HCCH Internship Applications Now Open

Applications are now open for three- to six-month legal internships at the HCCH Permanent Bureau in The Hague, for the period from January to June 2021.

Interns work with our legal teams in the areas of family & child protection law, legal cooperation, dispute resolution, and commercial & financial law. It’s a great way to gain practical experience, deepen your knowledge of private international law, and to understand how the HCCH functions.

Due to the current global situation and the associated travel limitations and restrictions, the Permanent Bureau of the HCCH may consider the possibility that internships be carried out remotely. Interns may also be eligible for a monthly stipend.

We encourage you to share this opportunity with law students and graduates within your networks.

Applications close on 30 September 2020. For more information, please visit the Internships page of the HCCH website.

This post is published by the Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference of Private International Law (HCCH). 

AMEDIP: The deadline for the submission of papers has been extended

As indicated in a previous post, the Mexican Academy of Private International and Comparative Law (AMEDIP) will be holding its XLIII Seminar entitled “Private International Law in the current international climate” from 18 to 20 November 2020 for the first time online. See here.

The deadline for the submission of papers was today (16 August 2020). Due to the difficult times we are all facing with the Covid-19 pandemic, the deadline has been extended to Sunday 6 September 2020.

AMEDIP is looking forward to receiving your contributions!

German Federal Supreme Court on International Child Marriages, Decision of 22nd July 2020, Case No. XII ZB 131/20

by Achim Czubaiko, Research Fellow at the Institute for German and Foreign Civil Procedural Law at the University of Bonn, Germany

In a decision of 22nd July 2020, the German Federal Supreme Court (Bundesgerichtshof) rendered its second opinion on the German Law to Combat Child Marriage of 2017,[1] which established a special ordre public-clause (public policy) for marriages concluded outside Germany.[2]


I. Facts of the Case[3]

The spouses, Lebanese citizens at the time, married in Lebanon in September 2001. At this moment, the bride was 16, nearly 17 years old, and the groom had recently turned 21. She had been living in Germany and acquired the German citizenship in 2002. In August 2002, the groom followed to Germany, where the spouses lived together from April 2003 to 2016 and got four children (born 2005, 2008, 2009, 2013). After separation the four children lived with her mother who had a new partner. The spouses were divorced according to Islamic law. On the occasion of a registration at the civil registry (Standesamt) in October 2018, the wife declared that she did not want to continue the marriage. Thereupon, the competent authorities filed a motion for the annulment of the marriage to the local court, as the wife had been a minor at the conclusion of her marriage. This motion was dismissed by the Local Court (Amtsgericht) Tempelhof-Kreuzberg as well as at the Higher Regional Court (Kammergericht) Berlin. The authorities lodged an appeal with the Federal Supreme Court (Bundesgerichtshof).


II. Decision of the German Federal Supreme Court

The Federal Supreme Court held that the decision to annul a marriage concluded by a minor, who has reached the age of 16, is subject to the (restricted) discretion of the court. Thereby, confirming the decision of the lower courts and upholding the marriage, it makes clear that the appropriate legal instrument for the wife to dissolve her marriage is divorce law.

This opinion is comprised by the general principles of legal interpretation underpinned by guiding constitutional considerations.

First of all, section 13 (3) n. 2 of the Introductory Law of the German Civil Code (Einführungsgesetz zum Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuch – EGBGB) states that a marriage of a minor older than 16 years is voidable under German Law, even if the capacity of that particular fiancé to enter into marriage is governed by a different foreign law. As a result, non-German spouses must comply with at least two different legal systems concerning age limits. That points directly to the substantive provisions of the German Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch – BGB).

Secondly, the court refers to the possibility of confirmation by the minor spouse after reaching full age according to section 1315 (1) n. 1 lit. a) BGB. However, such confirmation needs at least some basic awareness of the respective defects of the marriage to be effective. Since the wife, until her religious divorce, had no reason to doubt the validity of her marital status, none of her acts can be reasonably interpreted to constitute such a confirmation. The same goes for the hardship clause of section 1315 (1) n. 1 lit. b) BGB, because the court sees no proof of any exceptional circumstances resulting in hardship for the wife, if the decision were to uphold the marriage. Consequently, the annulment of the marriage is not prima facie precluded by the substantive law provisions of the German Civil Code.

