Book by Lydia Lundstedt on trade secrets in PIL

Fresh from the print comes the book titled Cross-Border Trade Secret Disputes in the European Union: Jurisdiction and Applicable Law authored by Lydia Lundstedt, Senior Lecturer in Private International Law at the Stockholm University and Senior Lecturer in Intellectual Property Law at the Linköping University.

The book is offering an EU perspective on one of the important ways the companies are protecting their intellectual property and information in general. This book examines different approaches to trade secret protection in the EU Member States, and focuses on the jurisdiction and applicable law under Brussels I bis, Rome I and Rome II.

The book is available here, and code LUND35 will secure a 35% discount on the book price.

Revue Critique de droit international privé – issue 2023/2

The second issue of the Revue critique de droit International privé of 2023 was released in August. It contains four articles and several case notes.

The first part of the issue features the doctrinal work of two young authors, who confront PIL techniques with contemporary developments in social sciences.

The first article Pour une approche décoloniale du droit international privé (A Decolonial Approach to Private International Law) is authored by Dr Sandrine Brachotte (Université Saint-Louis & Université de Lille). Following her doctoral work on The Conflict of Laws and Non-secular Worldviews: A Proposal for Inclusion (see presentation over at EAPIL), Dr Brachotte discusses colonial studies’ implications for PIL scholarship. She examines how plural normativities challenge the traditional conception of conflict of laws and then outlines the potential form of a decolonial PIL. An English translation of the article is available on the website of the editor. Its abstract reads as follows:

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Call for Paper: Private International Law and Business Compliance in Asia Pacific

This national conference will be held on 21 February 2024 at The University of Sydney Law School in Australia.

Business compliance in international transactions across the Asia-Pacific region holds immense importance for organizations seeking to expand their activities within this dynamic and evolving landscape. Multinational corporations operating in Asia Pacific often confront unique compliance challenges due to the swiftly changing regulatory and geopolitical environment in the region.

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The 2023 NGPIL Lecture Series

Originally posted today on the NGPIL website.

On the 23rd November 2023, 5pm (WAT/Lagos/Abuja) the NGPIL will host our guest speaker Professor Wale Olawoyin SAN, FCIArb at this year’s conference. The event will explore the coming into force of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act 2023 and how, from a private international law perspective, the arbitration appeal process in Nigeria can be enhanced. Discussions will build on practice thus far, and will allow practitioners, judges and academics alike to develop knowledge and insight into its utility.

To register:

Out Now: Dai YOKOMIZO, Yoshizumi TOJO, Yoshiko NAIKI (eds.), Changing Orders in International Economic Law: A Japanese Perspective, Vol. 1 and Vol. 2, Routledge, 2023.

These two volumes celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Japan Association of International Economic Law (JAIEL), which was founded in 1991. The Volumes include 30 contributions written by eminent Japanese scholars from different background, in particular, private international law, public international law, international economic law, competition law, intellectual property law etc.



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Seminar information: U.S Extraterritorial Jurisdiction– Myths and Reality

Professor William S. Dodge, John D. Ayer Chair in Business Law; Martin Luther King Jr. Professor of Law, University of California, Davis, School of Law, will give a seminar entitled ‘U.S. Extraterritorial Jurisdiction-Myths and Reality’ at the Wuhan University School of Law on 15 Oct. at 15:00-16:30pm Beijing Time. This seminar will be chaired by Professor Sophia Tang, the Associate Dean of the Wuhan University Academy of International Law and Global Governance. Associate Professor Wenliang Zhang at the Renmin University, Associate Professor Xiongbin Qiao, Associate Professor Yong Gan, and Associate Professor Wenwen Liang at the Wuhan University will act as discussants. You can attend the seminar online through Tencent Meeting. Please follow the information below:

Time?2023/10/15 15:00-17:00 (GMT+08:00) Beijing Time

Meeting link?

Tencent Meeting ID: 991-898-184
Password: 89456

Call for abstracts: RIDOC 2023 Rijeka Doctoral Conference

A Friday in early December is reserved for RIDOC: Rijeka Doctoral Conference, organised by the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Law. Doctoral students in law or law-related area who wish to join colleagues from different countries to test their research hypothesis and arguments before the expert panel are welcome to apply for the 2023 edition.

The call is open until 20 October and abstracts should be sent to More information is available here.

Save the Date: German-French Symposium on the new German Sales Law (Heidelberg, 24 Nov 2023)

On 24 November 2023, the Institute for the History of Law at the University of Heidelberg (Institut für geschichtliche Rechtswissenschaft) is hosting a symposium on the new German Sales Law in cooperation with the Université de Lorraine. Further information can be found here (French version).

Conference Sustaining Access to Justice – registration closing soon

On 19-20 October 2023 the Conference Sustaining Access to Justice in Europe: New Avenues for Costs and Funding will take place live at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Renowned speakers from academia, policy, business and consumer associations from Europe, the US and Asia will discuss developments in funding, including third-party litigation funding and crowdfunding, collective actions, public interest litigation, ADR and ODR and entrepreneurial lawyering. Keynotes by Rachael Mulheron (Queen Mary University of London) and Andreas Stein (European Commission, DG Justice & Consumers)

You can register till Sunday 15 October! The program is available here and further information and registration is available here.


Access to civil justice is of paramount importance for enforcing citizens’ rights. At the heart access to civil justice lies litigation funding and cost management. Yet, over the past decades, access to justice has been increasingly put under pressure due to retrenching governments, high costs of procedure, and inefficiency of courts and justice systems. Within this context, the funding of litigation in Europe seems to be shifting from public to private sources. Private actors and innovative business models have emerged to provide new solutions to the old problem of financial barriers to access to justice.

With the participation of academics, policymakers, practitioners, academics and representatives of civil society from all over Europe and beyond, the conference seeks to delve deeper into the financial implications of access to justice and the different ways to achieve sustainable civil justice systems in Europe. The topics addressed in this international academic conference include different methods of financing dispute resolution and regulating costs, such as third-party funding, crowdfunding, blockchain technologies, public interest litigation, developments in ADR/ODR to enhance access to justice, new business models of legal professionals as well as law and economics perspectives on litigation funding.

This conference is organised by Erasmus School of Law in the context of the NWO Vici Project: ‘Affordable Access to Justice’, funded by the Dutch Research Council.

Dutch Journal of PIL (NIPR) – issue 2023/3

The latest issue of the Dutch Journal on Private International Law (NIPR) has been published

NIPR 2023 issue 3


M.J. de Rooij, Het leed van de circulerende Unieburger en het Europese begrip van de favor divortii [The suffering of the circulating Union citizen and the European concept of favor divortii] / p. 381-384

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