

Claims Against Corporate Defendant Founded on Customary International Law Can Proceed in Canada

By Stephen G.A. Pitel, Faculty of Law, Western University Eritrean mine workers who fled from that country to British Columbia sued the mine’s owner, Nevsun Resources Ltd. They sought damages for various torts including battery, false imprisonment and negligence. They also sought damages for breaches of customary international law. Their core allegation was that as […]

ERA: Recent European Court of Human Rights Case Law in Family Matters (conference report)

Report written by Tine Van Hof, researcher at the University of Antwerp On the 13th and 14th of February 2020, the Academy of European Law (ERA) organized a conference on ‘Recent ECtHR Case Law in Family Matters’. This conference was held in Strasbourg and brought together forty participants coming from twenty-one different countries. This report […]

Same-sex parentage and surrogacy and their practical implications in Poland

Written by Anna Wysocka-Bar, Senior Lecturer at Jagiellonian University (Poland) On 2 December 2019 Supreme Administrative Court of Poland (Naczelny S?d Administracyjny) adopted a 


AMEDIP’s upcoming webinar: child support cases between Mexico and the United States of America – 23 February 2023 (at 14:30 Mexico City time)

The Mexican Academy of Private International and Comparative Law (

Lex & Forum, Volume 4/2022 – A special on cross border family law

Family disputes constitute the majority of cases of cross-border nature. The free movement of people within the European judicial space and the integration of third-country nationals has created a considerable number of multinational family structures, that give rise to a significant number of legal disputes, leading to complex conflict of law issues. It is no […]