State Immunity in Australia


A recent decision of the Full Court of the Federal Court of Australia considers an unusual area of private international law, namely the applicability of foreign state immunity to government-owned airlines in the context of civil proceedings for breach of competition laws. The case was brought by the Australian competition regulator against two airlines—Garuda Indonesia and Malaysian Airlines—in relation to a cartel for the fixing of air freight prices.

In Australia, the law of foreign state immunity is largely in statutory form by virtue of the Foreign States Immunities Act 1985 (Cth). That act extends immunity in some circumstances to a ‘separate entity’ of foreign states, defined as being an agency or instrumentality of the foreign State which is not part of that State’s executive government.

The Full Court considered that (contrary to the trial judge’s ruling) Garuda was such an agency or instrumentality of Indonesia, but that (in accordance with the trial judge’s ruling) Malaysian Airlines was
not such an agency or instrumentality of Malaysia. Nevertheless, because the conduct in question fell within the commercial transaction exception in s 11 of the Act, Garuda was not entitled to foreign state immunity.

Lander and Greenwood JJ considered that ‘agency’ and ‘instrumentality’ were two separate concepts. By contrast, Rares J declined to draw this distinction between the two terms. The joint judgment stated:

“We think the difference is in their constitution. An instrumentality is a body created by the State as an instrumentality for the purpose of performing a function for the State. … An instrumentality of the State cannot be created by an organ other than the State. A natural person or a corporation cannot create an instrumentality and certainly not an instrumentality of the State.

“An instrumentality is created by the State for the purpose of carrying out functions on behalf of the State and is not available to carry out any functions for any other State, person or corporation. …

“An agency may have the same characteristics as an instrumentality, but not necessarily so. An agency of the State, in our opinion, does not necessarily have to have been created by the State itself. It may be, but need not be. … [at [36]-[39]]

This distinction had one important consequence for the test to determine whether an entity was the instrumentality or agency of a foreign state, namely that the question of ownership and control was in their Honours’ opinion less important than the trial judge may have assumed:

“Ownership cannot be determinative of the question whether a person or corporation is an agency or instrumentality of a foreign State. A natural person will not have an owner. Australian law does not countenance ownership of a person. An instrumentality will usually be created by legislation. It may have “an owner”. In many cases it will not have “an owner” but will simply be a creation of statute. An agency may or may not be owned by the State. If it is then it is more likely to be found to be an agency of the State. But if it is not owned by the State that is not determinative of the question whether the person or corporation is an agency of the State. The agency might exist as a result of a contractual relationship between the State and the person or corporation. It follows that ownership cannot be the sole criteria in determining whether a natural person or a corporation is an agency or instrumentality of a foreign State. …

“Like Rares J, we do not, with respect, agree with the primary judge that the test whether a natural person or a corporation of the kind referred to in the definition is to be determined by reference to whether the foreign State has the day-to-day management control of the agency or instrumentality. We think, as we have said, such a holding is inconsistent with s 3(2), which contemplates that a separate entity may be the agency of more than one foreign State and, indeed, numerous foreign States, not all of which presumably would have the actual day-to-day control of that foreign entity.

“Ownership and control will be important in determining whether a natural person or a corporation is an agency or instrumentality of a foreign State. However neither, in our opinion, can be determinative factors. [at [44], [46]-[47]]

Rares J reached the same conclusion, but without the need to distinguish between ‘agencies’ and ‘instrumentalities’, since both connoted a ‘means to achieve some purpose or end of [the foreign] State’. For that reason,

“the primary judge erred in construing the definition of “separate entity” as containing requirements that the foreign State own and control a corporation to the point where it exerted a real or tangible level of day-to-day management control over it. Those requirements are not contained in express or implied terms in the Act. They are not necessary to give the Act effect. They are inconsistent with the express provision that an individual, who cannot be owned, can be a separate entity. They assimilate the position of a corporation to an organ of the foreign State, contrary to the exclusion of such a body in the express words of the definition. …

“The correct approach is to consider, on the whole of the evidence, whether the person is acting for, or being used by, the foreign State as its means to achieve some purpose or end of that State in the relevant circumstances.” [at [124], [128]]

Significantly, the Court held that a dealing did not cease to be a ‘commercial transaction’ simply because it was unlawful. This was relevant because the ‘transaction’ in question was the formation of an anti-competitive cartel. As the joint judgment remarked:

“It would be curious if the effect of s 11 is to except from the
general claim for immunity a lawful transaction for the provisions of
services but provides an immunity for a contract, arrangement or
understanding which is unlawful” [at [63]]

Or, as Rares J expanded:

“The exception provided in s 11(1) is not for a commercial transaction, as that expression is defined in s 11(3). Rather, the subject-matter of the exception from immunity is the proceeding “in so far as [it] … concerns a commercial transaction”. The airlines were carrying on business, offering for sale and selling air freight services. The proceedings concerned the allegation that the cartel conduct was an activity that affected the ordinary market price setting mechanisms. That allegation concerned what was inherently an activity of a commercial, trading or business kind.” [at [205]]

PT Garuda Indonesia Ltd v Australian Competition and Consumer Commission [2011] FCAFC 52 (19 April 2011)

