Research Methods in Private International Law – book and webinars

As some readers will have seen through various other blogs and social media, this month the book Research Methods in Private International Law. A Handbook on Regulation, Research and Teaching, edited by Xandra Kramer (Erasmus University Rotterdam/Utrecht University) and Laura Carballo Piñeiro (University of Vigo) was published. The book is part of the Handbook in Research Methods of Law Series of Edward Elgar Publishing.

“The book seeks to provide insights into the different methodological approaches to private international law from both a regulatory approach and from a research and educational perspective. Established methodologies as well as evolving regulatory and empirical approaches that shape the future of private international law are discussed. To this end, the book is structured in three parts that correspond to three core debates, although they inevitably overlap: (I) the classification of private international law as private law and its interaction with international public law and regulation; (II) inter- and multidisciplinary approaches and research methods; and (III) how private international law helps to frame and address the critical debates of our time as well as the role of legal scholarship and education in shaping the future of private international law.” (Introductory Chapter, p. 1-2).

The book contains 18 chapters written by a team of authors spanning all continents discussing classical themes of private international law and new challenges in regulation, research, and teaching. It includes views from politics, human rights, legal theory, soft law and private regulation,  comparative law, empirical studies, economics, EU law making, technology, laymen, feminism, colonialism, as well as university teaching in Mexico, Nigeria and The Netherlands.

Contributors are (in alphabetical order): María Mercedes Albornoz, Adriani Dori, Diego P. Fernández Arroyo, Sai Ramani Garimella, Marco Giacalone, Paola Giacalone, Nuria González-Martin, Christoph A. Kern, Mary Keyes, Patrick Kinsch, Dulce Lopes, Cristina M. Mariottini, Ralf Michaels, Chukwuma Samuel Adesina Okoli, Marta Pertegás, Giesela Rühl, Veronica Ruiz Abou-Nigm, Carlota Ucín, Aukje van Hoek, Christopher Whytock, and Abubakri Yekini.

Further information is available on the publisher’s website here. The Prelims and the introductory chapter by the editors ‘Private international law in a global world: a revival of methodologies and research methods’ are freely accessible here. Critical acclaim by Geert Van Calster (KU Leuven), Yuko Nishitani (Kyoto University), Hans van Loon (former SG Hague Conference on Private International Law) and Symeon C. Symeonides (Willamette University College of Law).

Save the Date! Two launch webinars will take place on:

  • 10 September 2024, from 10-12am CET: Research Methods in Private International Law: Views from Regulation, Research and Education (confirmed speakers include Dulce Lopes, Diego Fernández Arroyo, Giesela Rühl, Adriani Dori and Mary Keyes)
  • 23 September 2024, from 10-11.30 CET: Research Methods in Private International Law: Educational Perspectives (co-organised by the University of Sydney, moderated by Jeanne Huang; confirmed speakers include Veronica Ruiz Abou-Nigm/Ralf Michaels, Ramani Garimella, Abubakri Yekeni & Chukwuma Okoli and Aukje van Hoek

More details and information on registration will follow soon.

For those interested, a report of an extensive online interview with the editors by Young-OGEMID can be downloaded from the website of Transnational Dispute Management.


HCCH Monthly Update: May 2024

Conventions & Instruments

On 14 May 2024, Georgia deposited its instrument of ratification of the 2007 Child Support Convention and of the 2007 Maintenance Obligations Protocol. With the ratification of Georgia, 51 States and the European Union are bound by the 2007 Child Support Convention, while 32 States and the European Union are bound by the 2007 Maintenance Obligations Protocol. More information is available here.


Meetings & Events

On 14 May 2024, the kick-off meeting of the Experts’ Group (EG) on Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) was held online. Pursuant to its mandate, the EG will study the applicable law and jurisdiction issues raised by the cross-border use and transfers of CBDCs. More information is available here.

From 14 to 17 May 2024, the First Regional Meeting of Judges of the International Hague Network of Judges (IHNJ) from Latin America and the Caribbean was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, with the aim of fostering discussion on the proper and effective implementation of the 1980 Child Abduction Convention. More information is available here.

