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857 search results for: arbitration


A Major Amendment to Provisions on Foreign-Related Civil Procedures Is Planned in China

Written by NIE Yuxin and LIU Chang, Wuhan University Institute of International Law Background The present Civil Procedure Law of China (hereinafter “CPL”) was enacted in 1990 and has been amended four times. All amendments made no substantive adjustments to the foreign-related civil procedure proceedings. In contrast with legislative indifference, foreign-related cases in the Chinese […]


List of publications on South African private international law as from 2020

LIST OF PUBLICATIONS ON SOUTH AFRICAN PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW AS FROM 2020 Adams “Choice of Islamic law in the context of the wider lex mercatoria: an express choice of non-State law in contract” 2021 Journal of South African Law 59. Adams “The UCP as a choice of non-State law in international commercial contracts” 2022 Potchefstroom […]


LEX & FORUM Vol. 3/2022

This editorial has been prepared by Prof. Paris Arvanitakis, Aristotle University of  Thessaloniki, Greece. The European Regulations of Private and Procedural International Law are part of an enclosed legislative system. Since the early stages of European integration, third countries, and in particular the USA, had expressed their objections concerning the European integration process, questioning whether it reflects […]


China’s Foreign Exchange Regulations and Illegality in Private International Law by Dr. Jie (Jeanne) Huang

China’s Foreign Exchange Regulations and Illegality in Private International Law  About this event When: Wednesday, 23rd November 4pm Where: Room 3.1, Third Floor, Centre for Commercial Law Studies, 67-69 Lincoln’s Inn Fields London WC2A Format: In-person This event is jointly hosted by QM Criminal Justice Centre and the Centre for Financial Law, Regulation & Compliance […]