

After the Romans: Private International Law Post Brexit

Written by Michael McParland, QC, 39 Essex Chambers, London

On 10 December 2018 the Ministry of Justice published a draft statutory instrument with the pithy title of “The Law Applicable to Contractual Obligations and Non-Contractual Obligations (Amendment etc) (EU Exit) Regulations 2018”. This indicates the current intended changes to retained EU private international law of obligations post Brexit. Read more

The renaissance of the Blocking Statute

Written by Markus Lieberknecht, Institute for Comparative Law, Conflict of Laws and International Business Law (Heidelberg)

Quite a literal “conflict of laws” has recently arisen when the EU reactivated its Blocking Statute in an attempt to deflect the effects of U.S. embargo provisions against Iran. As a result, European parties doing business with Iran are now confronted with a dilemma where compliance with either regime necessitates a breach of the other. This post explores some implications of the Blocking Statute from a private international law perspective. Read more

Service of documents in the European Judicial Space: on the Commission’s proposal for amending Regulation 1393/2007

Guest post by Dr. Stefano Dominelli of the University of Milan

In recent times, the European Commission has investigated the possibility of amending Regulation 1393/2007 on the service of judicial and extra-judicial documents between Member States. Such instrument has already settled some issues practitioners encountered under the application of the previous legal framework, in particular related to the administrative cooperation regime, the linguistic exception to service, and direct service by registered mail – or equivalent measure.

The need for a proper functioning of the cross-border service of documents mechanisms is properly highlighted in the Commission’s proposal, and new rules are suggested to further implement the system.

A recent volume, Current and future perspectives on cross-border service of documents, by Stefano Dominelli (Univ. of Milan, Dep. of International, Legal, Historical and Political Studies), explores and addresses the Commission’s proposals.

The functioning of Regulation 1393/2007 is in the first place reconstructed by the author in particular by taking into consideration the case law of a number of Member States. It is against this background that the proposed amendments are commented.

Amongst the numerous points, the book dwells upon proposed new art. 3a, and its possible impact. Acknowledging technical evolutions, communication and exchange of documents between transmitting and receiving agencies in the diverse Member States should in the future strongly rely on e-transmission. According to proposed new art. 3a, only if electronic transmission is not possible due to an unforeseen and exceptional disruption of the decentralised IT system, transmission shall be carried out by the swiftest possible alternative means. The author advises caution in the matter, as the Commission itself argues in the explanatory memorandum of the proposal that modern channels of communication are in practice not used due to old habits, legal obstacles, and lack of interoperability of the national IT systems. In this sense, the work proposes that, at least for time being, a transition to e-transmission between agencies should be encouraged as an alternative method of transmission, rather as being the only available option.

A number of proposals are made as regards the right of the addressee to refuse service on linguistic grounds. In the first place, with a solution supported in the volume, a new Annex to the Regulation should clearly set out the means and methods of the addressee to refuse service, a matter that is currently not expressly dealt with by the regulation.

The time frame for the addressee to refuse service based on linguistic grounds should become two weeks, rather than one, a solution that is strongly endorsed by the author of the volume as it is deemed to be a more satisfying point of balance between the opposing interests of the prospective plaintiff and the defendant.

Nonetheless, the work highlights that some issues that have emerged in the case law still are not addressed in the Commission’s proposal. In the first place, conflict of laws and international civil procedure issues are not referenced in the text, even though questions as the competent court before which violations of the rules on service can be invoked or which court has to investigate on the legitimate refusal to service based on linguistic grounds, have consistently been addressed by judges.

Additionally, the Commission’s proposal gives to this day no clear indication on the refusal to service based on linguistic grounds when the addressee is a corporation, a matter that, according to the author, should deserve at least some guidance in the recitals of the instrument.

The volume can be freely downloaded at


AMEDIP’s upcoming webinar: The Construction of Private International Law – 27 April 2023 (at 14:30 Mexico City time) (in Spanish)

The Mexican Academy of Private International and Comparative Law (AMEDIP) is holding a webinar on Thursday 27 April 2023 at 14:30 (Mexico City time – CST), 22:30 (CEST time). The topic of the webinar is the Construction of Private International Law and will be presented by Prof. Jorge Alberto Silva (in Spanish).

The details of the webinar are:


Meeting ID: 857 8968 7012

Password: AMEDIP

Participation is free of charge.

This event will also be streamed live:

The University of Bologna Summer School on Transnational Litigation: what you should know about its 2023 edition

[This post has been prepared by Ms. Francesca Albi, J.D. Candidate | Università degli Studi di Verona]

The Summer School on Transnational Litigation has been organized since 2019 within the Ravenna Program on Cross-Border Disputes by the University of Bologna, Department of Juridical Sciences – Ravenna Campus (Italy), under the direction of Prof. Michele Angelo Lupoi.

The organization of its 2023 edition confirms the success this projects continues to enjoy among participants from all over the world, who, over the years, are contributing to build a promising network of Private International Law enthusiasts. Indeed, this project has proven to be a building-bridges catalyst to connect people with the same interests in Private International Law issues: in this sense, this multi-year Summer School actively contributes to the sharing and spread of knowledges and views, which go beyond borders in every possible sense.

