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857 search results for: arbitration


Volume 366 of Courses of the Hague Academy

Volume 366 of the Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law was just published. It includes the two following courses:

“Trusts” in Private International Law by David Hayton.

The course first deals with « What is a ‘trust’ in the global arena ? » because the concept has developed from English trusts that create proprietary rights binding third parties to complex offshore trusts with additional flexible features and to trusts in civil law and mixed jurisdictions that confer on beneficiaries a specially preferred obligation in respect of particular property. Once this range affecting the family and the commercial sphere is understood, it is possible properly to go on to deal with « Trusts Jurisdiction and Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments under Brussels 1 and the Recast Regulation » and then with « Trusts within the Hague Trusts Convention, the Applicable Law and Recognition of Trusts»

  • Chapter I. What is a “trust” in the global arena;
  • Chapter II. Trusts jurisdiction and recognition and enforcement of judgments under Brussels 1 and the Recast Regulation;
  • Chapter III. “Trusts” within the Hague Trusts Convention: the applicable law and recognition of trusts.

Res Judicata and Lis Pendens in International Arbitration by Kaj Hobér

The increase in the number of international courts and tribunals combined with the significant growth of international arbitrations has led to a corresponding increase in overlapping and competing jurisdictions, and in the risks thereof. One method of resolving such jurisdictional conflicts is to apply the principles of res judicata and lis pendens. These lectures discuss and analyze these two principles in so far as international arbitrations are concerned, including international commercial arbitration, interstate arbitration and investment treaty arbitration.

  • Chapter I. Introduction
  • Chapter II. Res judicata and lis pendens in national law
  • Chapter III. International arbitration, res judicata and lis pendens
  • Chapter IV. Final comments.

Privatizing Delaware Courts

I was not aware of this development in Delaware, which was introduced by a statute of 2009. For USD 6,000 a day and USD 12,000 filing fees, the prestigious Delaware court and judges can be rented for settling disputes above USD 1 million. One of the parties at least must be a Delaware business entity. […]


Conflict of Laws Bibliography 2013

I am pleased to pass on that Professor Symeon Symeonides has once again compiled a bibliography that covers private international law, or conflict of laws, in a broad sense. In particular, it covers judicial or adjudicatory jurisdiction, prescriptive jurisdiction, choice of forum, choice of law, federal-state conflicts, recognition and enforcement of sister-state and foreign-country judgments, […]