Italian Society of International Law’s XVI Annual Meeting (Catania, 23-24 June 2011)


The Italian Society of International Law (Società Italiana di Diritto Internazionale – SIDI) will open today its XVI Annual Meeting at the University of Catania (23-24 June 2011). The conference is devoted to “Protection of Human Rights and International Law” (“La tutela dei diritti umani e il diritto internazionale”).

In the morning of Friday, 24 June, the meeting will be structured in three parallel sessions, respectively dealing with the topic in a public international law, private international law and international economic law perspective (see the complete programme here). Here’s the programme of the PIL session:

Morning session (Friday 24 June 2011, 9:30) – Private International Law and Human Rights

Chair and introductory remarks: Angelo Davì (Univ. of Rome “Sapienza”)

  • Patrick Kinsch (Univ. du Luxembourg – Secrétaire du GEDIP): Droits de l’homme et reconnaissance internationale des situations juridiques personnelles et familiales;
  • Cristina Campiglio (Univ. of Pavia): Identità culturale, diritti umani e diritto internazionale privato;
  • Francesco Salerno (Univ. of Ferrara): Competenza giurisdizionale, riconoscimento delle decisioni e diritto all’equo processo;
  • Nadina Foggetti (Univ. of Bari): Riconoscibilità del matrimonio islamico temporaneo (Mut’a) e tutela dei diritti umani;
  • Fabrizio Marongiu Buonaiuti (Univ. of Rome “Sapienza”), La tutela del diritto di accesso alla giustizia e della parità delle armi tra i litiganti nella proposta di revisione del regolamento n. 44/2001.

The concluding session of the meeting, in the afternoon of Friday, 24 June (16:00), will host a round table on “International Courts and International Protection of Human Rights”, chaired by Luigi Condorelli (Univ. of Florence), with Flavia Lattanzi (ICTY), Paolo Mengozzi (ECJ), Tullio Treves (ITLOS) and Abdulqawi Yusuf (ICJ).