In 2023, the Summer School will take place from Monday 17 to Saturday 22 July, both in person at the Faculty of Law (Via Oberdan 1/2) in Ravenna – Italy, and online.

The title, which summarises the hot topics of the courses of this year’s edition, is “Cross-border litigation and international arbitration”. As a matter of fact, the themes dealt with will concern, on one hand, transnational litigation from a wide perspective (i.e., involving climate litigation, cross-border maritime litigation, family and succession Private International Law, civil and commercial litigation), and, on the other hand, the increasingly interesting matter of international arbitration. The full schedule of classes is available and may be downloaded at

Participants will have the outstanding opportunity to acquire specialised knowledges on these relevant topics of growing importance directly from experts in such matters. In fact, the faculty consists of renowned scholars and legal practitioners, who will offer their experience involving diverse professional backgrounds developed in different States over the world. In detail, the lecturers in this edition are (in alphabetical order) Apostolos Anthimos, Giovanni Chiapponi, Elena D’Alessandro, David Estrin, Marco Farina, Francesca Ferrari, Chris Helmer, Albert Henke, Emma Roberts, Marco Torsello, Stefano Alberto Villata and Anna Wysocka-Bar. Their biographies and professional experience may be consulted at

Registration to the School are now open!

In order to participate, some requirements should be met: applicants must be students or graduate students of a Bachelor (three-years) or Master (five-years) Degree (or equivalent under previous systems) in Law (LMG/01), Legal Services Science (L-14), Political and International Relationships Science (L-36), International Relationships (LM52), or Political Sciences (LM62). Other candidates may also be accepted upon the presentation of the CV which should be show a connection to the topics of the Summer School. Alongside students and post-grad students, also practitioners in legal matters are invited to participate. In this regard, it must be noticed that the Ravenna Bar Association will grant 20 formative credits to Italian lawyers who attend the Summer School.

Registration to the Summer School is possible upon the payment of a fee, whose amount is €250,00 and which does not cover expenses for the accommodation and meals (please, note that registration is considered completed only when the payment of the fee is fulfilled). Applications are open until 6 July 2023 (h 23.59 CET); it is not possible to apply beyond this deadline. The application procedure is described at

In this regard, it is worth mentioning that, in order to give to one deserving law student or law graduate, who meets specific age requirements, the opportunity to attend the Summer School online free of charge, a call for papers has been launched. It consists in the submission of an originally and previously unpublished paper on a topic concerning transnational litigation and international arbitration. A selection committee, composed by staff and faculty members of the Summer School, will evaluate the papers and will reward the author of the best one through the possibility to attend the full Summer School online without paying the ordinary registration fee. Moreover, the best three papers will be published in the Linkedin Newsletter of the Summer School on Transnational Litigation “Transnational litigation pills”. Every submission is truly appreciated. Detailed information on this call for papers may be found on the website of the Summer School, especially in the section “Fees and forms”.

For any question regarding the application process or logistics, the contact person is Dr. Cinzia Cortesi, Manager of Fondazione Flaminia (; +39 0544 34345). Otherwise, in order to acquire further information on the project, courses and call for papers, it is possible to contact Prof. Michele Angelo Lupoi, Director of the Summer School ( or Francesca Albi, Tutor (

Further information may be found in the official website of the Summer School at

The organization team of the Summer School warmly invites everyone who meets the requirements listed above to apply for the 2023 edition courses, in order to allow as many people as possible the exciting chance to become part of a group of colleagues and friends with the common interest in Private International Law, that is larger and larger every year.

New Journal Announcement: the Chinese Journal of Transnational Law

Wuhan University Institute of International Law, in partnership with global research leader SAGE, is delighted to announce the launch of a new journal “Chinese Journal of Transnational Law”.

The Chinese Journal of Transnational Law is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal that aims to address global challenges from the perspective of transnational law, which is broadly defined to cover international law (public and private), international economic law, comparative law, the interaction between domestic and international law, and any other legal field possessing a cross-border element. This journal embraces relevant submissions from different cultures and regions and attracts readers from the global, regional and Chinese markets. The journal shall be open to not only traditional doctrinal and theoretical legal research on transnational law, but also contextual and inter-disciplinary research. Although focused on contemporary matters in its aspiration to be a forum for the latest debates on transnational legal studies, it also considers submissions inspired by in-depth historical perspectives that cast new light on present developments. The CJTL covers broad topics including but not limited to:

  • Innovative transnational dispute resolution, including both state-to-state and private dispute resolution mechanisms and the impact of culture, psychology, language and geopolitics on dispute resolution;
  • Transnational trade, investment and economic governance;
  • Transnational family law and the wellbeing of children, including surrogacy, child abduction and same sex marriage in the cross-border context;
  • Transnational regulation of technology;
  • Transnational corporate responsibility and governance;
  • Transnational protection of private rights in tort and transactions;
  • Transnational law and development;
  • Transnational law and global health governance;
  • Transnational environment protection and climate change;
  • Transnational criminal law;
  • Unilateral sanctions, extraterritorial regulations and blocking law.

The Chinese Journal of Transnational Law accepts submissions year round on any topic covered in the journal scope. In the meantime, the journal will publish calls for special issues occasionally. A call for the first special issue is going to be announced soon. You can find more information about this journal and submit your paper here.