Entries by Veronika Gaertner

Article on the Dichotomy of Substance and Procedure

Martin Illmer has written an article titled: “Neutrality matters – Some Thoughts about the Rome Regulations and the So-Called Dichotomy of Substance and Procedure in European Private International Law” The article is published in Civil Justice Quarterly 28 (2009) 237 et seq. The abstract reads as follows: The so-called dichotomy of substance and procedure is […]

Commission’s Report and Green Paper on Brussels I Regulation

Yesterday, on 21 April 2009, the European Commission adopted a report and a green paper on the functioning of the existing rules on jurisdiction of the courts and the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments (Regulation (EC) No. 44/2001). The background of the  Commission’s report and green paper is as follows: Art. 73 Brussels I […]

Colloquium on Choice of Law Clauses

On 10 June 2009, the Institute for Civil and Business Law (Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration) will host together with the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Insitute for European Tort Law and the University of Vienna a colloquium on the limits and chances of choice of law clauses: “Rechtswahl – Grenzen und Chancen“. There […]