Entries by Marta Requejo

On the ATS: D.C. Circuit Splits with Second

For another twist of American courts on the Alien Tort Statute (this time, in favour of its applicability to corporations), I suggest reading the D.C. Circuit decision of July, the 8th, John Doe VIII v. Exxon Mobil Corp (see

De Miguel on Derecho Privado de Internet (4th edn)

The fourth edition of Derecho privado de internet, by Professor Pedro de Miguel (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) has just been published. Eight years have elapsed since the previous edition, so I would rather say this is a new book in line with the rapid evolution of Internet services, regulatory developments related to it, and caselaw. […]

The New Spanish Arbitration Law Reform Act

This post has been written by Miguel Gómez Jene, Senior Lecturer of Private International Law at the UNED (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia) On May 21st, the Spanish official Gazette (www.boe.es) published the reform of the Arbitration Act. This Act amends certain provisions concerning the Arbitration legislation (2003). From the point of view of international […]

Japan’s New Act on International Jurisdiction

 Professor Koji Takahashi (Doshisha University Law School, Japan), has kindly informed us about the adoption of a new Act in Japan containing provisions on international jurisdiction of the Japanese courts in civil and commercial matters (the matters of personal status are excluded from the scope), which will be inserted into the existing Code of Civil […]

Cultural Legitimacy and Climate Change Policy Conference

  The Surrey International Law Centre (SILC) invites you to a one-day international interdisciplinary seminar on cultural legitimacy and the international law and policy on climate change on 21 June 2011. Climate change poses fundamental and varied challenges to all communities across the globe. The adaptation and mitigation strategies proposed by governments and non-governmental organisations […]