Entries by Martin George

Private International Law Applied to Business

Yasmine Lahlou & Marina Matousekova have written an article in the latest issue of the International Business Law Journal on "Private International Law Applied to Business" (No.4, 2006, p.547-573). The abstract states: In the field of conflicts of laws, French courts were referred disputes relating to employment and factoring agreements. The issues of procedural agreements and […]

The Regime for the Circulation of Judgments under the EC Insolvency Regulation

Ettore Consalvi (University of Rome) has published an article in the latest issue of International Insolvency Review on "The regime for circulation of judgements under the EC regulation on insolvency proceedings" (Vol. 15, Issue 3, 2006, p. 147-162). Here's the abstract: The regime for recognition and enforcement of judgements under the

Articles on the Conflict of Laws in International Arbitration

There are two articles in the new issue of Abitration International that deal with private international law issues arising out of international commercial arbitration. They are: Thomas Buergenthal, “The proliferation of disputes, dispute settlement procedures and respect for the rule of law” Arbitration Int. 2006, 22(4), 495-499. Abstract: Considers the reasons for the proliferation of […]

Warnings for a new Beginning: Singapore Choice of Law in Tort

To complete our round-up of newly available articles today, we have an article on “Warnings for a New Beginning” by William Tong (University of Nottingham), which explores the tort choice of law rules in Singapore, and how they compare with other common law jurisdictions such as the UK. Here’s the abstract: In striking contrast with […]

Governing Cyberspace: a US Approach

A highly theoretical, and interesting, article on the rules governing e-commerce transactions (or “cyberspace”, as the author puts it) has been posted on SSRN.

Some English Articles in December

There have been a couple of articles in various journals concerning the conflict of laws this month. Without further ado, they are: 1) E.C. Ritaine, "Harmonising European Private International Law: A Replay of Hannibal's Crossing of the Alps?"