Finally, the ratio decidendi of the opinion focuses on the question, whether the annulment of “child marriages” is mandatory if no exception applies. Section 1314 (1) n. 1 BGB provides that a marriage “may” (“kann”) be dissolved, if concluded contrary to the provision of section 1303 cl. 1 BGB, which basically reproduces the text set out in section 13 (3) n. 2 EGBGB. Apparently, the wording is not clear as to whether the court has discretion in the decision. In order to overcome that ambiguity, the Federal Supreme Court resorts to the doctrine of an interpretation in light of the constitution (verfassungskonforme Auslegung) as developed by the German Federal Constitutional Court (Bundesverfassungsgericht). This doctrine requires the courts to construe the existing law as far as possible in conformity with the German Basic Law (Grundgesetz). For the case in hand the Federal Supreme Court explained that a mandatory annulment would treat foreign marriages differently than marriages concluded solely under German Law and foreign marriages involving minors younger than 16 years, thereby resulting in a violation of Article 3 Basic Law (principle of equal treatment). Furthermore, the Court stressed that a mandatory annulment of the marriage is not always in the best interest of the minor spouse, who is protected by Art. 6 Basic Law.[4] Therefore, the court argues that in the light of the Constitution some leeway has to be reserved for the courts to deal with the particular circumstances in individual cases. Nevertheless, the application of judicial discretion must take in account the objective of the Law to Combat Child Marriage. As a consequence, annulment must be the “default” rule, while only in exceptional cases the judge may uphold a marriage. Within this margin, the law grants the court (a limited measure of) discretion.


III. Conclusion

The decision of the German Federal Court (Bundesgerichtshof) is in line with the efforts of German courts to mitigate the harsh effects of the Law to Combat Child Marriage.[5] The former status quo allowed a case-by-case analysis by the instrument of ordre-public. In this context, special attention should be given to the decision of 14th November 2018, Case No. XII ZB 292/16,[6] in which the court considered the parallel section 13 (3) n. 1 EGBGB unconstitutional, because it renders any marriage with a minor younger than 16 years void without reference to the individual situation and circumstances. Both decisions illustrate a consistent approach of the German Federal Supreme Court to the issue of Child Marriages.

The Press Release (available in German only) for the judgment can be found here (the full text is not yet published).

[1] Law to Combat Child Marriages (Gesetz zur Bekämpfung von Kinderehen) of 17 July 2017, BGBl. I 2017, 2429; see also von Hein, “Germany: Legal Consequences of the Draft Legislation on Child Marriage” on Conflict-of-Law.net of 24th March 2017, https://conflictoflaws.net/2017/germany-legal-consequences-of-the-draft-legislation-on-child-marriage/.

[2] See Antomo, ZRP 2017, 79 (82); Majer, NZFam 2017, 537 (541).

[3] As reported by the recent press release of the Federal German Supreme Court n. 108/2020 of 14th August 2018, https://www.bundesgerichtshof.de/SharedDocs/Pressemitteilungen/DE/2020/2020108.html?nn=10690868.

[4] One might think of situations in that the social status of the minor depends on being a married person or regarding non-beneficial matrimonial property issues, see Rath, “Underage, married, separated” on mpg.de of 9th March 2019, https://www.mpg.de/12797223/childmarriage-legislation-germany.

[5] See e.g. Antomo, ZRP 2017, 79 (82); Hüßtege, FamRZ 2017, 1374 (1380); Schwab, FamRZ 2017, 1369 (1373); for a more positive perception compare Majer, NZFam 2017, 537 (541).

[6] Press release of the Federal German Supreme Court n. 186/2018 of 14th December 2018, http://juris.bundesgerichtshof.de/cgi-bin/rechtsprechung/document.py?Gericht=bgh&Art=pm&pm_nummer=0186/18.

HCCH Update: COVID-19 and the electronic Apostille Programme (e-APP)

The 1961 Apostille Convention has facilitated the circulation of public documents abroad for almost 60 years. The electronic Apostille Programme (e-APP) has supported the continued operation of the Convention since 2006, facilitating the electronic issuance and verification of millions of Apostilles worldwide. 

The COVID-19 situation may have restricted cross-border mobility, but individuals, families, and companies still need to have their public documents authenticated for use abroad. Current circumstances have seen many authorities and jurisdictions around the world adopt temporary workarounds, with some exploring more permanent legislative and technological solutions. 

The e-APP is no exception. In the last few months alone, Brazil, Bulgaria, the Dominican Republic, Venezuela, and the United States of America have all implemented new components of the e-APP. This is testament to the success of the programme and the continuing relevance of the Apostille Convention. These developments are particularly significant given the work being conducted ahead of the 12th International Forum on the e-APP and the next meeting of the Special Commission on the practical operation of the Apostille Convention, both of which are tentatively scheduled for 2021. 

For more information, see the HCCH News Item, available here.

HCCH Updates are published by the Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference of Private International Law

Out now: Festschrift for Herbert Kronke on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday: „National, International, Transnational: Harmonischer Dreiklang im Recht“

On the occasion of the 70th birthday of Herbert Kronke, Professor emeritus of the University of Heidelberg, President of the German Institution of Arbitration and Arbitrator (Chairman, Chamber Three) at the Iran US Claims Tribunal at The Hague, Former Secretary-General of UNIDROIT, a large number of friends and colleagues gathered to honour a truly outstanding scholar with essays, edited by Christoph Benicke, Professor at the University of Gießen, Germany, and Stefan Huber, Professor at the University of Tübingen, in an impressive volume of nearly 2000 pages with more than 150 contributions from all over the world, many of them in English – highly recommended to browse through state of the art thinking and research on national, international and transnational law:



I. Internationales Privat- und Verfahrensrecht sowie Völkerrecht


Qualifikation und Anknüpfung von Instrumenten der prozessvorbereitenden Aufklärung


Vom Drachen-steigen-Lassen – Ein internationales Jura-Märchen zum IPR/IZVR


Capital Markets and Conflict of Laws: from Mutual Recognition to Substituted Compliance


Der gewöhnliche Aufenthalt eines Neugeborenen im Internationalen Familienrecht

Anatol DUTTA

Gleichlauf von forum und ius – ein legitimes Ziel des internationalen Privatrechts?

