Entries by Thalia Kruger


 CALL FOR PROPOSALS FOR A SPECIAL ISSUE OF ACTA JURIDICA The Acta Juridica invites proposals for its special issue: Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) & The Rule of Law. Contributors will be invited to attend a Colloquium to be held in Cape Town on 27 & 28 July 2017 where the research and findings will be […]

Call for Participation in a Questionnaire on Dispute Resolution Clauses

Guest post by Maryam Salehijam: There is a lack of clarity regarding the obligations that arise from dispute resolution agreements with a mediation/conciliation component. In order to reduce this uncertainty, a chapter of the BOF funded PhD research of Maryam Salehijam (supervisor: Professor Maud Piers) from the Transnational Law Center at the University of Ghent focuses on the question “What are the […]

Belgium signs the 2000 Adults Convention

Belgium has today signed the 2000 Hague Convention on the International Protection of Adults. This Convention is currently in force in nine States: Austria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Monaco, Scotland and Switzerland. It has been signed but not yet ratified by nine other States, now including Belgium. For more information see the […]

New publication: Human Rights in Business Removal of Barriers to Access to Justice in the European Union

This new book, edited by Juan José Álvarez Rubio and Katerina Yiannibas, addresses the fact that the increased social and economic power of multinational parties has augmented their capacity to affect human, labour and environmental rights. The book’s publicity reads: Faced with the challenge of how to effectively access the right to remedy in the European […]

Reminder: Brexit means Brexit, Seminar in London 26 January

This is a reminder of the Seminar on Brexit and Private International Law at King’s College London on 26 January 2017. The seminar will discuss the risks which Brexit poses for the UK as a centre for dispute resolution of civil and commercial disputes, with particular reference to Jurisdiction/Enforcement; Applicable law; Procedure; and Cross-border Insolvency law. The Chair […]

Brexit Means Brexit, But What Does Brexit Mean? Seminar Series

The Centre of European Law at King’s College London is running a series of seminars on the meaning of Brexit and its potential impact on different areas of law. It considers the options for the new legal regime between the UK and the EU, taking into account the international legal framework. On 26 January 2017 the topic […]

The EUPILLAR Database is live

The EUPILLAR Database, one of the outputs of the EUPILLAR Project funded by the European Union within the scope of the European Commission Civil Justice Programme (JUST/2013/JCIV/AG/4635) and led by the Centre for Private International Law at the University of Aberdeen, is now live. The Database contains summaries in English of over 2300 judgments that […]

SAVE THE DATE: Brexit and Family Law, 27 March 2017

  archa joint seminar of the Child & Family Law Quarterly and Cambridge Family Law 27 March 2017, at Trinity College, University of Cambridge The withdrawal of the UK from the European Union will precipitate important change in the field of international family law. EU law has increasingly come to define key aspects of both […]

SaveComp EU Co-Funded Research Project on Cross-Border Insolvency (Questionnaire)

The Universities of Genoa, Valencia, Amsterdam, Glasgow, Mainz, the Tur?ba University, the Charles University in Prague, the Institute of Private International Law in Sofia, and IPR Verlag Munich are currently conducting a research Project to collect and develop private and procedural international law best practices in cross border insolvency and pre-insolvency proceedings. The SaveComp Project, […]

New Publication in the Oxford Private International Law Series: Human Rights and Private International Law

By James J Fawcett FBA (Professor of Law Emeritus, University of Nottingham), Máire Ní Shúilleabháin (Assistant Professor in Law, University College Dublin) and Sangeeta Shah (Associate Professor of Law, University of Nottingham) Human Rights and Private International Law is the first title to consider and analyse the numerous English private international law cases discussing human […]