Spanish Draft Law on Mediation


The Spanish Draft Law on Mediation in Civil and Commercial Matters was published on the BOCG OF APRIL 29, 2011 (see here). The future Act would incorporate into Spanish law Directive 2008/52/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 21 May 2008 on certain aspects of mediation in civil and commercial matters (just for the record, the deadline for bringing into force the laws, regulations, and administrative provisions necessary to comply with the Directive is May 21, 2011, so we will be late). However, the proposed regulation goes beyond the content of the Directive, in line with the third additional provision of Law 15/2005 of 8 July, amending the Civil Code and Civil Procedure Act relating to separation and divorce. While Directive 2008/52/EC lays down only minimum standards to encourage mediation in cross-border civil and commercial matters, the Spanish regulation sets a general scheme that takes into account the provisions of the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Conciliation, and would be applicable to any mediation (limited to the field of civil and commercial matters) that takes place in Spain and intends to be legally binding.

Some interesting provisions of the draft read as follows:

Article 2. In the absence of express or tacit submission to this law, it shall apply when at least one of the parties is domiciled in Spain and the mediation is to be conducted in Spanish territory.

Article 3. Cross border conflicts mediation.

1. For the purposes of mediation governed by this law, “cross-border conflict” means a conflict in which at least one party is domiciled or habitually resident in a State other than that in which any of the other affected parties is domiciles or has habitually residence at the time they agree to use mediation (or they have to use it in accordance with the applicable law).

2. In cross border disputes between parties residing in different Member States of the European Union, domicile will be determined in accordance with Articles 59 and 60 of Regulation (EC) no. 44/2001 of 22 December 2000 on the jurisdiction and recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters.

Article 28. Enforcement of cross border mediation agreements.

1. Without prejudice to the rules of the European Union and international conventions in force in Spain, a mediation agreement that has already become enforceable in another State shall only be executed in Spain where such enforceability results from the intervention of an authority competent to perform functions equivalent to those played by Spanish authorities.

2. A mediation agreement that has not been declared enforceable by a foreign authority will only be executed in Spain after having been notarized by a Spanish notary public at the request of the parties, or of one of them with the express consent of the other.

3. The foreign document will not be executed if it is manifestly contrary to the Spanish ordre public.

First Issue of 2011’s Belgian PIL E-Journal


The first issue of the Belgian bilingual (French/Dutch) e-journal on private international law / was just released.

The journal essentially reports European and Belgian cases addressing issues of private international law, but it also offers academic articles. This issue includes two casenotes, one in Dutch and one in French, commenting on the Pammer / Alpenhof case.

Reinhard Steennot – Hof van Justitie verduidelijkt toepassingsvoorwaarde bijzondere IPR-regelen consumentenovereenkomsten

Malgorzata Posnow Wurm – La protection des consommateurs en droit international privé européen suite aux arrêts Pammer – Hotel Alpenhof: la notion d? “activité dirigée”

The issue can be freely downloaded here.

“The Future of Private International Law in Australia” — Seminar in Sydney


Australian readers, and others who happen to be here on 16 May 2011, may be interested in a seminar to be held at Sydney Law School (Camperdown Campus) on that day from 6-7.30pm.

The seminar is entitled “The Future of Private International Law in Australia”.  The speakers are:

  • The Honourable Justice Paul Le Gay Brereton AM RFD, Judge of the Supreme Court of New South Wales and co-author of Nygh’s Conflict of Laws in Australia (8th ed);
  • Dr Andrew Bell SC, New South Wales Bar and co-author of Nygh’s Conflict of Laws in Australia;
  • Thomas John, head of the Private International Law Section of the Commonwealth Attorney-General’s Department; and
  • Professor Andrew Dickinson, Professor in Private International Law at Sydney Law School and one of the specialist editors of Dicey, Morris & Collins: The Conflict of Laws.

A brochure can be found here.

Childress on the Alien Tort Statute and the Next Wave of International Litigation


Donald Earl Childress III (Pepperdine University School of Law) has posted The Alien Tort Statute, Federalism, and the Next Wave of International Law Litigation on SSRN.

This Article examines the question of what role international law should play in domestic courts through the lens of the Alien Tort Statute (“ATS”) and points to the next battlegrounds for transnational litigation under state and foreign law. The Article provides clarity as to why federal appellate courts have limited ATS cases. In light of federal retrenchment, this Article uniquely explores the potential for a new wave of international law litigation under state and foreign law and the potential for that wave to reach state courts. The Article analyzes forthcoming issues of federalism, choice of law, preemption, and due process that will arise as part of the next wave of international law litigation. After critically evaluating these areas, the Article provides a scholarly agenda for further study related to the question of international law in domestic courts. The Article seeks to apply the rich academic literature produced to date by such eminent scholars as Curtis Bradley, Jack Goldsmith, Harold Koh, and others to this new wave of transnational litigation. In so doing, it creates a new legal and normative framework for further studies regarding the role of international law in U.S. courts. The Article concludes by proposing a congressional fix that uses the Class Action Fairness Act of 2005 as a model for alleviating federalism concerns that exist when international law cases are brought in domestic courts.

The paper is forthcoming in the Georgetown Law Journal.