Dorothee EINSELE

Der Erfüllungsort von Geschäften in Finanzinstrumenten

Omaia ELWAN und Dirk OTTO

Staaten und Staatsunternehmen im internationalen Schieds- und Zivilverfahrensrecht


Private International Law in Uruguay: Present and Future

Angelika FUCHS

Zum Klägergerichtsstand bei Auslandsunfällen


UNIDROIT Principles as Proper Law


Örtlicher Gerichtsstand bei Vereinbarung der internationalen Zuständigkeit

Wolfgang HAU

Der Drittstaatsansässige als „Fremder“ im Rahmen der europäischen justiziellen Zusammenarbeit in Zivilsachen


Kollisionsrechtliche Aspekte neuer Formen des Erwachsenenschutzes

Christian HEINZE

Anforderungen an eine Auslandsklage zur Hemmung der Verjährung nach § 204 Abs. 1 Nr. 1 BGB


Ehe zu dritt

Stephan HOBE

50 Jahre Mondlandung – 40 Jahre Mondabkommen

Norbert HORN

Abwehr der Haftung für internationale Staatsanleihen durch

gesetzgeberische Selbstbedienung? Eine Nachlese

Cristina HOSS

The times they are a-changin’:

Die Immunität internationaler Organisationen im Wandel?


Der Cordanzug von Amazon –

Hinweispflichten bei Rechtswahl und Gerichtsstandsvereinbarung


Die Rück- und Weiterverweisung (Renvoi) nach dem Inkrafttreten der Europäischen Güter- und Erbrechtsverordnungen


Urteilsfreizügigkeit für derogationswidrige Judikate? –

Ein rechtspolitischer Zwischenruf auf dem Hintergrund der 2019 HCCH Judgments Convention

Christian KOHLER

Parteiautonomie, zwingendes Recht und loyale Zusammenarbeit in der EU

Juliane KOKOTT und Wolfgang ROSCH

Eingriffsnormen und ordre public im Lichte der Rom I-VO, der Rom II-VO, der EuGVVO und der EU-InsVO

Vesna LAZI? and Sonja A. KRUISINGA

Prorogation of Jurisdiction:

Validity Requirements and Methods of Interpretation

Stefan LEIBLE und Felix M. WILKE

Funktionale Überlegungen zur kollisionsrechtlichen Wahl nichtstaatlicher Regelwerke


Kautionslastfreistellung nach § 110 Abs. 1 ZPO – Die causa Liechtenstein


Gleichgeschlechtliche Ehen im Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrecht

Maria Chiara MALAGUTI

Sovereign Debt Restructuring and Protection of Creditors in the European Union through the Lenses of Most Recent Case Law

Heinz-Peter MANSEL

Zum Anwendungsbereich des Art. 24 Nr. 2 EuGVVO beim verschmelzungsbedingten squeeze out und Drittklagen gegen sachverständige Prüfer


Private international law aspects of geo-blocking and portability


Forumsfremde Eingriffsnormen im Schuldvertragsrecht

zwischen Macht- und Wertedenken

Francesca MAZZA

Von lachenden Doppelerben und anderen Streithähnen – Für ein neues Selbstverständnis des IPR als Recht der internationalen Integration im privatrechtlichen Bereich


A Global Restatement of Private International Law?


The new OAS Guide on International Contracts

Peter Arnt NIELSEN

A Global Framework for International Commercial Litigation


Kulturelle Identität und Menschenrechte im Internationalen Privatrecht


Competition between Cross-Border Dispute Settlement Mechanisms: Domestic Courts, Arbitration and International Commercial Courts

– Procedural and Substantive Options for Litigants –


Drittstaatliche Handelsvertreter und die Richtlinie 86/653 in den Fängen der nationalen selbstbeschränkten Sachnorm und der Eingriffsnormenregelung

des Art. 9 Rom I-VO – Bemerkungen zu EuGH Rs. C-507/15 – AGRO 

Herbert ROTH

Der Gerichtsstand der unerlaubten Handlung nach Art. 7 Nr. 2 EuGVVO und die Bedeutung des Erfolgsorts für den Ersatz reiner Vermögensschäden

Giesela RÜHL

Die Haager Grundregeln über Rechtswahlklauseln in internationalen Handelsverträgen: Ein effizienter Rahmen für den Wettbewerb der Rechtsordnungen im Vertragsrecht?