On 15 May 2024, the kick-off meeting of the Digital Tokens Project was held online. Under this project, the Permanent Bureau of the HCCH, in partnership with relevant subject-matter experts and Observers, is studying the private international law issues relating to digital tokens. More information is available here.

On 17 and 21 May 2024, the first meetings of the Working Groups on the Practical Handbooks and Country Profiles for the 1965 Service and 1970 Convention were held online. More information is available here.

On 29 May 2024, the first meeting of the Working Group established to complete the Country Profile and work on the draft Cooperation Request Recommended Model Form for the 1996 Child Protection Convention was held online. More information is available here.


Calls for Tender

The HCCH recently published a call for tenders for the development of electronic Country Profiles (e-Country Profiles) for a number of key HCCH Conventions. The deadline for the submission of tenders is 27 August 2024 (17:00 CEST). More information is available here.


These monthly updates are published by the Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH), providing an overview of the latest developments. More information and materials are available on the HCCH website.

Out now: Second Edition of Conflict of Laws and the Internet

Edward Elgar has just published the second edition of Conflict of Laws and the Internet by Pedro De Miguel Asensio.

Read more

Prof. Diego P. Fernández Arroyo is appointed president of the Curatorium of the Hague Academy of International Law

This month Prof. Diego P. Fernández Arroyo, a renowned expert in Private International Law, has been appointed president of the Curatorium of the Hague Academy of International Law. He succeeded Prof. Yves Daudet. For more information, click here and here.

Prof. Fernández Arroyo is the first Latin American to ever hold that position.

Below is an image circulated by ASADIP. Many congratulations!

Book and webinar Financing Collective Actions

Collective actions and the financing of complex mass damage cases have been among the most debated and controversial topics in civil justice in Europe over the past decade. It doesn’t need much explanation that oftentimes these complex cases involving a multiplicity of parties and events or consequences taking place in different countries trigger private international law questions, as for instance the ongoing evaluation of the Brussels I-bis Regulation evidences (see among others the 2023 Study in support of the evaluation; a 2021 Working Paper by Burkhard Hess; a 2022 report by BEUC on PIL and Cross-border Collective Redress). Another key issue is the funding of these inherently costly litigations. The Representative Action Directive, applicable since June 2023, and the European Parliament Resolution on Responsible private funding of litigation, adopted in 2022, have proliferated discussions on the funding of collective actions. With the entry into force of the Dutch collective damages procedure (WAMCA) in 2020, enabling compensatory actions, the Netherlands has re-confirmed its reputation as one of the frontrunners in having a well-developed framework for collective actions and settlements in Europe. High stake cases involving privacy, environmental law, human rights and consumer law have found their way to the courts and have benefitted from third party funding.

These developments have triggered the Dutch Research and Documentation Centre of the Ministry of Justice and Security to commission a Study on the need for a procedural fund for collective actions, published in 2023 (in Dutch). The book Financing Collective Actions in the Netherlands: Towards a Litigation Fund?, based on this study and including updates, has just been published (Eleven International Publishing 2024) and is available open access. The book is authored by Xandra Kramer (Erasmus University Rotterdam/Utrecht University), Ianika Tzankova (Tilburg University), Jos Hoevenaars (Erasmus University Rotterdam, researcher Vici team) and Karlijn van Doorn (Tilburg University). It discusses developments in Dutch collective actions from a regulatory perspective, including the implementation of the RAD, and contains a quantitative and qualitative analysis of cases that have been brought under the WAMCA. It then examines funding aspects of collective actions from a regulatory, empirical and comparative perspective. It delves into different funding modes, including market developments in third party litigation funding, and  addresses the question of the necessity, feasibility, and design of a (revolving) litigation fund for collective actions.

The hardcover version of the book can be ordered from the publisher’s website, which also provides access to the free digital open access version through the publisher’s portal.

