Entries by Marta Requejo

New EU Rules on Consumer Rights to Enter into Force

Thanks to Marta Otero for the tip-off Source: Europa Press Releases The new EU Consumer Rights Directive was formally adopted by Member States last Monday in the  EU’s Council of Ministers . The new legislation will strengthen consumers’ rights in all 27 EU countries, particularly when shopping online. After publication in the EU’s Official Journal, […]

Commentaire romand LDIP/CL

Commentaire Romand. Loi sur le droit international privé. Convention de Lugano, is the first comment that involves both the analysis of the law on private international law and the new Lugano Convention. Thanks to  the emphasis on case law, the practitioner and the researcher will find a comprehensive data base on Swiss private international law. […]

The Controversial Succession of Dali

Prof. Pilar Jiménez Blanco (University of Oviedo) published recently an article on the Dali ECJ’s ruling, a case referred to the Court by the Tribunal de Grande Instance de Paris, af. C-518/08. I have asked her to summarize her opinion. Here it goes: The most important aspect of the ECJ judgment in the Dali case […]

Towards a Coherent European Approach to Collective Redress

The Commission’s consultation on collective reddress, aiming to identify common legal principles on collective redres, ended in April 2011. On 15 July 2011, the European Parliament published a draft report on collective redress. I might be wrong, but I think the document has gone unfairly unnoticed. You can have a look at it

Spanish Legislación de Derecho Internacional Privado, latest edition

The 14th edition of the Legislación de Derecho Internacional Privado has been released. Prepared by Professors Santiago Álvarez González, Carlos Esplugues Mota, Pilar Rodriguez Mateos and Sixto Sánchez Lorenzo, it a useful tool for students, practitioners, and foreign scholars willing to know what PIL laws, either autonomous, conventional or European, are applicable in Spain (and, […]

Long Life ATS

American ATS is far from being dead: that’s true both from the standpoint of academics and practitioners. Only two days ago, on Tuesday, Gilles announced a

A welcome comment on ECJ’s “Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe” ruling

Last Friday the Spanish magazine La Ley-Unión Europea published a comment on ECJ case C- 144/10 by Professor Rafael Arenas (Universidad Autónoma, Barcelona). Prof. Arenas provides some welcome, useful keys on the understanding of the relationship between ECJ rulings in cases C- 04/03, GAT, and C-144/10 BVG; he also takes into account the reference for a preliminary […]

EESC Opinion on the Brussels I Review published yesterday

The Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee on the ‘Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters’ was published yesterday (OJ, C, 218). Though the Committee warmly welcomes the Commission’s proposal and supports it, it […]