of a person’s name from search engines hosted outside the country. In this case, […]

ECJ on „civil and commercial matters“ under Article 1 (1) Brussels Ibis Regulation, judgment of 16 July 2020, C-73/19 – Movic

The Court decided that Article 1(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1215/2012 of Brussels Ibis Regulation must be interpreted as meaning that an action where the opposing parties are the authorities of a Member State and businesses established in another Member State, in which those authorities seek, primarily, findings of infringements constituting allegedly unlawful unfair commercial […]

Job Offer at the University of Bayreuth

by Professor Dr Robert Magnus The chair of civil law III at the Faculty of law and economics of the University of Bayreuth offers a position as a Doctoral researcher / PhD Student (m/w/d) which should be filled as soon as possible. The position is limited for a period of two years and is preferably […]

Opinion of AG Szpunar in the case of Ellmes Property Services, C-433/19, on Article 24(1) and Article 7(1)(a) of the Brussels I bis Regulation

Today, AG Szpunar delivered his Opinion in the case of Ellmes Property Services, C-433/19, on the interpretation of Article 24(1) and Article 7(1)(a) of the Brussels I bis Regulation. This case arose from the following facts: Both parties are co-owners of a house situated in Zell am See, Austria. The applicant, who is the owner […]