New article published in African Journal of International and Comparative Law

A new conflict of laws article was just published today on the African Journal of International and Comparative Law. It is titled: CSA Okoli, A Yekini & P Oamen, “The Igiogbe Custom as a Mandatory Norm in Conflict of Laws: An Exploration of Nigerian Appellate Court Decisions.”

The abstract reads as follows:

Under the Igiogbe custom of the Bini Kingdom of Edo State Nigeria, the eldest surviving son exclusively inherits the ancestral home of his deceased father. This custom is a mandatory norm in conflict of laws. Litigation on the custom has been described as a matter of life and death. There is a widely shared view among academic writers, practitioners, and judges that this customary law is absolute. Contrary to this popular view, this work argues that the Igiogbe custom can be displaced by statute and other customary or religious laws. To substantiate this position, this article examines all the reported appellate court decisions on the Igiogbe custom and other connected principles. It is often taken for granted that every Bini man is subject to customary law, thereby leading to the overriding application of the Igiogbe custom. Recent developments in case law suggest otherwise. There is a conflict of personal law question that is often ignored in most litigation concerning the Igiogbe. Careful consideration of this question can potentially lead to the application of other systems of succession law (statutory, religious, and other customary laws) other than the Igiogbe custom. Besides, these conflict of laws techniques and constitutional human rights norms can be used to strike the appropriate balance between competing interests and reasonable legitimate expectations of the deceased and their heirs.


Call for papers: 2024 NGPIL Conflict of Laws’ Essay Prize

Originally posted in the NGPIL website

The Nigeria Group on Private International Law “(NGPIL”) invites submissions for the annual NGPIL Conflict of Laws’ Competition. The winner will be awarded for the best essay on any aspect of Nigerian conflict of laws. Entries will be accepted from the following: an undergraduate and/or postgraduate scholar studying in Nigeria, or any Nigerian lawyer five years call or below practising and residing in Nigeria. The essay should be unpublished at the time of submission. Submitted essays should be in the English language. Submitted essays should also be within five to eight thousand words. Competitors may be citizens of any nation, age or gender but must be an undergraduate and/or postgraduate scholar studying in Nigeria, or any lawyer below five years post-call experience practising and residing in Nigeria.

The first prize is  150,000 Naira (NGN), and the winner of the competition will be encouraged to publish the paper in any high-quality peer reviewed journal on private international law (conflict of laws). The second prize is  90,000 Naira (NGN), and third prize is  60,000 Naira (NGN). The prize is sponsored by and will be awarded by NGPIL.

Submissions to the Prize Committee must be received no later than January 15, 2024. Entries should be submitted by email in Word or pdf format. The winner will be announced no later than 2 months after the deadline. Decisions of the NGPIL on the winning essay and on any conditions relating to this prize are final. Submissions and any queries should be addressed by email to All submissions will be acknowledged by e-mail.

Previous Winners

Oluwabusola Fagbemi (Winner for the 2022/2023 session)

Solomon Adegboyo (Winner for the 2021/2022 session)


Out Now: Torsten Kindt, Transnationale Verträge im nationalen Recht

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a significant portion of international commerce is organized around instruments and structures that do not emanate from national states and laws but from private entities. Traditionally, most legal scholars addressing this phenomenon could be sorted into one of two camps: those who want to limit the notion of ‘law’ to the state and see instances of private ordering primarily as social, rather than legal phenomena; and those who consider national law already as a abstract concept with limited and decreasing importance for the reality of international business. Torsten Kindt belongs to neither of those two camps. With his recently published book, based on his doctoral thesis, he attempts to fill the gap left between the two seemingly irreconcilable positions, with a special focus on the transnational dimension of private ordering.

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Vulnerability: a Matter of Perspective(s)

The international seminar “Vulnerability: a Matter of Perspective(s)”, is scheduled to be held online on Friday, 29 September 2023, starting at 10 a.m. CET on Microsoft Teams.

The seminar is centered around Private International Law (PIL). Specifically, various sessions of the seminar will delve into the diverse and interdisciplinary perspectives of PIL in the context of ‘Vulnerability.’ Many presentations will scrutinize the role of PIL, as well as international conventions and treaties, in relation to vulnerable communities, territories, and individuals. Additionally, the seminar will emphasize the importance of PIL in devising viable solutions. These solutions aim to ensure that present and future generations can remain in their homelands and achieve sustainable human development. This encompasses a broad range of societal aspects, including food, housing, artificial intelligence, and finance.