A launch event and webinar on ‘Financing Collective Actions: Current Debates in Europe and Beyond’ will take place on 3 July from 15-17.15 CET. Confirmed speakers include Jasminka Kalajdzic (University of Windsor) and Rachael Mulheron (Queen Mary University London). Registration for free here.

Virtual Workshop (in German) on June 4: Martin Gebauer on Substantive Law Impacts on Conflict of Laws Thinking

On Tuesday, June 4, 2024, the Hamburg Max Planck Institute will host its 45th monthly virtual workshop Current Research in Private International Law at 11:00-12:30 (CEST). Martin Gebauer (Universität Tübingen) will speak, in German, about the topic

Substantive Law Impacts on Conflict of Laws Thinking

The presentation will be followed by an open discussion. All are welcome. More information and sign-up here.

If you want to be invited to these events in the future, please write to

Book launch and Workshop on Codification of Private International Law 31 May

On 31 May 2024, the Aberdeen Law School will be holding a book launch event in memory of the late Professor Jonathan Fitchen – a former Director of the Aberdeen Centre for Private International Law and a distinguished private international law scholar, who passed away after a brief illness on the 22nd of January 2021.

Also on 31 May 2024, the Aberdeen Centre for Private International Law will be holding the second workshop in a series of workshops organised under the auspices of an RSE-funded research project titled ‘Laying the Foundations for a Restatement of Scots Private International Law’.

Australasian Association of Private International Law

(Posted on behalf of Professor Reid Mortensen) 

We are pleased to let you know about the establishment of the Australasian Association of Private International Law (‘AAPrIL’).

AAPrIL is being established to promote understanding of private international law in Australia, Aotearoa New Zealand, and the nations of the Pacific Islands.  By ‘private international law’ (or ‘conflict of laws’), we mean the body of law that deals with cross-border elements in civil litigation and practice, whether arising internationally or, in the case of Australia, intra-nationally.

To make AAPrIL a reality, we need your help.  If you have an interest in Australasian private international law, please join us by attending the first general meeting of members of AAPrIL, which will be held online on Thursday 11 July 2024.  The meeting is necessary to establish AAPrIL, approve a Constitution, and elect AAPrIL’s first officers.

The beginnings of our Association

The proposal to establish AAPrIL comes from an organising group* of Australian and New Zealand scholars and practitioners who have been working together in private international law for a long period.

We believe that there is a need for a permanent regional organisation to provide support for regular events and conferences on private international law, and to help coordinate, manage and publicise them.  Our vision for AAPrIL is that it will:

  • Regularly distribute a newsletter on recent decisions, legislative developments and publications, and on hot topics and upcoming events on private international law in Australasia.
  • Organise proposals and submissions for law reform in private international law.
  • Promote the study of private international law in universities.
  • Provide a forum for the exchange of information and opinions, debate and scholarship on private international law in Australasia.
  • Connect with other private international law associations worldwide.

The proposed Association already has a website and a LinkedIn page.

To our delight, the Honourable Dr Andrew Bell, Chief Justice of New South Wales, has agreed to serve as patron of the Association.  His Honour is well-known as co-author of Nygh’s Conflict of Laws in Australia, and the author of many other publications on private international law.  Before being appointed to judicial office, he had a significant Australia-wide practice in cross-border litigation and international arbitration.

How do you join?

You can join the Australasian Association of Private International Law by signing up on the Membership page of AAPrIL’s website.

There is initially no membership fee to join.  At the meeting to establish AAPrIL, there will be a proposal to set membership fees for 2024-2025 at:

Individual members: AUD 100

Corporate members: AUD 300

Student members: AUD 20

However, membership fees for 2024-2025 will not be requested until after the first general meeting.

What will happen at the general meeting on Thursday 11 July?

Those who join as members by 18 June 2024 will be sent a notice of meeting for the general meeting on 11 July 2024. The agenda will include proposed resolutions:

  • To establish the Australasian Association of Private International Law.
  • To adopt the Constitution of the Association. If members have any questions about the proposed Constitution before the meeting, could you please direct them to me:†
  • To appoint the President, Treasurer and Secretary of the Association, and potentially an Australian Vice-President, a New Zealand Vice-President and Pacific Islands Vice-President. If any member wishes to propose another member for one of these offices, please email your nomination to me:†
  • To set membership fees for the financial year 2024-2025.

