Entries by Thalia Kruger

Christian Schulze, ‘The 2005 Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements’, (2007) 19 SA Merc LJ 140-150

The article discusses the 2005 Hague Convention’s rules on jurisdiction (of the chosen and not-chosen courts) and the recognition and enforcement of resulting judgments. It then goes on to examine the role of the new convention in comparison to other conventions and to the Brussels I Regulation. Reference is made to the different objectives of […]

Revocation of Wills in South African Private International Law

The July 2007 ICLQ contains an article by Prof Jan Neels on the revocation of wills in South African private international law with reference to other Commonwealth jurisdictions and the provisions of the Hague Convention on the Conflict of Laws Relating to the Form of Testamentary Dispositions (1961). Specific reference is made to section 3bis […]

Fraude à la loi

In a judgment of 17 April 2007, the Court of first instance of Hasselt found that the exception of fraude à la loi did not apply to the following case: A man from India and a woman from The Netherlands married in Sweden. They had no connection to that country (no friends or family; never […]

Legalisation attachments in Belgium

In Belgium a practice has developed whereby the Belgian embassies in foreign countries may attach a ‘warning’ when legalising a document. The most frequent example is for repudiation. The warning note will then indicate to the future receiver of the document that according to the embassy, the document concerns the unilateral dissolution of a divorce. […]