Entries by Marta Requejo

The Hague Convention 1996 in Force in the UK

The Hague Convention on Jurisdiction, Applicable Law, Recognition, Enforcement and Co-operation in respect of Parental Responsibility and Measures for the Protection of Children, ratified by the UK this year, came yesterday (1 November 2012) into force in this country, subject to the following declarations and reservations: .- A judgment given in a Court of a Member […]

Anuario Español de Derecho Internacional Privado, 2011

A new volume of the Anuario Español de Derecho Internacional Privado (vol. 2011) has just been released. It includes a number of unique studies, most of which are in-depth developments of the ideas briefly presented both by Spanish and foreign scholars at the International Seminar on Private International Law, held last March at the Universidad Complutense […]

On Negative Declarations and the Brussels I Regulation

The latest issue of the Anuario Español de Derecho Internacional Privado (vol. XI, 2011), which has been recently published, includes an article by Crístian Oró Martínez (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona – Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for International, European and Regulatory Procedural Law) dealing precisely with the question examined by the CJEU in its judgment of […]

On Legal Pluralism and Multiculturality

Pluralismo y multiculturalidad: Tribunal arbitral musulmán y consejos islámicos (Sharia courts) en el Reino Unido is the title of the last paper by professor V. Camarero Suárez and professor F. Zamora Cabot, both from the University of Castellón. The paper, written in Spanish, has been published in the Anuario de Derecho Eclesiástico del Estado, 2012; professor […]

VIIth Complutense Seminar on Private International Law

The International Seminar on Private International Law promoted by Professor Fernández Rozas and Professor De Miguel Asensio (University Complutense, Madrid) will soon become a tradition. The satisfying experience of the last six years has encouraged the organizers to hold the seventh edition next April 2013. Keeping the pattern of its precedents, the

PIL and Human Rights in Europe

Professor Veerle Van Den Eeckhout, who teaches private international law at the Universities of Antwerp and of Leiden, has just published “Private International Law and Fundamental Rights: Private International Law as an Instrument for the Promotion of Respect for Fundamental Rights?” on SSRN.  The paper analyses – in an exploratory way – the impact of Fundamental Rights […]