Entries by Veronika Gaertner

Opinion on European Service Regulation

Yesterday, Advocate General Trstenjak delivered her opinion in case C-14/07 (Weiss und Partner). The background of the case was as follows: The Chamber of Industry and Commerce Berlin (Industrie- und Handelskammer Berlin) sued Nicholas Grimshaw & Partners Ltd. for damages under a architect contract. The parties had agreed in this contract that correspondence was to […]

Second Judgment on Brussels II bis Regulation

Today, the ECJ delivered its second judgment on the Brussels II bis Regulation (C-68/07, Sundelind Lopez). The case was referred to the ECJ by the Swedish Supreme Court (Högsta Domstolen) asking for a preliminary ruling on the following question: The respondent in a case concerning divorce is neither resident in a Member State nor a […]

First ECJ Judgment on Brussels II bis

Today, the ECJ delivered its first judgment on the Brussels II bis Regulation (C-435/06, Applicant C). The Finnish Korkein Hallinto-oikeus had referred the following questions to the ECJ for a preliminary ruling: 1. (a) Does Council Regulation (EC) No 2201/2003 concerning jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in matrimonial matters and the matters […]

Conflict of Law Symposium

The Tulane Law Review and the Duke Center for International and Comparative Law organise a symposium entitled: The European Choice-of-Law Revolution — A Chance for the United States? Confirmed participants for this symposium include: Bernard Audit (Paris I), Richard Fentiman (Cambridge), and Ralf Michaels (Duke) discussing methods Stephanie Francq (Louvain-la-Neuve), Mathias Reimann (Michigan), and Larry […]

Studies on Brussels I Regulation – National Reports available

The national reports which have been compiled for the Study on the Application of Regulation Brussels I in the Member States and for the Study on Residual Jurisdiction are now available at the website of the European Commission. The general reports of both studies as well as the national reports can be found