This conference, the next in a series that has featured Madrid (2013), Milan (2011), New York (2009), Birmingham (2007) and Aberdeen (2005), will be held in Cambridge, England at the University of Cambridge. As in the past, it features a diverse line-up of exciting speakers on interesting topics. All essential information can be found on the conference web site ( which can be accessed here. In particular, the program and additional essential information can be obtained.
Accommodation is in Harvey Court, Gonville & Caius College, West Road. All rooms are ensuite and there are some doubles. It is very close to the Law Faculty. The conference dinner on Thursday evening is in Caius Old Hall. Both accommodation and dinner can be booked via the same link. The further information gives travel advice about coming to Cambridge.
The conference organizers are Richard Fentiman, Pippa Rogerson and Louise Merrett. The conference is supported by the Centre for Corporate and Commercial Law (3CL).
Registration is now open and so you are encouraged to book.