Das auf Altersgrenzen anwendbare Recht

Stephan W. SCHILL

Linking Private and Public International Law: the Example of Determining

Corporate Nationality in Germany’s Investment Treaty Network


La fonction et le contenu de la dignité humaine en droit international


Internationale Entscheidungskollisionen zwischen staatlicher Gerichtsbarkeit und privater Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit


Gerichtsstände und grenzüberschreitender Autokauf im Internet


Politische Interessen und Internationales Privatrecht

Karsten THORN und Marian THON

Der Auslandsbezug im IPR


Fremdes Recht im Revisionsverfahren (Eine rechtsvergleichende Skizze über die Revisibilität des ausländischen Rechts)

Marc-Philippe WELLER, Jan-Marcus NASSE und Laura NASSE

Klimaklagen gegen Unternehmen im Licht des IPR

Matthias WELLER

The HCCH 2019 Judgments Convention: New Trends in Trust Management?

Volker WIESE

Der kollisionsrechtliche Rahmen für die grenzüberschreitende Verbraucherstreitbeilegung

Joachim ZEKOLL

Die Anerkennungsfähigkeit von Punitive Damages – Bedarf nach einer Neubewertung?


II. Rechtsvergleichung und Rechtsangleichung


Soft Law for Private Relations in the European Union

Spyridon V. BAZINAS

Does the World Need Another Uniform Law on Factoring?

Klaus Peter BERGER

Herbert Kronke und die „Schleichende Kodifizierung“ des transnationalen Wirtschaftsrechts

Hans-Georg BOLLWEG

Die Übereinkünfte von Kapstadt: beschlossene und künftige Protokolle – Innenansichten aus deutscher Perspektive –

Michael Joachim BONELL

The New Version of the UNILEX Data Base on the Unidroit Principles and the CISG – Upgraded in Form and Enriched in Content

Richard M. BUXBAUM

Montesquieu and the Cape Town Convention: of Bankruptcy and Civil Procedure


Nuovi strumenti processuali europei di tutela collettiva


The Broader Legacy of the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal


The Impact of the Cape Town Convention on the Assignment of Receivables


Vielfalt oder Einheit? Ein Blick auf den Prozess der Angleichung des Familienrechts in den USA


Les trois paradoxes des Principes d’Unidroit relatifs aux contrats du commerce international


L’harmonisation du droit des contrats dans les pays de l’OHADA :

Souvenirs et Perspectives


Zu den methodischen Ursprüngen funktionaler Rechtsvergleichung – Sachnorm, Kollisionsnorm und Qualifikation

Stefan J. GEIBEL

La « fiducie-fondation » : une alternative aux fondations à personnalité morale ?


Creativity and Transnational Commercial Law: from Karkhemish to Cape Town


Diversity in and by Law – the Example of Federal and State Constitutions


„Das ist Grönländisches Recht, und ein sehr Natürliches!“

Burkhard HESS

Prozessökonomie und Judicial Efficiency – Verfahrensmaximen im Schnittpunkt zwischen nationaler Kodifikation und internationaler Maßstabsbildung –

Stefan HUBER

Überregionale Privatrechtsangleichung: weiches hard law als modernes Erfolgsrezept


Giovanni Pieraccini (1918 – Viareggio – 2017) und die Entwicklung des Kunsthandelsrechts


MAC Protocol and Croatian Registered Security Rights in Mining, Agricultural and Construction Equipment


Enforcement of Security Interests in Transnational Commercial Law: Balancing Tradition and Innovation


Prendre la transnationalité au sérieux


Grenzüberschreitende Kreditsicherung an Mobilien 2019: Pretoria, Wien, Brüssel

Caroline KLEINER

Cryptocurrencies as Transnational Currencies?


Einheit und Vielfalt im romanischen Rechtskreis am Beispiel der Vertragsaufhebung

Souichirou KOZUKA

The Cape Town Convention and the “Fitness” to the Context: Considering the Features of Aircraft, Rail and Space Financing

Sebastian KREBBER

Die Verzahnung von mitgliedstaatlichem Recht und punktuellen unionsrechtlichen Vorgaben bei der Angleichung von Arbeitsrecht

innerhalb der europäischen Union


Religiöse Gerichte und religiöses Recht im modernen Staat


Zurück zu den Wurzeln: Die privatrechtliche Erfassung von Token im liechtensteinischen und schweizerischen Recht

Matthias LEHMANN

Vom internationalen Kapitalmarktrecht zum globalen Finanzmarktrecht


Rechtsdogmatik und Rechtsvergleichung im europäischen Betriebsübergangsrecht


Rückholansprüche – Eine eigenständige Anspruchskategorie


CISG and Africa

Gerald MÄSCH

One Size Fits All? – Eine Skizze zum Beweismaß im Transnational Commercial Law 


Supervening Events in Contract Law: Two Cases on the Interaction of National

Contract Laws, International Uniform Law and ‘Soft Law‘ Instruments

Charles W. MOONEY, JR.

