

Territorial Jurisdiction for Disputes between Members of a Political Party in Nigeria

  Election or political party disputes often feature before Nigerian courts. In Nigeria jurisdiction in matters of conflict of laws (called “territorial jurisdiction” by many Nigerian judges) also applies to matters of disputes between members of a political party in the inter-state context.

The Supreme Court of Japan on Punitive Damages…

Written by Béligh Elbalti (Associate Professor, Graduate School of Law and Politics – Osaka University) Introduction Assume that you successfully obtained a favourable judgment from a foreign court that orders the losing party to pay punitive damages in addition to compensatory damages. Assume also that, later, you could obtain a partial satisfaction of the amount […]

Territorial Jurisdiction for Breach of Contract in Nigeria or whatever

Jurisdiction is a fundamental aspect of Nigerian procedural law. In Nigerian judicial parlance, we have become accustomed to the principle that the issue of jurisdiction can be raised at any time, even at the Nigerian Supreme Court – the highest court of the land – for the first time.


August 2023 Update: List of China’s Cases on Recognition of Foreign Judgments

Written by Dr. Meng Yu and Dr. Guodong Du, co-founders of China Justice Observer* On 20 August 2023, China Justice Observer released the 2023 version of List of China’s Cases on Recognition of Foreign Judgments. To date, we have collected 98 cases involving China and 25 foreign States and regions. (Note: Foreign divorce judgments are […]

Diccionario digital de Derecho Internacional Privado in open access

Diccionario digital de Derecho Internacional Privado contains no less than 1522 pages in the Spanish language dedicated to analysis of crucial notions in private international law. Each notion is explained in length and accompanies with bibliographic references. This electronic publication is edited by Jorge Luis Collantes González and features contributions by many private international law […]