The organising group will also present plans for the activities of the Association.

We are looking forward to this exciting development for those of us who are rightly fascinated by private international law.  We hope you will join us!

Best wishes

Professor Reid Mortensen

On behalf of the AAPrIL interim executive


* The organising group comprises Dr Michael Douglas (Bennett, Perth), Professor Richard Garnett (University of Melbourne), Associate Professor Maria Hook (University of Otago), Professor Mary Keyes (Griffith University), Professor Reid Mortensen (University of Southern Queensland), Ms Cara North (Corrs Chambers Westgarth, Melbourne) and Mr Jack Wass (Stout Street Chambers, Wellington).

† I will be on leave from 3-14 June 2024, but will answer any enquiries that are made in that period as soon as possible afterwards.

European Legal Forum 1/2024: Comments on the Proposal for a Council Regulation on Parenthood

The latest issue (1/2024) of The European Legal Forum features a series of comments on the Proposal for a Council Regulation on Parenthood by Ilaria Queirolo on The Proposed EU Regulation on Parenthood: A critical Overview of the Rules on Jurisdiction; Francesco Pesce on, The Law Applicable to Parenthood in the European Commission’s Regulation Proposal; Stefano Dominelli on Recognition of Decisions and Acceptance of Authentic Instruments in Matters of Parenthood under the Commission’s 2022 Proposal; Francesca Maoli on The European Certificate of Parenthood in the European Commission’s Regulation Proposal: on the ‘Legacy’ of the European Certificate of Succession and Open Issues, and Laura Carpaneto on The Hague Conference of Private International Law’s “parentage/surrogacy” project.

The commentary is a deliverable of the Project Fluidity in family structures. International and EU law challenges on parentage matters, financed by the Ministry of University and Research of the Italian Republic and by the European Union – Next Generation EU (prot. n. 2022FR5NNJ – PRIN 2022). The Consortium includes: the University of Pavia as coordinator and the universities of Milano, Genova, and Cagliari.

All publications of the project are available in Open Access here.

ZEuP – Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht 2/2024

Issue 2/2024 of ZEuP – Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht has just been published. It includes contributions on EU private law, comparative law, legal history, uniform law, and private international law. The full table of content can be accessed here.

The following contributions might be of particular interest for the readers of this blog:

  • Auf dem Weg zu einer europäischen Abstammungsverordnung? – Licht und Schatten im Vorschlag der Europäischen Kommission
    Editorial by Christine Budzikiewicz on the Commission Proposal for a EU Regulation on Parenthood and the Creation of a European Certificate of Parenthood
  • Europäischer Emissionsrechtehandel – Eine Momentaufnahme nach der Reform durch das „Fit for 55“-Paket
    Sebastian Steuer on European emissions trading: Carbon pricing according to the “cap and trade” principle plays a key role in European climate policy. As part of the “Fit for 55” package, the Emissions Trading Directive has, once again, undergone comprehensive revisions and has been substantially toughened in certain respects. This article gives a basic overview of the current state of European emissions trading after the recent changes. It explores the chief components of the Emissions Trading Directive, highlights the economic differences between quantity- and price-based regulation, and discusses the interplay of the EU emissions trading system with international and German climate policy.
  • Microplastics Litigation: eine rechtsvergleichende Orientierung
    Stephanie Nitsch on Microplastics Litigation: The present paper provides a comparative law analysis of liability for microplastics pollution with a special focus on product liability as well as liability due to deliberate or negligent breaches of statutory duties or duties of care.
  • Bundesgerichtshof, 18 April 2023, II ZR 184/21
    Susanne Zwirlein-Forschner
    discusses a decision of the German Federal Court of Justice on the law applicable to liability due to economically destructive actions and to the assignment of claims.