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857 search results for: arbitration


Publication: Briggs & Rees, Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments (5th edn)

Just in case you have not already ordered your copy, or one for your library, the 5th edn (2009) of Briggs & Rees, Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments is available. Insofar as there is blurb available, here it is: The new edition has been thoroughly updated to include: Major decisions of the European Court on the […]


Fourth Complutense Seminar on Private International Law

On 11 and  12 March, 2010, a new edition (the fourth) of the Private International Law Seminar organized by Prof. Fernández Rozas and  De Miguel Asensio will take place in Madrid . This Seminar, which has proven to be one of the most important and successful in the area of Private International Law in Spain both by the extent […]


International Conference in Verona

The Verona University School of Law will host a conference titled Conflict of Laws in International Commercial Arbitration The conference will take place from 18-20 March 2010 in Verona and will cover in particular the following topics: conflict of law questions concerning arbitration agreements jurisdiction of arbitral tribunals the law applicable to the merits arbitration […]


Dallah, Renvoi and Transnational Law

In December, three members of the UK Supreme Court granted leave to appeal in Dallah v. Pakistan.   The case concerns the enforcement of an ICC arbitral award in the UK. In a nutshell, the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Pakistan had negotiated with Saudi company Dallah a contract whereby Dallah would provide services (building accomodation in particular) for Pakistani […]


Choice of Law in American Courts 2009

Once again, Dean Symeon Symeonides has compiled his annual choice of law survey.  Here is the abstract: “This is the Twenty-Third Annual Survey of American Choice-of-Law Cases. It is written at the request of the Association of American Law Schools Section on Conflict of Laws and is intended as a service to fellow teachers and […]