Entries by Giesela Ruehl

Thank you, Martin, for 10 years of conflictoflaws.net!

Dear Martin, dear all, We would like to take the opportunity and thank you, Martin, very much for setting up and taking care of the blog for more than 10 years! Under your supervision the blog has developed into one of the leading and most influential platforms in the field of conflict of laws and […]

24 February: Unalex conference on Open Issues in EU Private International Law

On Friday, 24 February 2017, the research project “unalex – multilingual information for the uniform interpretation of the instruments of judicial cooperation in civil matters” is organizing a workshop on European International Family Law under the title “European Open Issues in Private International Law: Matrimonial and Maintenance Law” at the University of Genoa. The unalex […]

Vacancies: 2 PhD Positions at the University of Jena

Professor Dr. Giesela Rühl, University of Jena, is seeking to fill two positions as PhD students/research assistants (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter) as of 1 May/1 June 2017. Successful candidates should hold a first law degree (ideally, but not necessarily: First German State Examination) ranking in the top 10-15 % and be interested in the international dimensions of […]

Brexit and Family Law Conference in Cambridge on 27 March 2017

The UK’s withdrawal from the EU will precipitate important change in international family law. EU law has increasingly come to define key aspects of both jurisdiction and recognition & enforcement of judgments on divorce, maintenance, and disputes over children, including international child abduction, and provided new frameworks for cross-national cooperation. Child & Family Law Quarterly […]

JuristenZeitung, Issue 2 (2017): Two More Articles on the Effects of Brexit

The current issue of the JuristenZeitung features two articles dealing with the effects of Brexit on private and economic law, including private international law. The first article, authored by Matthias Lehmann, University of Bonn, and Dirk Zetzsche,  University of Liechtenstein,  discusses the various options to bring about Brexit and analyses their consequences for the law […]

Supreme Court of Latvia: Final Outcome of “flyLAL Lithuanian Airlines”

By Baiba Rudevska On 23 October 2014 the European Court of Justice (hereinafter referred to as the “ECJ”) delivered its judgment in the case “flyLAL Lithuanian Airlines AS v. Starptautiska lidosta Riga VAS (Riga International Airport)” (C-302/13). The request for a preliminary ruling was made by the Supreme Court of Latvia (Latvijas Republikas Augstaka tiesa) […]