Herbert Kronke: The Unidroit Years and Beyond

Peter-Christian MÜLLER-GRAFF

Algorithmen im Kartellrecht

Wolfgang OEHLER

Zu Nutzen und Notwendigkeit eines internationalen Einheitskaufrechts in einem leisen Gelehrtendisput zwischen Ernst Rabel und Hans Großmann-Doerth

Charalambos (Haris) P. PAMBOUKIS

Fragments of Legal Discourse on the Future of Global Law

?aslav PEJOVI?

Development of Carrier by Sea Liability: from Roman Law to the Rotterdam Rules


Der (Rück-)Erwerb des Nichtberechtigten – rechtsvergleichende Überlegungen zu einem Klassiker des Sachenrechts

Giuseppe B. PORTALE

Vom Codice Civile des Jahres 1942 zu den (Re)Kodifikationen: Die Suche nach einem neuen Handelsrecht


Embracing Technological Disruption in International Transactions: Challenges for Legal Harmonization


Fehlerhafte Produkte aus Fernost auf Amazon Marketplace – Für eine Produkthaftung transnationaler Warenhausplattformen als Quasi-Importeur


Unidroit Übereinkommen von 1995 über gestohlene oder

rechtswidrig ausgeführte Kulturgüter – Europäischer Kulturgüterschutz 25 Jahre nach dem Unidroit Übereinkommen


Die Mündlichkeit im Zivilprozess – ein europaweit anerkanntes Verfahrensprinzip mit Zukunft?


Über das europäische Verbrauchervertragsrecht und die Herausforderungen bei der Umsetzung

Wolfgang WIEGAND

Brexit – ein Fall für die clausula rebus sic stantibus?


III. Handelsschiedsgerichtsbarkeit und Investor-Staat-Streitbeilegung

Mir-Hossein ABEDIAN and Reza EFTEKHAR

Invoking the Ground of Public Policy in Refusing the Recognition and Enforcement of an Arbitral Award Embodying the Remedy of Specific Performance

Georges AFFAKI

Arbitration in Banking and Financial Disputes Deconstructed

Rosemary BARKETT

A Call for More Specificity in Proposed Ethical Codes of Conduct Regarding the Submission of False Evidence in International Arbitration


“Harmonization” vs. “Pluralism” in the 1958 New York Convention: Balancing Party Autonomy with State Sovereignty


The Self-styled “Autonomy” of International Arbitration

Charles N. BROWER

Harmonizing the Way Forward: Herbert Kronke


Towards Lean Times for Arbitrability?

Nadia DARWAZEH and Sarah LUCAS

From Paris with Love or How the French Courts Fight International Arbitral Awards Tainted by Corruption and Money Laundering

Giorgio DE NOVA

Arbitrato internazionale con sede in Italia e Prague Rules 

Siegfried H. ELSING

The New Approach to ISDS – Improvement or Setback?


Investitionsschutz und Schiedsrecht – Ein schräges Verhältnis


Von Chamäleons und Hybriden in der grenzüberschreitenden Bewältigung von Wirtschaftskonflikten


Investment Agreements between Developed Countries: Unintended Consequences and Disenchantment

Athanassios KAISSIS

Awards Set Aside in Their Country of Origin. Two Incompatible Schools of Thought

Christoph A. KERN

The Flight from ISDS

Katharina LUGANI

Das lex fori-Prinzip im Schiedsverfahrensrecht – ein überholter Theorienstreit?


Die Schriftform des Art. II (2) UNÜ und ihr Transfer in die digitale Moderne 1475

Werner MELIS

70 Jahre Internationale Handelsschiedsgerichtsbarkeit

Patricia NACIMIENTO, Dirk OTTO and Nicola PORT

The New York Convention and the Rule of Law: Obligation of the Tribunal to Prevent Surprises for the Parties?


Erstreckung von Schiedsvereinbarungen auf Organwalter von Gesellschaften

Jörg PIRRUNG (†)

EuGH und internationale Investitions(schieds)gerichtsbarkeit


Die vorzeitige Beendigung der Schiedsrichtertätigkeit


Internationale Handelsschiedsgerichtsbarkeit in Lateinamerika – Eine Skizze 1529


Article II(2) of the New York Convention is Dead! Long Live Article II(2)! 1543

Christoph SCHREUER

Pre-Investment Activities


Die Dutco-Entscheidung. Probleme der Schiedsrichterbestellung in Mehrparteienschiedsverfahren


Globalization of the International Arbitral Process: Trends and Implications


Six Considerations before You Begin Interim Measures Proceedings in International Arbitration


Sovereignty, Natural Resources, Injunctions, and the Public Policy Exception to the Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards


Rechtsprechung als Öffentliches Gut – Über die gesellschaftlichen Kosten der Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit

Christian TIETJE and Andrej LANG

The (Non-)Applicability of the Monetary Gold Principle in ICSID Arbitration Concerning Matters of EU Law


Looking into the Crystal Ball: The Future of Commercial Arbitration and European Union Law


Die Durchsetzung von Art. 101, 102 AEUV durch Schiedsgerichte: Ein Spannungsfeld


IV. Ausländisches und deutsches Privat- und Wirtschaftsrecht


Ein neues Rechtsinstitut im türkischen Aktienrecht: Die Klage auf Auflösung aus wichtigem Grund


Contract Law: Interpretation and Breach

Christian BALDUS

Labeo oder Das Geld, die Macht und der Tod

Christoph BENICKE

Haftung des Herstellers für Mangelfolgeschäden im Wege des Händlerregresses


The Israeli Statute on National Book Price Maintenance – A Critical Evaluation

Frédérique FERRAND

L’avenir de la Cour de cassation française : réformer ou révolutionner ?

Holger FLEISCHER und Yannick CHATARD

Zur Reform des französischen Gesellschaftsrechts durch die Loi PACTE: Intérêt social – raison d’être – société à mission

Henry Deeb GABRIEL

From Formalism to Instrumentalism: The Inevitability of the Decline of the Concept of Title in the American Law of Personal Property Security Rights 1735



Hideki KANDA

Rethinking Property Rights in the Digital Age


Die Bestellung von Pfandrechten an einen Sicherheitentreuhänder


Europäischer Know-how-Schutz und deutsche Berufsfreiheit

Salvatore PATTI

Il testamento pubblico della persona anziana «vulnerabile»


Patrimoine Culturel – Réflexions mexicaines


Ad-hoc-Publizität im Konzern


Franz Anton Wilhelm Gambsjäger (1752–1816) – Ein Heidelberger Rechtslehrer im Umbruch der Epochen


Sprachrisiko bei Abschluss von Arbeitsverträgen mit ausländischen Arbeitnehmern


The publisher’s website is here.




ECJ on „civil and commercial matters“ under Article 1 (1) Brussels Ibis Regulation, judgment of 16 July 2020, C-73/19 – Movic

The Court decided that Article 1(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1215/2012 of Brussels Ibis Regulation must be interpreted as meaning that an action where the opposing parties are the authorities of a Member State and businesses established in another Member State, in which those authorities seek, primarily, findings of infringements constituting allegedly unlawful unfair commercial practices and an order for the cessation of such infringements and, as ancillary measures, an order for publicity measures and the imposition of a penalty payment, falls within the scope of the concept of ‘civil and commercial matters’ in that provision.

As AG Spzunar had proposed (see post on CoL), the Court held that

[t]o hold proceedings brought by a public authority are outside the scope of Regulation No 1215/2012 merely because of the use by that authority of evidence gathered by virtue of its public powers would undermine the practical effectiveness of one of the models of implementation of consumer protection envisaged by the EU legislature. In that model, in contrast to the one in which it is the administrative authority itself that determines the consequences that are to follow from an infringement, in circumstances such as those in the main proceedings the public authority is assigned the task of defending the interests of consumers before the courts.

The Court explained:

[26] The question posed by the referring court relates, in essence, to the determination of which court has jurisdiction to rule on actions brought by the authorities of a Member State against companies in another Member State that seek to identify and stop allegedly unlawful commercial practices of those companies that are aimed at consumers residing in the former Member State. (…).

[35] [T]he Court has repeatedly held that, although certain actions where the opposing parties are a public authority and a person governed by private law may come within the scope of Regulation No 1215/2012, it is otherwise where the public authority is acting in the exercise of its public powers (see, to that effect, judgments of 11 April 2013, Sapir and Others, C?645/11, EU:C:2013:228, paragraph 33 and the case-law cited, and of 12 September 2013, Sunico and Others, C?49/12,EU:C:2013:545, paragraph 34). (…).

[37] [I]n order to determine whether or not a matter falls within the scope of the concept of ‘civil and commercial matters’ within the meaning of Article 1(1) of Regulation No 1215/2012, and, consequently, whether it comes within the scope of that regulation, it is necessary to determine the nature of the legal relationships between the parties to the action and the subject matter of the action or,alternatively, the basis of the action and the detailed rules applicable to it (see, to that effect, judgments of 14 October 1976, LTU, 29/76, EU:C:1976:137, paragraph 4, and of 28 February 2019, Gradbeništvo Korana, C?579/17, EU:C:2019:162, paragraph 48 and the case-law cited).

[41] [T]he Court has previously held that an action concerning the prohibition on traders using unfair terms, within the meaning of Directive 93/13, in their contracts with consumers, in so far as it seeks to make relationships governed by private law subject to review by the courts, falls within the concept of a ‘civil matter’ (see, to that effect, judgment of 1 October 2002, Henkel, C?167/00, EU:C:2002:555, paragraph 30). That case-law has subsequently been reiterated and extended more generally to cessation orders under Directive 2009/22 (see, to that effect, judgment of 28 July 2016, Verein für Konsumenteninformation, C?191/15, EU:C:2016:612, paragraphs 38 and 39).

