Entries by Veronika Gaertner

New Book on Parental Responsibility and Child Protection

Dorothea van Iterson: “Ouderlijke verantwoordelijkheid en kinderbescherming” (Parental Responsibility and Child Protection) On 1st May 2011 the 1996 Hague Child Protection Convention entered into force in the Netherlands. Consequently the Netherlands joined the group of countries where this Convention is in force alongside the Brussels II bis Regulation (Council Regulation (EC) No 2201/2003 of 27 […]

World Congress on Procedural Justice in Heidelberg

The International Association of International Procedural Law and the University of Heidelberg are pleased to invite proceduralists from all over the world to the XIV. IAPL World Congress on Procedural Justice. The reduction and management of an ever-increasing caseload to ensure the effectiveness of proceedings has been at the centre of debates in the area […]

Hess: Remarks on Case C-491/10PPU – Andrea Aguirre Pelz

We are grateful to Professor Burkhard Hess (Heidelberg) for the following remarks on the German preliminary reference in case C- 491/10 PPU (Andrea Aguirre Pelz): Mutual Recognition and Fundamental Rights Case C-491/10PPU – Andrea Aguirre Pelz An important preliminary reference has recently reached the ECJ’s dockets: In the case C-491/10PPU the Higher Regional Court of Celle referred […]