Entries by Tobias Lutzi

Seminar: Gender-based violence across borders: challenges and opportunities to establishing routes to safety in a migratory world

Lauren Clayton-Helm and Ana Speed (both Northumbria University) are hosting a Modern Law Review funded conference at Northumbria University Law school on the 24th April entitled ‘Gender-based violence across borders: challenges and opportunities to establishing routes to safety in a migratory world’. Further information can be found on

Vacancy at the University of Bremen: Paid PhD-Researcher Position in Civil Law, Private International Law and Legal Theory

The Faculty of Law of the University of Bremen is recruiting a doctoral researcher in Private International Law, Civil Law and Legal Theory (‘wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter’ m/w/d; salary group 13 TV-L), part time 50 per cent, starting in 2025, for a duration of 36 months. The researcher will provide scientific services in teaching to the extent of 2 SWS, […]

Bi-Annual Conference of the Wissenschaftliche Vereinigung für internationales Verfahrensrecht (27–29 March, Münster)

The German Wissenschaftliche Vereinigung für internationales Verfahrensrecht, an association of German-speaking academics working on questions of international civil procedure law, will be holding its bi-annual conference at the University of Münster on 27–29 March 2025. The event is only open to members of the association. The full programme can be found

Call for Applications: Deutsches Notarinstitut (DNotI)

The German Notarial Institute (Deutsches Notarinstitut; DNotI), located in Würzburg, is currently looking for lawyers interested in contributing to the Institute’s mission of providing expert advice to German notaries, including in cross-border settings. The full job advertisement can be found

Toothless vs. Shark-Teeth: How Anti-Suit Injunctions and Anti-Anti-Suit Orders Collide in the UniCredit Saga

by Faidon Varesis, University of Cambridge Background The dispute in the UniCredit v. RusChem saga arose from bonds issued by UniCredit to guarantee performance under contracts for Russian construction projects, where RusChem, after terminating the contracts due to EU sanctions, initiated Russian proceedings for payment in breach of an English-law governed arbitration agreement that mandates […]

Call for Participants: Quo Vadis Preferential Law Approach? A Survey on the Interpretation of Article 6(2) Rome I Regulation Across EU Member States

Benedikt Schmitz (University of Groningen) has shared the following call for participants with us: Quo Vadis Preferential Law Approach? A Survey on the Interpretation of Article 6(2) Rome I Regulation Across EU Member States Project description: The Rome I Regulation plays a crucial role in determining the applicable law in cross-border consumer contracts within the […]