[42] It follows that actions aimed at determining and stopping unfair commercial practices, within the meaning of Directive 2005/29, are also ‘civil and commercial matters’ within the meaning of Article 1(1) of Regulation No 1215/2012.

[48] In the present case, it is apparent from the wording of Article 14(1) of the Law of 30 July 2013 and Article XVII.7 of the CEL that the Belgian authorities, in the same way as interested parties and consumer protection associations, can apply to the President of the rechtbank van koophandel (Commercial Court), subsequently the ondernemingsrechtbank (Companies Court), for a finding that the relevant national legislation has been infringed and for the making of a cessation order.

[49] It follows that the procedural position of the Belgian authorities is, in that regard, comparable to that of a consumer protection association.

A number of points were raised by the defendants against this characterization (e.g. no need to show an interest in bringing proceedings; acting in a general interest; use of evidence gathered by exercising public powers; ancillary publicity and penalty measures against the infringer), but none of them had success.

The full text of the judgment is here.

ECJ on international jurisdiction (rebuttal of presumption of the COMI for individuals) under the European Insolvency (Recast) Regulation, judgment of 16 July 2020, C?253/19 – Novo Banco

The Court decided, as had been proposed by AG Szpunar (see our post on the Opinion), that the first and fourth subparagraphs of Article 3(1) of the EIR(Recast) must be interpreted as meaning that the presumption established in that provision for determining international jurisdiction for the purposes of opening insolvency proceedings, according to which the centre of the main interests of an individual not exercising an independent business or professional activity is his or her habitual residence, is not rebutted solely because the only immovable property of that person is located outside the Member State of habitual residence.

MH and NI, a married couple who, since 2016, have been resident in Norfolk (United Kingdom) where they pursue an activity as employed persons, applied to the Portuguese courts to open insolvency proceedings against themselves. The court of first instance hearing the application declined international jurisdiction to hear that application on the ground that, under the fourth subparagraph of Article 3(1) of Regulation 2015/848, the centre of the main interests of the applicants in the main proceedings was their habitual residence, which was in the United Kingdom, and that consequently the courts of that Member State had jurisdiction to open insolvency proceedings. MH and NI lodged an appeal against the judgment given at first instance before the referring court claiming that that judgment was based on a misinterpretation of the rules laid down in Regulation 2015/848. They claim that the centre of their main interests is not their habitual residence in the United Kingdom, but rather it is in Portugal, the Member State where the sole immovable asset which they own is located and where all the transactions and all the contracts leading to their insolvency were conducted and concluded. Furthermore, there is no connection between their place of habitual residence and the events that led to their insolvency, which occurred entirely in Portugal. MH and NI therefore ask that the Portuguese authorities be recognised as having international jurisdiction.

Article 3 of the EIR (Recast) provides:

1.The courts of the Member State within the territory of which the centre of the debtor’s main interests is situated shall have jurisdiction to open insolvency proceedings (‘main insolvency proceedings’). The centre of main interests shall be the place where the debtor conducts the administration of its interests on a regular basis and which is ascertainable by third parties.

In the case of a company or legal person, the place of the registered office shall be presumed to be the centre of its main interests in the absence of proof to the contrary. That presumption shall only apply if the registered office has not been moved to another Member State within the 3-month period prior to the request for the opening of insolvency proceedings.

In the case of an individual exercising an independent business or professional activity, the centre of main interests shall be presumed to be that individual’s principal place of business in the absence of proof to the contrary. That presumption shall only apply if the individual’s principal place of business has not been moved to another Member State within the 3-month period prior to the request for the opening of insolvency proceedings.

In the case of any other individual, the centre of main interests shall be presumed to be the place of the individual’s habitual residence in the absence of proof to the contrary. This presumption shall only apply if the habitual residence has not been moved to another Member State within the 6-month period prior to the request for the opening of insolvency proceedings.

The Court explained:

„[24] … [T]he relevant criteria for determining the centre of the main interests of individuals not exercising an independent business or professional activity are those connected with their financial and economic situation which corresponds to the place where they conduct the administration of their economic interests or the majority of their revenue is earned and spent, or the place where the greater part of their assets is located.

[25] In the second place, it is necessary to clarify the scope of the presumption established in the fourth subparagraph of Article 3(1) of Regulation 2015/848. It follows from the actual wording of that provision, read in the light of the first subparagraph of Article 3(1) of that regulation, that individuals not exercising an independent business or professional activity are presumed, in the absence of proof to the contrary, to conduct the administration of their interests on a regular basis in the place of their habitual residence, since there is a strong possibility that that place corresponds to the centre of their main economic interests. It follows that, as long as that presumption is not rebutted, the courts of the Member States where that residence is located have international jurisdiction to open insolvency proceedings against that individual.“

[26] However, the fourth subparagraph of Article 3(1) of Regulation 2015/848 provides that that presumption applies only until there is proof to the contrary, and recital 30 of that regulation states that it should be possible to rebut that presumption, for example where the major part of the debtor‘s assets is located outside the Member State of the debtor’s habitual residence, or where it can be established that the principal reason for moving was to file for insolvency proceedings in the new jurisdiction and where such filing would materially impair the interests of creditors whose dealings with the debtor took place prior to the relocation.