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HCCH CODIFI Edition 2023 – CBDCs

The Permanent Bureau is pleased to announce that a colloquium on Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), titled “CODIFI Edition 2023 – CBDCs”, will be held online on Thursday 5 October 2023, following the mandate of the Council on General Affairs and Policy (CGAP) at its 2023 meeting (C&D No 17).

CODIFI Edition 2023 – CBDCs will cover selected topics related to the HCCH’s CBDCs Project, established by CGAP in March 2023 with the mandate to study the private international law implications of CBDCs. The colloquium will feature a series of pre-recorded video discussions, led by subject-matter experts of the CBDCs Project and other specialists of academia, government, and industry. Live discussion sessions will also take place on the same day to summarise the proceedings and provide more insights and some ideas on the way forward.

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Out Now: Private International Law and Competition Litigation in a Global Context, by Mihail Danov

Private International Law and Competition Litigation in a Global Context cover



This important book systematically analyses the private international law issues regarding private antitrust damages claims which arise out of transnational competition law infringements. It identifies those problems that need to be considered by injured parties, defendants, judges and policy-makers when dealing with cross-border private antitrust damages claims in a global context. It considers the post-Brexit landscape and the implications in cross border private proceedings before the English courts and suggests how the legal landscape should be developed. It also sets out how private international law techniques could play an increasingly important role in private antitrust enforcement.

Comprehensive and rigorous, this is required reading for scholars of both competition litigation and private international law.

Commercial Disputes and anti-suit relief in Anglophone Africa

Reposted from Thought Leaders 4 Fire

Commercial Disputes and anti-suit relief in Anglophone Africa – a panel discussion
06 Oct 2023

Location: 12:00-1:00 pm UK Time Virtual Event (Zoom)
Members: FREE to attend – Book by 06 Oct
Non Members: Register above as a member and attend for FREE – Book by 06 Oct

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Symposium for Trevor Hartley at LSE on 27 October 2023

Written by Ugljesa Grusic, Associate Professor at University College London, Faculty of Laws


Jacco Bomhoff (LSE), Ugljesa Grusic and Manuel Penades (KCL) are pleased to announce that the LSE Law School will host a symposium to celebrate the scholarly work of emeritus professor Trevor C Hartley.

Trevor has long been one of the world’s most distinguished scholars of Conflict of Laws (Private International Law), continuing a tradition started at the LSE by Professor Otto Kahn-Freund. For many decades, he has been at the forefront of developments in the field. As a prominent critic, notably of the Court of Justice’s efforts to unify European private international law. But also as an active participant in projects of legislation and modernization. And as author of authoritative treatises and clear and accessible student textbooks.

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Book Launch: International Child Abduction, Mayela Celis (Madrid: Dykinson, 2023) on 5 October 2023 (in Spanish)

The Mexican Academy of Private International and Comparative Law (AMEDIP) is holding a webinar on 5 October 2023 at 2:30 pm (Mexico City time), 10:30 pm (Europe, CEST time) to launch the book entitled:

International Child Abduction: jurisprudential, doctrinal and critical study of the 1980 Child Abduction Convention. Key concepts and solutions to application problems (Madrid: Dykinson, 2023) 604 pp.

For more information about the book, see our previous post here.

The book will be presented by the author and the following AMEDIP members: Professors Jorge Alberto Silva Silva and Nuria González Martín, as well as the family law attorney María Virginia Aguilar.

The webinar will be held in Spanish and the details are:


Meeting ID: 894 9875 5044

Password: AMEDIP

Participation is free of charge.

This event will also be streamed live:

Symposium on Reparation for “Crimes of the Past” in Strasbourg (Oct. 19–20)

Written by Dr. Delphine Porcheron, Associate Professor at the University of Strasbourg Law Faculty

On October 19 and 20, the University of Strasbourg is organizing a symposium on Reparation for “Crimes of the Past”.

Mass crimes, deportations, spoliations, colonial exploitation, slavery… The “crimes of the past” are first known to us as historical facts. Their protagonists have mostly disappeared; they have been documented by historians; almost all of them are mentioned in school textbooks. They have become part of our collective memory as disastrous episodes of a bygone past.

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