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Last chance to register for the online summer course 2022 of the Hague Academy of International Law

Tomorrow (3 July 2022) is your last chance to register for the online summer course 2022 of the Hague Academy of International Law (both public and private international law). Click here.

More information is available here. The poster is available here.

The summer course 2022 will be offered this year both on-site in The Hague and online, which is great news given the disruptions caused by the covid-19 pandemic the previous years.

Call for Papers: XV Conference ASADIP and General Congress of the International Academy of Comparative Law

Call for Papers

XV Conference ASADIP and General Congress of the International Academy of Comparative Law

ASADIP and IACL invite proposals for presentations for a panel on “Private International Law and Sustainable Development: Latin American Perspectives”. The panel will be part of the XV Conference of ASADIP “A Private International Law to Transform the World” on 27 October 2022 in Asunción, Paraguay during the General Congress of the International Academy of Comparative Law (IACL, 23-28 October 2022). More information here.

Convocatoria para realizar propuestas de presentación

XV Jornadas ASADIP y Congreso General de la Academia Internacional de Derecho Comparado

ASADIP e IACL invitan a realizar propuestas de presentaciones para un panel sobre “Derecho internacional privado y desarrollo sostenible: perspectivas latinoamericanas”. El panel será parte de la XV Conferencia de ASADIP “Un Derecho internacional privado para transformar el mundo” el 27 de octubre de 2022 en Asunción, Paraguay, durante el Congreso General de la Academia Internacional de Derecho Comparado (IACL, 23-28 de octubre de 2022). Más informaciones aquí.

Appel à contributions

XV Conférence ASADIP et Congrès Général de l’Académie Internationale de Droit Comparé

L’ASADIP et l’AIDC invitent à proposer des présentations pour un panel sur « Le droit international privé et le développement durable : perspectives latino-américaines ». Le panel fera partie de la XV Conférence ASADIP « Un droit international privé pour transformer le monde » le 27 octobre 2022 à Asunción, Paraguay, lors du Congrès Général de l’Académie Internationale de Droit Comparé (AIDC, 23-28 octobre 2022). Plus d’informations ici.

Regional Forum “HCCH 2019 Judgments Convention: Prospects for the Western Balkans”

by Ilija Rumenov Assistant Professor at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Macedonia

The Regional Forum “HCCH 2019 Judgments Convention: Prospects for the Western Balkans will take place on 30th of June and 1st of July in Skopje, North Macedonia. This event is co-organized by the “Balkans Enforcement Strengthening Project (BESP)” funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and implemented by the Center for International Legal Cooperation (CILC) and the project “Legal Reform for Economic Development in the Western Balkans” financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Development and Cooperation (BMZ) and implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). The event is organized in cooperation with the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH) and the International Union of Judicial Officers (UIHJ).

The aim of the Regional Forum is to exchange and debate on the prospects and benefits of the HCCH 2019 Judgments Convention for the Western Balkans in the presence of representatives from the Ministries of Justice, Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Judicial Training Institutions, Chambers of Enforcement Agents, and legal experts. The forum is structured in six thematic sessions with contributions from different stakeholders.

The Regional Forum will be officially opened by Dr. Nikola Tupancheski, Minister of Justice of the Republic of North Macedonia, Dr. Christophe Bernasconi, Secretary General at The Hague Conference of Private International Law (HCCH) and Mr. Jos Uitdehaag, Vice-President of the International Union of Judicial Officers (UIHJ).