[27] As the Advocate General stated in point 55 of his Opinion, the mere fact that circumstances referred to in that recital are present is not sufficient to rebut the presumption set out in the fourth subparagraph of Article 3(1) of Regulation 2015/848.

[28] Although the location of the debtor’s assets is one of the objective criteria, ascertainable by third parties, to be taken into consideration when determining the place where the debtor conducts the administration of his or her interests on a regular basis, that presumption may be reversed only following an overall assessment of all the objective criteria. It follows that the fact that the only immovable property of an individual not exercising an independent business or professional activity is located outside the Member State of his or her habitual residence is not sufficient on its own to rebut that presumption.“

The full text of the judgment is here.

New article on Party Autonomy in the Choice of Law under Indian and Australian Private International Law

By Saloni Khanderia (Jindal Global Law School, India) and Sagi Peari (Faculty of Law, University of Western Australia) in the Commonwealth Law Bulletin, available for download here

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic will affect the performance of several contracts and is likely to increase the number of disputes before the courts. In agreements with a foreign element, the adjudication of the rights and liabilities will depend on the applicable law. Most legal systems have embraced the doctrine of party autonomy and, accordingly, permit the parties to expressly select the law to govern the disputes that arise from international contracts. India and Australia are no exception to this trend. In general, the courts in both the commonwealth countries have reported being influenced by judicial practices of one another to develop their own law. Despite their common-law roots, the interpretations attached to the doctrine of party autonomy in the choice of law have varied in some respects in these countries. The paper analyses the judicial trends on the subject and demonstrates the role that party autonomy will play in resolving international disputes where the performance has been affected by the eventualities such as the COVID-19 pandemic in India and Australia. The paper delves into the manner in which the courts in India and Australia may offer reciprocal lessons to each another to revolutionise the interpretation of the doctrine of party autonomy in the choice of law.

Rescheduling of the Bonn University / HCCH Conference on the HCCH 2019 Judgments Convention: Video Pre-Conference Roundtable 29 October 2020; On-Site Conference 13 and 14 September 2021

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Kindly allow us to inform you about the following decisions we had to take in view of our conference, originally scheduled for 25 and 26 September 2020:

As the University of Bonn does not allow on site events of a larger scale until the end of the Winter Semester 2020/2021 (31 March 2021) in order to avoid any Covid-19 risks and as we are also concerned about the risks you would take while travelling to our place, we decided against an on site event.

Originally, we thought that in this case a video conference would be a good substitute. However, after months of video conferences, classes and meetings, all of us are probably feeling quite exhausted, and another round of two long days looking at the screen did no longer appear appealing to us, all the more since we have gathered such a distinguished group of speakers, with whom the audience would certainly like to interact directly, to say nothing of ourselves. This is why we decided, in close cooperation with the HCCH, to reschedule our Conference at Bonn University on Monday and Tuesday, 13 and 14 September 2021.

Additionally, in order to keep our topic connected with the period of the German Presidency of the EU Council and also in order to react to requests by a number of interested colleagues from far distances who would have difficulties travelling to Bonn, we decided to offer a Pre-Conference Video Roundtable “The HCCH 2019 Judgments Convention: Prospects for Judicial Cooperation between the EU and Third States” on Thursday evening, 29 October 2020, 6 to 8 p.m. As things are standing at the moment, the Secretary General of the HCCH, Dr Christoph Bernasconi, will give us the honour to join us “live” and open this session, and an edited version of the Explanatory Report might be out at this point of time.

If you are interested in participating in the video conference, please register with sekretariat.weller@jura.uni-bonn.de. You will then receive an email with the access code to the video conference (via zoom) the day before the event.

We will inform you about the precise programme of our video round table in due time.

We do hope that you agree with our decisions. Looking forward to seeing you via video in October 2020 and on site in September 2021.

With best wishes from Bonn,

Moritz Brinkmann, Nina Dethloff, Matthias Lehmann, Philipp Reuß, Matthias Weller

Chinese court refuses enforcement of an IFTA Arbitration award

Shawn He reported recently on a Chinese judgment refusing the declaration of enforceability of an arbitral award issued by the Independent Film & Television Alliance Arbitration Court.

The Tianjin Intermediate People’s Court dismissed the application on two grounds: No standing to be sued of the Chinese company, and notification vices.

One point which should be highlighted is the duration of the proceedings: The application was filed on March 2018, and the judgment (in first instance) was rendered on May 2020…