Tag Archive for: succession

Swiss Institute of Comparative Law: Conference on the EU’s Proposal on Succession

ISDC_logo_bmpOn Friday, 19th March 2010, the 22nd Journée de droit international privé, organised by the Swiss Institute of Comparative Law (ISDC) and the University of Lausanne (Center of Comparative Law, European Law and Foreign Legislations), will analyse the Commission’s Proposal on Succession: “Droit international privé des successions – quel futur en Europe et en Suisse?”.

The list of confirmed speakers includes Prof. Andrea Bonomi (Univ. of Lausanne), Prof. Paul Lagarde (Univ. of Paris I – Sorbonne ) and Prof. Oliver Remien (Univ. of Würzburg). A detailed programme and further information will be posted as soon as available.

Text of the Commission’s Proposal on Succession and Wills Finally Available

Following our previous post on the presentation by the Commission of the Proposal for a regulation on succession and wills (COM(2009) 154 fin. of 14 October 2009), the text of the Proposal has been made available on the PreLex website, where the codecision procedure has been filed under no. 2009/0157/COD. Only the English, French and German versions are currently accessible.

The proposal is accompanied by two Commission Staff working documents (in English):

  • doc. n. SEC(2009)410 of 14 October 2009, Impact Assessment;
  • doc. n. SEC(2009)411 of 14 October 2009, Summary of the Impact Assessment.

Direct linking to these supplements does not currently work: to download them, use the search form at the bottom of this page.

European Commission Presents Proposal on Succession and Wills

According to a press release by the DG Freedom, Security and Justice (IP/09/1508), the long-awaited Proposal for a Regulation on succession and wills, whose presentation, initially expected in last March, had been significantly delayed, was finally released on 14 October 2009 by the European Commission.

The official reference should be the following: Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and enforcement of decisions and authentic instruments in matters of succession and the creation of a European Certificate of Succession, COM(2009)154 fin. of 14 October 2009.

The text of the proposed regulation, along with the Commission’s explanatory memorandum, is not yet available on the institutional websites. Interested readers may have a look at the press release and at a basic set of Q&A (MEMO/09/447) prepared by the Commission. References to the preparatory studies, the 2005 Green Paper and the subsequent public consultation can be found in our previous post here.